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70th Italian Championships 2010 (11)

70th Italian Championship 2010

Carlos Garcia Palermo shares the lead on 6/8. Photo ©

Carlos Garcia Palermo shares the lead on 6/8. Photo © |

The 70th Italian Championships took place in Siena 23rd November - 4th December 2010. 12 players, 11 rounds. Fabiano Caruana took clear first place with 9/11.

70th Italian Championship 2010 (Siena ITA)
Tue 23rd Nov 2010 - Sat 4th Dec 2010 - Official Site

70th ch-ITA (12 players 11 Rds SRR Indiv TC:100:50:15+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

70th ch-ITA (12 players 11 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 100:50:15+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


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70th ch-ITA Siena (ITA), 23 xi-4 xii 2010 cat. X (2486)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
1. Caruana, Fabiano g ITA 2709 * ½ 1 1 1 1 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 1 9 2727
2. D'Amore, Carlo m ITA 2485 ½ * ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 1 1 ½ ½ 2619
3. Garcia Palermo, Carlos g ITA 2465 0 ½ * 1 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 2620
4. Brunello, Sabino m ITA 2544 0 ½ 0 * 0 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 0 6 2516
5. Rombaldoni, Denis m ITA 2494 0 0 0 1 * 1 1 ½ ½ 1 0 1 6 2521
6. Godena, Michele g ITA 2549 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 * ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 2480
7. Piscopo, Pierluigi m ITA 2399 0 0 ½ 0 0 ½ * 0 1 1 1 1 5 2457
8. Ortega, Lexy g ITA 2480 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 * 0 0 ½ ½ 2421
9. Genocchio, Daniele m ITA 2433 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ 0 1 * ½ ½ ½ 2425
10. Bonafede, Alessandro f ITA 2310 ½ 0 0 0 0 ½ 0 1 ½ * 1 1 2436
11. Dvirnyy, Daniyyl m ITA 2492 0 ½ 0 0 1 0 0 ½ ½ 0 * 1 2352
12. Rombaldoni, Axel m ITA 2471 0 ½ 0 1 0 0 0 ½ ½ 0 0 * 2276
Round 1 (November 23, 2010)
D'Amore, Carlo - Rombaldoni, Axel ½-½ 36 B22 Sicilian Alapin
Garcia Palermo, Carlos - Brunello, Sabino 1-0 19 A46 Queen's Pawn Opening
Rombaldoni, Denis - Piscopo, Pierluigi 1-0 42 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Ortega, Lexy - Dvirnyy, Daniyyl ½-½ 19 D75 Gruenfeld 3.g3
Genocchio, Daniele - Godena, Michele ½-½ 12 C45 Scotch Game
Bonafede, Alessandro - Caruana, Fabiano ½-½ 63 B20 Sicilian Wing Gambit
Round 2 (November 24, 2010)
Caruana, Fabiano - Piscopo, Pierluigi 1-0 29 C41 Philidor's Defence
Brunello, Sabino - Rombaldoni, Denis 0-1 40 A13 Reti Opening
Godena, Michele - Ortega, Lexy ½-½ 20 C24 Bishop's Opening
Bonafede, Alessandro - Genocchio, Daniele ½-½ 23 C50 Giuoco Piano
Dvirnyy, Daniyyl - D'Amore, Carlo ½-½ 21 A22 English Opening
Rombaldoni, Axel - Garcia Palermo, Carlos 0-1 25 C53 Giuoco Piano
Round 3 (November 25, 2010)
D'Amore, Carlo - Godena, Michele ½-½ 10 C49 Four Knights Metger
Garcia Palermo, Carlos - Dvirnyy, Daniyyl 1-0 18 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Rombaldoni, Denis - Rombaldoni, Axel 1-0 35 D77 Gruenfeld 3.g3
Piscopo, Pierluigi - Brunello, Sabino 0-1 26 B13 Caro Kann Exchange
Ortega, Lexy - Bonafede, Alessandro 0-1 41 A80 Dutch
Genocchio, Daniele - Caruana, Fabiano ½-½ 29 B21 Sicilian Morra Gambit
Round 4 (November 26, 2010)
Caruana, Fabiano - Brunello, Sabino 1-0 50 E46 Nimzo Indian Rubinstein
Godena, Michele - Garcia Palermo, Carlos ½-½ 31 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Genocchio, Daniele - Ortega, Lexy 1-0 34 A20 English Opening
Bonafede, Alessandro - D'Amore, Carlo 0-1 40 C50 Giuoco Piano
Dvirnyy, Daniyyl - Rombaldoni, Denis 1-0 34 B12 Caro Kann Advanced
Rombaldoni, Axel - Piscopo, Pierluigi 0-1 29 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Round 5 (November 27, 2010)
D'Amore, Carlo - Genocchio, Daniele 1-0 17 A05 Various
Garcia Palermo, Carlos - Bonafede, Alessandro 1-0 25 A10 Dutch, QI and KID Systems
Brunello, Sabino - Rombaldoni, Axel 0-1 37 A84 Dutch
Rombaldoni, Denis - Godena, Michele 1-0 62 A41 Modern Defence
Piscopo, Pierluigi - Dvirnyy, Daniyyl 1-0 26 C00 French Defence
Ortega, Lexy - Caruana, Fabiano ½-½ 41 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Round 6 (November 28, 2010)
Caruana, Fabiano - Rombaldoni, Axel 1-0 33 B56 Sicilian Defence
Godena, Michele - Piscopo, Pierluigi ½-½ 64 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Ortega, Lexy - D'Amore, Carlo ½-½ 65 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Genocchio, Daniele - Garcia Palermo, Carlos ½-½ 51 B10 Caro Kann
Bonafede, Alessandro - Rombaldoni, Denis 0-1 32 B40 Sicilian Classical
Dvirnyy, Daniyyl - Brunello, Sabino 0-1 126 B19 Caro Kann
Round 7 (November 30, 2010)
D'Amore, Carlo - Caruana, Fabiano ½-½ 150 A07 Barcza System
Garcia Palermo, Carlos - Ortega, Lexy ½-½ 16 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit
Brunello, Sabino - Godena, Michele ½-½ 41 A20 English Opening
Rombaldoni, Denis - Genocchio, Daniele ½-½ 53 E68 King's Indian Fianchetto
Piscopo, Pierluigi - Bonafede, Alessandro 1-0 21 B31 Sicilian Rossolimo
Rombaldoni, Axel - Dvirnyy, Daniyyl 0-1 56 B01 Centre Counter
Round 8 (December 1, 2010)
Caruana, Fabiano - Dvirnyy, Daniyyl 1-0 28 C05 French Tarrasch
D'Amore, Carlo - Garcia Palermo, Carlos ½-½ 10 A07 Barcza System
Godena, Michele - Rombaldoni, Axel 1-0 51 B22 Sicilian Alapin
Ortega, Lexy - Rombaldoni, Denis ½-½ 19 A07 Barcza System
Genocchio, Daniele - Piscopo, Pierluigi 0-1 53 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Bonafede, Alessandro - Brunello, Sabino 0-1 39 B20 Sicilian Wing Gambit
Round 9 (December 2, 2010)
Garcia Palermo, Carlos - Caruana, Fabiano 0-1 24 A46 Queen's Pawn Opening
Brunello, Sabino - Genocchio, Daniele 1-0 35 A25 English Sicilian Attack
Rombaldoni, Denis - D'Amore, Carlo 0-1 55 D15 Slav Defence
Piscopo, Pierluigi - Ortega, Lexy 0-1 20 C55 Two Knights Defence
Dvirnyy, Daniyyl - Godena, Michele 0-1 33 A07 Barcza System
Rombaldoni, Axel - Bonafede, Alessandro 0-1 60 B53 Sicilian Hungarian
Round 10 (December 3, 2010)
Caruana, Fabiano - Godena, Michele 1-0 53 D20 QGA
D'Amore, Carlo - Piscopo, Pierluigi 1-0 25 D73 Gruenfeld 3.g3
Garcia Palermo, Carlos - Rombaldoni, Denis 1-0 38 D11 Slav Defence
Ortega, Lexy - Brunello, Sabino 0-1 45 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Genocchio, Daniele - Rombaldoni, Axel ½-½ 27 D85 Gruenfeld Defence
Bonafede, Alessandro - Dvirnyy, Daniyyl 1-0 24 B97 Sicilian Najdorf
Round 11 (December 4, 2010)
Brunello, Sabino - D'Amore, Carlo ½-½ 45 D15 Slav Defence
Rombaldoni, Denis - Caruana, Fabiano 0-1 40 A05 Various
Godena, Michele - Bonafede, Alessandro ½-½ 50 B22 Sicilian Alapin
Piscopo, Pierluigi - Garcia Palermo, Carlos ½-½ 10 B13 Caro Kann Exchange
Dvirnyy, Daniyyl - Genocchio, Daniele ½-½ 10 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Rombaldoni, Axel - Ortega, Lexy ½-½ 11 C42 Petroff's Defence


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