Ilyumzhinov visit to Libya (Gadaffi)
Ilyumzhinov replies to critics over Libya visit
Mark Crowther - Tuesday 14th June 2011
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has replied to the criticism of his visit to Libya saying "I am very satisfied that I saw that chess could play such a critical role in promoting peace at this time of crisis." and that "some people are trying to use this trip to wrongfully politicize the situation". However the situation is inherently political and Ilyumzhinov has pretty much been expressing support for Gadaffi's rule, a very political act. Injecting himself into a current news story is an Ilyumzhinov speciality except he can't claim to be anything other than FIDE President now and thus it directly reflects on the game and the organisation. Full press release below.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I was asked to visit Libya this past weekend, and I am very satisfied that I saw that chess could play such a critical role in promoting peace at this time of crisis.
I had very serious meetings regarding the objectives I had set, and I am proud that FIDE could contribute to the peace process in the region and the world.
It is therefore unfortunate that some people are trying to use this trip to wrongfully politicize the situation in FIDE and I am asking everybody to show complete solidarity for the peace efforts in Libya.
Kirsan Ilyumzhinov
FIDE President