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Raw World Chess Challenge 2010 (1)

RAW World Chess Challenge 2010

Raw Chess World Challenge.

Raw Chess World Challenge. |

The RAW World Chess Challenge under the tag-line "CAN YOU BEAT MAGNUS CARLSEN?" took place the Cooper Star Hotel in New York City in New York City on Friday September 10th 2010. This one day match was part of Magnus Carlsen's G-Star fashion sponsorship (their RAW brand). The challenge saw Carlsen take on registered viewers from throughout the world, they received help from Maxime Vachier-Lagrave from France, Hikaru Nakamura from the United States and Judit Polgar from Hungary who suggested moves that will be voted on. The World got into early trouble and apart from choosing a bit of a flashy idea instead of a safe win Carlsen pressed his advantage pretty easily in the end. You can see a Norwegian TV report here:

The event is just one day but is similar to the hugely successful Kasparov versus the World in 1999. Kasparov will also be on hand as an Ambassador for this match.

Carlsen in New York, Crumiller's Memorable Week (Simul)

Magnus Carlsen stayed in New York for post RAW World Chess Challenge activities including the New York Fashion Week and a visit to see and play the famous Washington Park chess players. He also gave a simul where he met Jon Crumiller, who was successful in the Staunton Memorial Dinner. Crumiller completed a memorable week by being the only player to draw against the world number one.

New York Simultaneous (Simul)


Raw World Chess Challenge 2010 (RAW)

Magnus Carlsen on Dutch Television promoting the RAW World Chess Challenge

Magnus Carlsen was on Dutch Television promoting Friday's Challenge. He played a one minute game, there is footage of various games of the past. In Dutch but Magnus' contribution is in English. On Vara! TV on the Pauw & Witteman show. He confirms he is a millionaire.

Raw World Chess Challenge 2010 (New York USA)
Fri 10th Sep 2010 - Fri 10th Sep 2010 - Official Site

RAW Chess Challenge (1 Rds Team ) - Games in PGN: Game

RAW Chess Challenge (1 Rds Team ) - Games in PGN: Game


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