World Chess Championship 2012 (Opening Ceremony)
Anand draws white pieces for game 1 against Gelfand
Mark Crowther - Thursday 10th May 2012
Gelfand and Anand ready for the start. Photo © |
The Opening Ceremony of the World Chess Championship in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow took just over an hour on the evening of 10th May. The ceremony accentuated the culture of Russia and the 1000 years of art held in the gallery. Mikhail Gorbachev attended, Arkady Dvorkovich and Kirsan Ilyumzhinov spoke as did the players, there were national athems. The players drew for colours with paint brushes to sign pictures of positions from a great game of theirs. World Champion Anand emerged with white. The video coverage started with a wonderful film of the history of the world championship (well worth catching on replay in their archive) and finished with music from mini-musicians Roman the pianist and violinist Varvara and finally major pianist Denis Matsuev (who at one point murdered a well known piece of music in the name of entertainment). The venue looks fantastic. It wasn't until the advent of this hi-def coverage that I've had the opportunity to watch opening ceremonies for these major events. Still not sure whether that element is progress. Some photo highlights below. Game 1 Friday 11th May 3pm Moscow Time 12pm BST.

FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov.

Arkady Dvorkovich speaks for the Russian Chess Federation.

Chief Arbiter Ashot Vardapetyan.

Anand draws white in game 1

Anand draws white in game 1

Kids play music.

Pianist Denis Matsuev.

A Panorama of the hall.

Some Art