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87th Tata Steel 2025 (12)

Praggnanandhaa and Gukesh share the lead going into the final round of the Tata Steel Masters

Praggnanandhaa beat Sarana in 29 moves in Round 12. Photo ©

Praggnanandhaa beat Sarana in 29 moves in Round 12. Photo © |

The twelfth round of the Tata Steel Masters saw the top three all involved in dramatic games. At the end of the day Praggnanandhaa and Gukesh share the lead on 8.5/12 and Nodirbek Abdusattorov is now on 7.5 points after losing. If they are tied tomorrow there will be a blitz tie-break match after the round.

First of all Praggnanandhaa won a short game against Alexey Sarana whose solid undefeated start is a distant memory after his third loss in a row. Praggnanandhaa found a clever idea in the Queen's Gambit that led to opposite sides castling and a nasty position for Sarana. Praggnanandhaa broke through with a knight sacrifice and Sarana allowed him to finish with a Queen sacrifice. Gukesh no doubt felt obliged to try and win against Jorden Van Foreest and he was comfortable at one stage. Then the game entered a time scramble where Gukesh thought he might be losing (he wasn't) but just after time control he played 42...Rb1?! (42...Rxh3 was a complicated win) missing that white had 45.Ke4. Calculating such a position is very complicated and shortly after Van Foreest was winning according to the engines but he missed something and after 47.Rxe3 the game finished in a draw. Abdusattorov had a miserable time against Arjun Erigaisi, he was slightly worse out of the opening and then lost after 24...Qg5? Erigaisi overcomplicated things and let much of the advantage go with 32.Rxc6? (32.Rg6!) but it was still complicated and after 36...Rf8? 37.Qg2 Erigaisi was winning again and there were no more mistakes.

Vladimir Fedoseev took advantage of a one move blunder (30.Qb3?? Rf6!) to beat Max Warmerdam, Leon Luke Mendonca missed a chance 36.Rxd7! to go into a very favourable knight ending against Fabiano Caruana before drawing, Pentala Harikrishna and Vincent Keymer drew in a Catalan and Wei Yi and Anish Giri blitzed to a draw in a Petroff that was the first game to finish.

In the Challengers Erwin L'Ami survived a lost position against Kazybek Nogerbek and his draw allowed him to share the lead with Thai Dai Van Nguyen who beat the suffering Irina Bulmaga today, and finally Aydin Suleymanli (who plays Bulmaga tomorrow) beat Frederik Svane to catch both of them too. All these leaders are on 8.5/12.

My thanks to Michiel Abeln for the photos.

Masters Round 12 Standings: 1st= Praggnanandhaa, Gukesh 8.5pts, 3rd Abdusattorov 7.5pts, 4th Fedoseev 7pts, 5th= Giri, Wei Yi 6.5pts, 7th= Caruana, Harikrishna 6pts, 9th= Sarana, Van Foreest, Keymer 5pts, 12th= Erigaisi, Mendonca 4.5pts, 14th Warmerdam 3.5pts,

Round 13 on Feb 2nd at 11.00 GMT Gukesh vs Erigaisi, Giri vs Van Foreest, Fedoseev vs Wei Yi Caruana vs Warmerdam, Sarana vs Mendonca, Keymer vs Praggnanandhaa, Abdusattorov vs Harikrishna,

Challengers Round 12 Standings: 1st= Suleymanli, L'Ami, Nguyen 8.5pts, 4th Bok 8pts, 5th= Yakubboev, Svane, Gurel 7pts, 8th Nogerbek 6.5pts, 9th Lu 5.5pts, 10th= Pijpers, Vaishali 5pts, 12th Oro 3.5pts, 13th Divya 3pts, 14th Bulmaga 1pt,

Round 13 Feb 02 at 12.00 Lu vs Yakubboev, Nogerbek vs Oro, Vaishali vs L'Ami, Svane vs Gurel, Bulmaga vs Suleymanli, Bok vs Nguyen, Pijpers vs Divya,

Tienkamp Round 8 of 9 Standings: 1st= Panesar, Slagboom 5.5pts, 3rd Grutter 5pts, 4th Tudor 4.5pts, 5th Smeets 4pts, 6th= Beukema, Sofronie 3.5pts, 8th= Lohia, Holzke 3pts, 10th Zwirs 2.5pts.

Round 12 Summary

Van Foreest vs Gukesh Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln.

Van Foreest vs Gukesh Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln

The final game to finish was with the leader Gukesh with the black pieces against Jorden van Foreest and it was drawn in 51 moves but both players had winning positions at various stages. The game was a fighting Queen's Gambit with chances for both sides. After 18.Bxe7 Gukesh equalised and he was better after 19.f4? Gukesh's 23...Kf8?! (23...Kd8!) left the position about balanced but very double edged and then they entered a time scramble. 39.Qa6? was losing according to the engine and Gukesh started on the road to refuting it. The key point came on move 42, a very long engine line gives 42...Rxh3! as a winning move, 42....Qf8 is equal and the played 42...Rb1 is third best and gave white some chances, 46.Qe6+ should be answered by 46...Qf7 but even then black is in trouble, instead Gukesh played 46...Rf7? trying to avoid problems in the other line but this is refuted by 47.Qg6! but not easily. As it was 47.Rxe3 played and the game was equal and soon drawn. Wild stuff.

Gukesh talks about the game.

Praggnanandhaa vs Sarana Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln.

Praggnanandhaa vs Sarana Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln

Praggnanandhaa won his third game in a row and Alexey Sarana slumped to his third defeat in a row in a 29 move win for the Indian. Praggnanandhaa felt he really needed to make the most of the white pieces today as he has black tomorrow. The game was a Queen's Gambit where Praggnanandhaa played the subtle two step 8.Be2 (8.Bd3 straight away is unsurprisingly more normal) Bd6 9.Bd3 in order to reduce the power of h6 and g5 that was seen in the game. 10...g5 was nevertheless played by Sarana and the resulting position seemed not to be to his liking. Praggnanandhaa thought 13...g4? was bad as it "gives up all his counterplay on the kingside." Sarana had to castle Queenside (his kingside was already too compromised to go there) and black got a big attack.

Praggnanandhaa's 18.Na4?! is not liked by engines as much as 18.a6, although it's still very threatening. It did however gave Sarana a chance to survive, he needed to find 21...Ka8 which was probably quite tough to calculate, the difference between this and other defensive moves such as 21...Ka7 would be hard for any human to discern. 21...Nb5? allowed Praggnanandhaa to immediately rip Sarana's queenside to pieces with 22.Nxa6, the game was already as good as over and a few moves later Sarana, rather than resigning, allowed Praggnanandhaa to demonstrate a pretty Queen sacrifice.

Praggnanandhaa explains his win.

Mendonca vs Caruana Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln.

Mendonca vs Caruana Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln

Leon Luke Mendonca was a bit better against Fabiano Caruana for much of their game. Mendonca missed one excellent chance when Caruana's offer 35...Rd7? to exchange Rooks should have been accepted as the knight endgame is very favourable for white. After that the game was more or less destined for a draw even if Mendonca was a pawn up. They eventually drew on move 57.

Warmerdam vs Fedoseev Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln.

Warmerdam vs Fedoseev Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln

Vladimir Fedoseev and Max Warmerdam were both on a run of two defeats going into the game. For Fedoseev it meant he fell out of contention for first place, for Warmerdam it's been a struggle all tournament against more highly rated players. The only explanation for today is that he's now very tired. Fedoseev didn't seem to have much to offer and the game was about equal when Warmerdam tried to get slightly clever in the face of a discovered attack on his Rook and totally miscalculated the consequences, he thought he was attacking b7, instead it turned out he was just dead lost on the spot due to an overwhelming attack to his King.

Erigaisi vs Abdusattorov Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln.

Erigaisi vs Abdusattorov Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln

As I intuited yesterday Arjun Erigaisi did indeed have something to say about the winner of the Tata Steel Chess tournament 2025 when he beat second placed Nodirbek Abdusattorov. Erigaisi played OK today, certainly not perfectly, but well enough. Abdusattorov played the Nimzo-Indian with 4.Qc2 d6!?, 13...Ng4 was a novelty in a rare position, the engines don't like it overly much. Erigaisi was a bit better when Abdusattorov played the careless 24...Qg5? which is just losing to 25.g4! Really that should have been that, there were so many ways to win, I think 31.Bg6 may have been the easiest, but on move 32 Arjun had to find 32.Rg6 to keep his decisive advantage, instead the second best 32.Rxc6 kept some advantage but allowed Abdusattorov right back in the game. The position remained difficult for Abdusattorov and after 36...Rf8? 37.Qg2 (the only move to a huge advantage) allowed Arjun to take the full point only a few moves later. Will Erigaisi manage to give Gukesh a problem tomorrow?

Harikrishna vs Keymer Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln.

Harikrishna vs Keymer Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln

Pentala Harikrishna and Vincent Keymer drew a Catalan in 32 moves. Keymer played 3...Bb4+, 6...d6 is a quieter line than the more regular 6...d5, 9.Ne4 was new and not very challenging for black. Some exchanges followed and there was a draw by repetition on move 32.

Wei Yi vs Giri Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln.

Tata Steel 2025 Round 12 Photo © Michiel Abeln

Wei Yi and Anish Giri drew quickly in a Petroff Defence in the first game to finish. They managed to play 38 moves but they didn't take very long to do it. There were no chances for either side at all.

87th Tata Steel Masters Wijk aan Zee (NED), 18 i-2 ii 2025 cat. XX (2726)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
1. Praggnanandhaa, R g IND 2741 * ½ ½ 1 0 ½ 1 1 1 ½ . 1 1 ½ 2881
2. Gukesh, D g IND 2777 ½ * ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 . 1 1 2873
3. Abdusattorov, Nodirbek g UZB 2768 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ . 1 1 ½ 0 1 1 2819
4. Fedoseev, Vladimir g SLO 2717 0 ½ ½ * ½ . 1 1 0 ½ 1 1 0 1 7 2781
5. Giri, Anish g NED 2731 1 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ . ½ ½ ½ 1 2758
6. Wei, Yi g CHN 2751 ½ ½ ½ . ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 2753
7. Caruana, Fabiano g USA 2803 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 1 ½ ½ . 6 2725
8. Harikrishna, Pentala g IND 2695 0 0 . 0 ½ ½ ½ * 1 ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 6 2724
9. Sarana, Alexey g SRB 2677 0 ½ 0 1 ½ ½ ½ 0 * ½ ½ ½ . ½ 5 2679
10. Van Foreest, Jorden g NED 2680 ½ ½ 0 ½ . ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ 5 2672
11. Keymer, Vincent g GER 2733 . 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ 1 ½ 5 2666
12. Erigaisi, Arjun g IND 2801 0 . 1 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ 0 2628
13. Mendonca, Leon Luke g IND 2639 0 0 0 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ . ½ 0 ½ * ½ 2649
14. Warmerdam, Max g NED 2646 ½ 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ * 2567
Round 12 (February 1, 2025)
Praggnanandhaa, R - Sarana, Alexey 1-0 29 D36 QGD Exchange
Wei, Yi - Giri, Anish ½-½ 38 C42 Petroff's Defence
Harikrishna, Pentala - Keymer, Vincent ½-½ 32 E00 Catalan
Van Foreest, Jorden - Gukesh, D ½-½ 51 D31 Semi-Slav Defence
Erigaisi, Arjun - Abdusattorov, Nodirbek 1-0 46 E32 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Mendonca, Leon Luke - Caruana, Fabiano ½-½ 57 C55 Two Knights Defence
Warmerdam, Max - Fedoseev, Vladimir 0-1 33 A20 English Opening
Tata Steel Challengers Wijk aan Zee (NED), 18 i-2 ii 2025 cat. XII (2547)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4
1. Suleymanli, Aydin g AZE 2623 * ½ ½ ½ 0 1 1 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 . 2711
2. L'Ami, Erwin g NED 2614 ½ * ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ . 1 1 1 2704
3. Nguyen, Thai Dai Van g CZE 2668 ½ ½ * . 1 0 ½ ½ 1 1 1 1 ½ 1 2691
4. Bok, Benjamin g NED 2583 ½ 0 . * ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 8 2658
5. Yakubboev, Nodirbek g UZB 2659 1 ½ 0 ½ * ½ 0 ½ . 1 0 1 1 1 7 2603
6. Svane, Frederik g GER 2664 0 ½ 1 ½ ½ * . ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 1 1 7 2587
7. Gurel, Ediz g TUR 2624 0 ½ ½ 0 1 . * ½ ½ 1 1 1 0 1 7 2587
8. Nogerbek, Kazybek g KAZ 2514 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ * 0 ½ 1 . 1 1 2586
9. Lu, Miaoyi m CHN 2429 ½ 0 0 0 . 1 ½ 1 * ½ ½ 0 1 ½ 2517
10. Pijpers, Arthur m NED 2474 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ . 1 5 2500
11. Vaishali, Rameshbabu g IND 2476 0 . 0 ½ 1 ½ 0 0 ½ ½ * 1 ½ ½ 5 2489
12. Oro, Faustino m ARG 2447 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 ½ 0 * 1 1 2399
13. Divya, Deshmukh m IND 2490 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 1 0 0 . ½ 0 * 1 3 2364
14. Bulmaga, Irina m ROU 2386 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 0 * 1 2152
Round 12 (February 1, 2025)
Suleymanli, Aydin - Svane, Frederik 1-0 84 D35 QGD Exchange
L'Ami, Erwin - Nogerbek, Kazybek ½-½ 60 C45 Scotch Game
Nguyen, Thai Dai Van - Bulmaga, Irina 1-0 44 E73 King's Indian Averbakh
Yakubboev, Nodirbek - Pijpers, Arthur 1-0 36 A34 English Symmetrical
Gurel, Ediz - Vaishali, Rameshbabu 1-0 77 C11 French Defence
Oro, Faustino - Lu, Miaoyi 1-0 46 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Divya, Deshmukh - Bok, Benjamin 0-1 129 D55 Queens Gambit Old Lasker Variation
Tata Steel Top Tienkamp Wijk aan Zee (NED), 17 i-2 ii 2025 cat. VI (2400)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Panesar, Vedant f IND 2446 * ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½ ½ . ½ 2531
2. Slagboom, Leandro f NED 2369 ½ * 1 0 . ½ 1 ½ 1 1 2550
3. Grutter, Tim f NED 2380 0 0 * 1 ½ 1 1 1 ½ . 5 2487
4. Tudor, Henry Edward f ROU 2375 ½ 1 0 * 0 ½ . ½ 1 1 2448
5. Smeets, Kobe f NED 2355 0 . ½ 1 * 0 0 1 ½ 1 4 2409
6. Beukema, Stefan m BEL 2423 0 ½ 0 ½ 1 * 1 . ½ 0 2357
7. Sofronie, Iulian m ROU 2380 ½ 0 0 . 1 0 * 1 ½ ½ 2362
8. Lohia, Sohum f ENG 2367 ½ ½ 0 ½ 0 . 0 * ½ 1 3 2313
9. Holzke, Frank g GER 2426 . 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ * ½ 3 2303
10. Zwirs, Nico m NED 2476 ½ 0 . 0 0 1 ½ 0 ½ * 2251

Tata Steel Chess Round 12 Commentary

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