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Chess Calendar

Current and Future Tournaments. Total Entries: 41
American Cup 2025Saint LouisUSA15.03.2025- 24.03.2025Web4DEKO
25th European Individual Championship 2025Eforie NordROU15.03.2025- 26.03.2025WebResults11Swiss
Nicosia FIDE Women's Grand Prix 2025NicosiaCYP15.03.2025- 24.03.2025Web9SRR
18th Agzamov Memorial 2025TashkentUZB19.03.2025- 29.03.2025WebResults10Swiss
10th Menchik Memorial 2025LondonENG20.03.2025- 24.03.2025WebResults9SRR
40th ChessOrg Schachfestival 2025Bad WoerishofenGER21.03.2025- 29.03.2025WebResults9Swiss
SixDays Budapest March 2025BudapestHUN24.03.2025- 29.03.2025WebResults9SRR
Titled Tuesday Blitz 25th March 2025chess.comINT25.03.2025- 25.03.2025WebResults11Swiss
25th European Women's Championship 2025RhodesGRE30.03.2025- 12.04.2025Web11Swiss
3rd FAOGBA Open 2025Buenos AiresARG02.04.2025- 08.04.2025WebResults9Swiss
Freestyle Grand Slam Paris 2025ParisFRA07.04.2025- 14.04.2025WebLive9SRR
Reykjavik Open 2025ReykjavikISL09.04.2025- 15.04.2025WebResultsLive9Swiss
28th Schloss Open 2025WertherGER10.04.2025- 13.04.2025WebResultsLive7Swiss
Pune FIDE Women's Grand Prix 2025PuneIND13.04.2025- 24.04.2025Web9SRR
GRENKE Chess Open 2025KarlsruheGER17.04.2025- 21.04.2025Web9Swiss
5th 4NCL Easter Congress 2025DaventryENG18.04.2025- 21.04.2025Web7Swiss
IV Menorca Open 2025Ciutadella de MenorcaESP22.04.2025- 27.04.2025WebResults9Swiss
Superbet Poland Rapid & Blitz 2025WarsawPOL24.04.2025- 01.05.2025Web9SRR
Superbet Romania Chess Classic 2025BucharestROU05.05.2025- 17.05.2025Web9SRR
Grosslobming FIDE Women's Grand Prix 2025GrosslobmingAUT13.05.2025- 16.05.2025Web9SRR
Tepe Sigeman & Co Chess Tournament 2025MalmoSWE20.05.2025- 26.05.2025Web7SRR
13th Norway Chess 2025StavangerNOR26.05.2025- 06.06.2025Web10DRR
Norway Chess Open 2025StavangerNOR26.05.2025- 01.06.2025Web9Swiss
18th Teplice Open 2025TepliceCZE14.06.2025- 22.06.2025WebResults9Swiss
Lince Andujar Chess Open 2025AndujarESP27.06.2025- 03.07.2025WebResults9Swiss
8th Solta Open 2025GrohoteCRO29.06.2025- 06.07.2025WebResults9Swiss
SuperUnited Croatia Rapid and Blitz 2025ZagrebCRO30.06.2025- 07.07.2025Web9SRR
Slovakia Chess Open Piestany 2025PiestanySVK08.07.2025- 16.07.2025WebResults9Swiss
36th Czech Open 2025PardubiceCZE17.07.2025- 03.08.2025WebResults9Swiss
46th Ghent Open 2025GhentBEL19.07.2025- 23.07.2025Web9Swiss
49th Sitges Open 2025SitgesESP22.07.2025- 30.07.2025WebResults9Swiss
13th Pontevedra Open 2025PontevedraESP24.07.2025- 30.07.2025WebResults9Swiss
111th British Chess Championships 2025LiverpoolENG31.07.2025- 10.08.2025WebResults9Swiss
12th Prague Summer Open 2025PragueCZE08.08.2025- 16.08.2025WebResults9Swiss
14th Split Open 2025SplitCRO09.08.2025- 17.08.2025WebResults10Swiss
Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz 2025Saint LouisUSA09.08.2025- 16.08.2025Web9SRR
12th Sinquefield Cup 2025Saint LouisUSA16.08.2025- 29.08.2025Web9SRR
26th Olomouc Chess Summer 2025OlomoucCZE17.08.2025- 24.08.2025WebResults9SRR
exe Slovakia Open 2025BratislavaSVK13.09.2025- 21.09.2025WebResults9Swiss
GCT Finals 2025Sao PauloBRA26.09.2025- 04.10.2025Web2KO
Vietnam Open 2025DanangVIE07.12.2025- 16.12.2025Web7Swiss


SRR = Single Round Robin tournament

DRR = Double Round Robin tournament

Web is the official website, Results are where there official results are given, and live is the official site for the games.

The most important elite events are highlighted.


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