Chessable First Opening Repertoire

44th Biel Chess Festival 2011 (8)

Carlsen maintains his three point lead after drawing with Morozevich

Leader Magnus Carlsen and second placed Morozevich draw. Photo ©

Leader Magnus Carlsen and second placed Morozevich draw. Photo © |

No change change at the top of the 44th Biel Chess Festival after Round 8. Leader Magnus Carlsen obtained almost nothing against second placed Alexander Morozevich's Queens Gambit that quickly simplified to a draw in less than 2 hours. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave messed up a winning position after sacrificing a rook but eventually his pressure told and Pelletier lost anyhow. Fabiano Caruana was ground down by Alexei Shirov in a French. Round 9 1pm UK Thur: Carlsen-Vachier-Lagrave, Morozevich-Caruana and Shirov-Pelletier.

Magnus Carlsen draw Alexander Morozevich

Magnus Carlsen against Alexander Morozevich

Magnus Carlsen against Alexander Morozevich. Photo © Biel Chess Festival 2011

The game between Magnus Carlsen and second placed Alexander Morozevich was a bit of a damp squib. A Bf4 Queen's Gambit saw first all the minor pieces exchanged and then most of the major ones and the Rook and Pawn ending was a total draw. Game over in less than 2 hours and 35 moves.

Fabiano Caruana 0-1 Alexei Shirov

Alexei Shirov against Fabiano Caruana

Alexei Shirov against Fabiano Caruana. Photo © Biel Chess Festival 2011

Alexei Shirov played the rare 6...Qd7 in a Tarrasch French (Qd6 and the older Qd8 are much more common) as black against Fabniano Caruana and almost immediately got something of an edge. He then ground away until obtaining a winning advantage in the bishop and pawns vs knight and pawns ending right at the end of the 82 move game.

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 1-0 Yannick Pelletier

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave against Yannick Pelletier

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave against Yannick Pelletier. Photo © Biel Chess Festival 2011

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave won a fluctuating struggle against Yannick Pelletier. In a major piece middlegame Vachier found a winning rook sacrifice but then went astray and Pelletier was well back in the game. But just before first time control the pressure told again and Vachier went on to win.

Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime (2722) - Pelletier,Yannick (2590) [C10]
Biel ACCENTUS GM Biel SUI (8), 27.07.2011

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.g3 Be7 6.Bg2 Ngf6 7.Nxf6+ Bxf6 8.Ne2 0-0 9.0-0 Rb8

[9...e5 10.Be3 exd4 11.Nxd4 c6 12.h3 Nb6 1/2-1/2 Sedlak,N (2556)-Kosic,D (2466)/Tivat MNE 2011/The Week in Chess 859]

10.Nc3 b5 11.Qd3 a6 12.a4 b4 13.Ne4 a5 14.Nxf6+ Nxf6 15.Bg5 Bb7 16.Bxb7 Rxb7 17.Rfe1 c6 18.Re5 Rd7 19.c3 bxc3 20.bxc3 Rd5 21.Rae1 h6 22.Bxf6 gxf6?!

[22...Qxf6 23.Qa6 Rxe5 24.dxe5 Qd8 25.Qxc6 Qc8 26.Qf3]

Yannick Pelletier


Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

Position after 22...gxf6

23.Rxe6! fxe6 24.Qg6+ Kh8 25.Qxh6+ Kg8 26.Qg6+ Kh8 27.Re4 f5 28.Qh6+ Kg8 29.Rxe6 Rd7 30.Rg6+ Kf7

Yannick Pelletier


Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

Position after 30...Kf7


[31.Qh5 Qf6 32.Rxf6+ Kxf6 33.Qh6+ Kf7 34.Qxc6]

31...Ke8 32.d5 Re7 33.c4 f4 34.Qh5+ Rff7 35.Kg2 f3+ 36.Kh3 Qd7+

Maybe this is where black missed the best defence.

[36...Kd7 37.Qg4+ Ke8 38.Qg8+ Rf8 39.Qg6+ Rff7 40.g4]

37.g4 Kd8 38.Qg5 Rg7 39.Qf4 Ke8


40.Kg3 Qb7 41.Qf5 Rc7 42.Rh6 Rh7

[42...Rg8 43.c5]

43.Re6+ 1-0

Note that the organisers are using three points for a win one for a draw.

Biel ACCENTUS GM 2011 Biel (SUI), 18-29 vii 2011 cat. XIX (2709)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2821 * * ½ ½ 0 . 1 1 1 . 1 1 17 2871
2. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2694 ½ ½ * * 1 1 ½ ½ 1 . ½ . 14 2867
3. Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime g FRA 2722 1 . 0 0 * * ½ . ½ ½ ½ 1 10 2690
4. Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2714 0 0 ½ ½ ½ . * * 1 1 ½ . 10 2720
5. Caruana, Fabiano g ITA 2711 0 . 0 . ½ ½ 0 0 * * ½ 1 6 2554
6. Pelletier, Yannick g SUI 2590 0 0 ½ . ½ 0 ½ . ½ 0 * * 4 2546
Round 8 (July 27, 2011)
Carlsen, Magnus - Morozevich, Alexander ½-½ 35 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime - Pelletier, Yannick 1-0 43 C10 French Rubinstein
Caruana, Fabiano - Shirov, Alexei 0-1 82 C07 French Tarrasch

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