Raw World Chess Challenge 2010 (1)
Magnus Carlsen wins the RAW World Chess Challenge
Mark Crowther - Friday 10th September 2010
The final position with New York in the Background. | http://rwcc.g-star.com/
Magnus Carlsen won his RAW World Chess Challenge in New York. With commentary from Maurice Ashley and Garry Kasparov the high profile game produced an interesting enough game with the public voting on suggestions by Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Hikaru Nakamura and Judit Polgar. Carlsen got a big advantage early on and chose a reasonably flashy way of finishing the game off rather than a boring technical win, it is possible this granted one chance for the World to get back into it.
Polgar summed the problem up best when saying that:
I had a feeling we could confuse each other.
Cooking two other chefs in the kitchen.
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave agreed saying
It went quite badly from the very beginning. After about 15 moves we were lost.
Hikaru Nakamura said that he believed 12...cxd5 was the major error, much worse than Qd7.
Magnus Carlsen was confident going in.
I didn't know what to expect, the quality of the opening
I agree with Hikaru cxd5 was a positional mistake. I had the better position and fairly easy play.
When I played Nb6 I realised g4 is a very viable option and more or less winning. I thought I should finish in style
30...Bf4 instead of 30...Bc8 then white might create some threats against my King.
Nervous - didn't know what to expect, what kind of direction the game might go, really I agree with the others, I got a good position early on and from that point on I was really comfortable.
One mistake early and you just lose - Nakamura
Liv Tyler presented the Trophy.
The experience on the internet was a variable one. The board lost the position for me and others at various stages and I could only vote sometimes. The audio feed broke down early on but once I re-established contact it was more or less constant. I think there must have been a lot of hits. An interesting experiment and everyone seemed pleased with the way it went.
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