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World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships 2015 (Games and Results)

World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships 2015

The World Rapid and Blitz Chess Championships took place in Berlin 9th to 15th October 2015. Rapid 10th to 12th October and Blitz 13th to 14th October. World Champion Magnus Carlsen retained his rapid title ahead of Ian Nepomniachtchi and Teimour Radjabov. Carlsen was an early leader in the blitz too but a loss in the final game of day 1 to Karjakin started a poor run that was continued on day two. Carlsen got into contention again before losing to Ivanchuk in round 20. Alexander Grischuk won the blitz title for the third ahead of Maxime Vachier-Lagrave and Vladimir Kramnik Carlsen finished 6th.

World Rapid and Blitz Championships 2015 (Berlin GER)
Fri 9th Oct 2015 - Thu 15th Oct 2015 - Official Site - Results - Live

World Rapid 2015 (15 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:15m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Games

World Blitz 2015 (21 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:3m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Blitz Games

World Rapid 2015 (15 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 15m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Games


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World Rapid 2015 Berlin GER Fri 9th Oct 2015 - Thu 15th Oct 2015
Leading Final Round 15 Standings:
11Carlsen MagnusNOR284711.52723130.50.0
28Nepomniachtchi IanRUS278910.52712129.00.0
316Radjabov TeimourAZE274110.52681128.50.0
413Dominguez Perez LeinierCUB274910.52673126.00.0
589Bocharov DmitryRUS257710.02712125.00.0
67Kramnik VladimirRUS279810.02696128.50.0
738Onischuk VladimirUKR269210.02696122.00.0
83Ivanchuk VassilyUKR283510.02690130.00.0
939Kovalenko IgorLAT268710.02686124.00.0
109Mamedyarov ShakhriyarAZE278410.02676130.00.0
1111Vachier-Lagrave MaximeFRA275610.02673122.50.0
1219Inarkiev ErnestoRUS273310.02648125.00.0
1392Khismatullin DenisRUS25749.52737127.00.0
1471Kasimdzhanov RustamUZB26199.52735123.50.0
1553Malakhov VladimirRUS26629.52733128.00.0
1636Kryvoruchko YuriyUKR26949.52722133.50.0
1751Korobov AntonUKR26649.52706126.50.0
1834Zhigalko SergeiBLR26989.52698130.00.0
195Karjakin SergeyRUS28059.52678128.00.0
2066Salem A.R. SalehUAE26319.52672108.50.0
2144Fedoseev VladimirRUS26819.52668117.00.0
2227Wojtaszek RadoslawPOL27119.52659123.50.0
2345Navara DavidCZE26739.52655117.00.0
2429Guseinov GadirAZE27059.52651126.50.0
256Anand ViswanathanIND28009.52646117.50.0
26108Vidit Santosh GujrathiIND25349.02737120.50.0
2772Bogdanovich StanislavUKR26199.02682118.00.0
2882Adhiban BaskaranIND25909.02668111.50.0
2924Riazantsev AlexanderRUS27169.02653123.00.0
3052Khairullin IldarRUS26629.02652108.00.0
3112Gelfand BorisISR27519.02649124.50.0
322Grischuk AlexanderRUS28469.02645116.00.0
3330Matlakov MaximRUS27059.02642114.00.0
3417Svidler PeterRUS27359.02638117.50.0
3541Akopian VladimirARM26849.02631114.50.0
3610Rublevsky SergeiRUS27579.02618108.00.0
3737Moiseenko AlexanderUKR26929.02585113.00.0
3868Ponkratov PavelRUS26298.52719121.50.0
3969Motylev AlexanderRUS26278.52690118.50.0
4073Perunovic MilosSRB26178.52681118.00.0
4175Swiercz DariuszPOL26128.52666109.50.0
4220Tomashevsky EvgenyRUS27318.52655124.50.0
434Aronian LevonARM28308.52645120.00.0
4435Savchenko BorisRUS26968.52644120.00.0
4583Antipov Mikhail Al.RUS25908.52633110.50.0
4640Meier GeorgGER26868.52631114.50.0
4721Andreikin DmitryRUS27208.52627112.50.0
4899Zhang ZhongSIN25478.52605107.00.0
4946Vitiugov NikitaRUS26728.52583107.00.0
5049Dubov DaniilRUS26678.02740125.50.0
158 players

World Blitz 2015 (21 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 3m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Blitz Games


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World Blitz 2015 Berlin GER Fri 9th Oct 2015 - Thu 15th Oct 2015
Leading Final Round 21 Standings:
15Grischuk AlexanderRUS281415.52699241.00.0
22Vachier-Lagrave MaximeFRA285415.02727264.00.0
315Kramnik VladimirRUS276315.02705245.00.0
410Ivanchuk VassilyUKR278914.52691243.00.0
53Nepomniachtchi IanRUS283114.52642228.50.0
61Carlsen MagnusNOR291414.02720259.00.0
725Svidler PeterRUS272614.02691247.00.0
87Navara DavidCZE280614.02646225.50.0
9113Vovk YuriUKR256613.52742255.00.0
1066Kasimdzhanov RustamUZB264113.52720259.50.0
114Aronian LevonARM281713.52710252.50.0
1218Gelfand BorisISR274313.52700247.00.0
1328Dominguez Perez LeinierCUB271713.52687243.50.0
1412Mamedov RaufAZE277713.52659237.00.0
1517Mamedyarov ShakhriyarAZE274913.52648234.00.0
1654Ponkratov PavelRUS266613.52608222.00.0
1716Karjakin SergeyRUS275913.02720257.00.0
1859Vitiugov NikitaRUS265513.02711243.50.0
1937Tomashevsky EvgenyRUS269413.02683245.00.0
2031Korobov AntonUKR270513.02663241.50.0
2111Andreikin DmitryRUS278113.02663232.00.0
229Anand ViswanathanIND279113.02658236.50.0
2336Fressinet LaurentFRA269913.02647233.00.0
2414Fedoseev VladimirRUS276513.02644229.00.0
2523Alekseev EvgenyRUS272913.02633229.50.0
2630Malakhov VladimirRUS270713.02596226.50.0
2778Petrosian Tigran L.ARM263012.52745257.50.0
286Radjabov TeimourAZE280812.52730260.00.0
29137Gajewski GrzegorzPOL252012.52704242.50.0
30121Swiercz DariuszPOL255512.52666229.00.0
3133Melkumyan HrantARM270112.52661240.00.0
3220Onischuk VladimirUKR274312.52651242.50.0
3338Jones Gawain C BENG269012.52646230.00.0
3421Dreev AlekseyRUS274112.52641233.00.0
3513Ponomariov RuslanUKR277012.52635229.50.0
3635Iturrizaga Bonelli EduardoVEN270012.52632226.50.0
3743Kovalenko IgorLAT268412.52618223.00.0
3883Munoz Pantoja MiguelESP262112.52593214.00.0
3985Socko BartoszPOL261612.02746255.00.0
4065Dubov DaniilRUS264212.02725250.00.0
4167Kravtsiv MartynUKR264012.02718249.50.0
4281Perunovic MilosSRB262312.02704244.50.0
4397Khairullin IldarRUS259912.02673234.50.0
4476Safarli EltajAZE263312.02669232.00.0
4586Ivanisevic IvanSRB261512.02656234.00.0
4657Movsesian SergeiARM265712.02645233.00.0
4741Guseinov GadirAZE268812.02637233.00.0
488Bogdanovich StanislavUKR280412.02608216.50.0
4947Harikrishna PentalaIND268012.02597218.50.0
5058Ragger MarkusAUT265612.02593220.00.0
188 players


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