
15th HZ Open 2011 (4)

Favourite drops his first half point in HZ Open

Arkadij Naiditsch dropped his first half point and it could have been worse against Hagen Poetsch. Jan Smeets, Konstantin Landa, Evgeny Postny, Milos Pavlovic, Deepan Chakkravarthy, Twan Burg and Edwin Van Haastert lead on 4/4. Arkadij Naiditsch and Yasser Seirawan are a half point behind. Below is a rough translation of the Dutch press release.

The strong favourite GM Arkadij Naiditsch split the points against his compatriot IM Hagen Poetsch. The latter will be satisfied with this given the assessment of the final position, but halfway through the game, surely not. Hagen Poetsch took a stranglehold, but failed to push through at the crucial moment (see diagram, and variations).

Arkadij Naiditsch


Hagen Poetsch

Position after 29...Qb6

Poetsch played here 30. e6?, but had the better 30. Qxc4 instead, for example 30. ... Bxg2 + 31. Kxg2 Rd2+ 32. Kh1 Bxe7 33. Qxf7 and the threats are legion. Naiditsch managed to wriggle loose and when the smoke had cleared Naiditsch had a bishop against four pawns against him. The four pawns were rapidly removed from the board, but there was still no more than a draw for Naiditsch.

GM Jan Smeets and GM Konstantin Landa had a much easier night. They were never in trouble and so recorded their fourth wins in a row. GMs Evgeny Postny, Milos Pavlovic and Deepan Chakkravarthy and IMs Twan Burg and Edwin van Haastert joined the group with 4 points. Yesterday's losers had excellent 4th rounds. GM Vyacheslav Ikonnikov still had the greatest difficulty in beating Sven Strange but eventually his opponent cracked. GM Erwin L'Ami also gave Benjamin Go no hope and chance of a surprise. GM Yasser Seirawan built a nice position very smoothly and easily put away the Romanian Romulus-Cristian Stefan. Chess was not always so easy!

15th HZ Open Vlissingen NED Sat 30th Jul 2011 - Sat 6th Aug 2011
Leading Round 4 (of 9) Standings:
1Smeets, JanGM262811114.03025
2Landa, KonstantinGM262811114.03023
3Postny, EvgenyGM261811114.03002
4Pavlovic, MilosGM254111114.02964
5Deepan Chakkravarthy J.GM247011114.02917
6Burg, TwanIM245011114.02903
7Van Haastert, EdwinIM242111114.02863
8Naiditsch, ArkadijGM2706111½3.52670
9Seirawan, YasserGM263511½13.52594
10L'Ami, ErwinGM261111½13.52567
11Sveshnikov, EvgenyGM2514111½3.52539
12Hoffmann, MichaelGM2493111½3.52533
13Haimovich, TalIM2419½1113.52332
14Poetsch, HagenIM2403111½3.52582
15Tan, MatthewFM24001½113.52429
16Van Eijk, SanderFM23801½113.52417
17De Jong, MigchielIM2376111½3.52490
18Kuipers, StefanFM2365111½3.52437
19Lacrosse, MarcFM21851=113.52720
20Ikonnikov, VyacheslavGM255311013.02364
21Henrichs, ThomasIM247510113.02210
22Zaragatski, IljaIM246910113.02272
23Sveshnikov, VladimirIM240711103.02412
24Bosboom, ManuelIM239911103.02414
25Leenhouts, KoenIM239711103.02382
26Eisenbeiser, AmadeusIM238611103.02379
27Bezemer, ArnoFM234811103.02302
28Vishnu Prasanna. VIM234011103.02280
29Fernandez, Daniel HowardIM232811½½3.02391
30Van Dooren, DirkFM229011½½3.02371
31Tiggelman, Rene223310113.02146
32Heltzel, JoostCM222511013.02273
33In't Veld, Daan222411103.02388
34Haast, AnneWIM222311013.02257
35Kuling, Lody2223½11½3.02175
36Hamelink, DesireeWIM222011013.02250
37Nabuurs, Joep22181½1½3.02208
38Meurs, Tom221711013.02231
39Colijn, Stefan220711013.02272
40Van Den Berg, Bram220611013.02234
238 players

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