Lund Chess Academy (Second Auction)
Lund Chess Academy second book auction
Mark Crowther - Tuesday 14th August 2012
The Lund Chess Academy supports young players to develop their chess talent in southern Sweden. 8 players are currently being supported.
The auction should be of interest to bibliophiles. Steve Giddins gives some background and you can read about the Ken Whyld Association an association that brings together the information scattered worldwide from collectors of chess literature.
ChessLund have announced their second auction. They say: "Bidding is open from August 15. You may register and bid on the books. Please notice that we have sniper protection which means that if you bid within the last seconds, the bidding time will be extended with up to five minutes. This auction has more than 120 more or less scarce items and ends on September 1st."
Full listing of ChessLund second auction Aug 15th to Sep 1st 2012