
New York Simultaneous (Simul)

Carlsen in New York, Crumiller's Memorable Week

Magnus Carlsen stayed in New York for post RAW World Chess Challenge activities including the New York Fashion Week and a visit to see and play the famous Washington Park chess players. He also gave a simul where he met Jon Crumiller, who was successful in the Staunton Memorial Dinner. Crumiller completed a memorable week by being the only player to draw against the world number one.

Magnus Carlsen continued with various events in New York after his G-Star Raw World Chess Match. Carlsen attended the New York Fashion Week on Tuesday with Liv Tyler. He also apparently gave some private chess lessons to the star. Carlsen also visited the famous Washington Park where chess is played for money by hustlers. He played and won four or five games before people started to recognise him.

On Wednesday Carlsen gave a simultaneous against 14 opponents that lasted just over an hour in the Hudsen Hotel. His opponents were Wall Street partners of sponsor Arctic Securities. He won 13 of the 14 games.

Norwegian reports on Carlsen's post-RAW match events have appeared at: and This seems to be a proper newspaper in Norway but they seem to have been flagged up as having a site that has been corrupted. I don't imagine that situation will last all that long.

His only draw was against Jon Crumiller who in his own words "finished up the most amazing chess week of my life by holding Magnus to a draw." Last week Crumiller had been Garry Kasparov's winning partner in the Staunton Memorial Dinner Consultation Game.

Carlsen,Magnus (2826) - Crumiller,Jon

14-board simul Manhattan, 15.09.2010 [Crumiller,Jon]

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Bd3 Bc5 6.c3 Qc7 7.0-0 Nf6 8.f4 d6 9.Kh1 Nc6 10.Nxc6 bxc6 11.Nd2 h5 12.Qe2 e5 13.Nb3 Bg4 14.Qe1 Ba7 15.fxe5 dxe5 16.Bg5 Nh7 17.Be3 Nf8 18.h3 Qd6 19.Bxa7 Rxa7


20.Qf2 Re7 21.Bxa6 Bd7 22.Qa7 Ne6 23.Qa8+ Nd8 24.Rad1 Qc7 25.Nc5 0-0 26.Nxd7 Rxd7 27.Rxd7 Qxd7 28.Qb8 Qe7 29.Bc4 Qc5 30.Qb4 Qe3 31.a4 c5 32.Qb5 Qxe4 33.Qxc5 Nb7

Jon Crumiller


Magnus Carlsen

Position after 33...Nb7


34.Qd5 wins easily

34...Nd6 35.Qxd6 Qxc4 36.Ra1 e4 37.a5 e3 38.Qe5 Qe2 39.b4 Rd8 40.a6 Rd2 41.Qe8+ Kh7 42.Qe4+ f5!? 43.Qxf5+ g6 44.Qe4

44.Qf7+ Kh6 45.Qf8+ Kh7 46.Rg1 is still probably winning.

44...Rd1+ 45.Rxd1 Qxd1+ 46.Kh2 Qd6+

Jon Crumiller


Magnus Carlsen

Position after 46...Qd6+


White can't avoid the draw. 47.g3 Qd2+ 48.Qg2 e2 49.a7 h4 (49...e1Q 50.a8Q h4)

47...Qd1+ 48.Kh2 Qd6+ ½-½

Jon Crumiller reports

An incredible experience, just like the London game. Afterwards we were chatting and I said, "I was Kasparov's partner in London last week" and he responded "I know, I realized it when you played the Kan Sicilian." How cool is that!

I played the Kan Sicilian - Magnus deviated from main lines with c3 which I have seen but hadn't studied because I have been out of tournament play since 2001. Anyway, I quickly got worse, then was lost, but fought tenaciously. Some say that tactics are 99% of chess, which isn't true, but lately I've determined that tenacity really is about 30% of chess. The neat thing is that for the final 10 moves of the game, his other games had all finished, so it was just Magnus versus me. He could have won along the way after .Nb7 with simply Qd5, but after Qc7[?] Nd6, things were much more complicated - Qxd6 Qxc4 and suddenly Black is out of the bind and has counterplay with his e-pawn and suddenly-active Queen and Rook. I think Magnus flinched when I played .f5 -- even though Black is still losing starting with Qxf5+ g6 Qf7+ Kh6 Qf8+ and Rg1 (according to Rybka), but at that point it was more like a blitz game and he did play Qxf5+ but after g6 he returned the Q to e4 which gave me the time for the drawing .Rd1+. In the final position we repeated moves, but alternatively White could play g3, after which the drawing line is pretty - Qd2+ Qg2 e2 a7 h4! Or Black can even defer a move - g3 Qd2+ Qg2 e2 a7 e1(Q) a7(Q) h4! - amazing, four queens on the board, two exposed kings, and an innocuous pawn move carries the draw!

I know people who have played legends such as Tal and Keres in simuls and these remain strong memories for them. Jon Crumiller has certainly made the most of his opportunities this week. He is a well known collector of chess sets, I visited his site when I was curious as to what the original Staunton Chess Sets looked like. It shows the development of this set (there were a lot of small changes over the years) and many other conventional sets from throughout the world in photo form.

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