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15th HZ Open 2011 (6)

Jan Smeets joins leaders in HZ Open after 6

There is a three way tie after 6 rounds of the 15th HZ Open in Vlissingen. The leaders Konstantin Landa and Evgeny Postny drew with each other. Jan Smeets beat Evgeny Sveshnikov. Rd 7 pairs: Landa-Smeets and Seirawan-Postny. Below is an extremely rough translation of the Dutch press release.

The two players still with a 100% score - GM Konstantin Landa and Evgeny Postny met - and they both couldn't keep their record. In a sluggish game, pieces were exchanged, and a draw was agreed. The chasing group didn't as a whole take advantage with only Jan Smeets winning in a game where Evgeny Sveshnikov emerged from the opening with a weak c-pawn and never recovered.

The other pursuers had to be satisfied with draws. GM Erwin L'Ami and GM Arkadij Naiditsch drew a fluctuating struggle, L'Ami better from the opening, then Naiditsch had the advantage (27...Bxb2 instead of 27...Bb7 28.Ra7 Qf8 29.Rxb7!) before L'Ami eventually got an ending a pawn up that unfortunately wasn't winning for him.

IM Edwin van Haastert held GM Yasser Seirawan to a draw. Seirawan had the advantage but couldn't break through.

And GM Michael Hoffmann was not opposed to a short draw against close friend and housemate IM Thomas Henrichs.

Henrik Porte


Migchiel De Jong

Position after 46.Rb6

Migchiel De Jong has just played 46.Rb6?? unfortunately for him now his king no longer has any escape.

46... Rxg3+ 47. Kxg3 Rg2+ 48. Kh3 Kh5 0-1

15th HZ Open Vlissingen NED Sat 30th Jul 2011 - Sat 6th Aug 2011
Leading Round 6 (of 9) Standings:
1Landa, KonstantinGM262811111½5.52786
2Smeets, JanGM26281111½15.52750
3Postny, EvgenyGM261811111½5.52762
4Naiditsch, ArkadijGM2706111½1½5.02673
5Seirawan, YasserGM263511½11½5.02583
6L'Ami, ErwinGM261111½11½5.02611
7Hoffmann, MichaelGM2493111½1½5.02547
8Burg, TwanIM24501111015.02551
9Van Haastert, EdwinIM24211111½½5.02569
10Haimovich, TalIM2419½111½15.02389
11Eisenbeiser, AmadeusIM23861110115.02524
12Kuipers, StefanFM2365111½½15.02530
13Vishnu Prasanna. VIM23401110115.02426
14Brookes, Christopher20561½½1115.02495
15Sveshnikov, EvgenyGM2514111½104.52464
16Henrichs, ThomasIM247510111½4.52342
17Deepan Chakkravarthy J.GM247011110½4.52472
18Zaragatski, IljaIM246910111½4.52341
19Bosboom, ManuelIM239911101½4.52414
20Bezemer, ArnoFM234811101½4.52373
21Dahm, JochenFM23451½½½114.52230
22Fernandez, Daniel HowardIM232811½½1½4.52428
23Ortmann, DavidFM2322110½114.52325
24Timmermans, Ivo2232½110114.52185
25In't Veld, Daan22241110½14.52353
26Haast, AnneWIM222311011½4.52311
27Kuling, Lody2223½11½½14.52173
28Ten Hagen, Yorick21891½01114.52105
29Lacrosse, MarcFM21851=11014.52326
30Smits, Sebastiaan2180110½114.52159
31Stefan, Romulus-Cristian21721½10114.52433
32Go, Benjamin2124½110114.52300
33Porte, Henrik21191011½14.52304
34Ikonnikov, VyacheslavGM25531101104.02366
35Pavlovic, MilosGM25411111004.02443
36Sveshnikov, VladimirIM24071110104.02362
37Tan, MatthewFM24001½110½4.02313
38Leenhouts, KoenIM23971110104.02294
39Afek, YochananIM22981100114.02219
40Van Dooren, DirkFM229011½½104.02340
238 players

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