Chessable First Opening Repertoire

World Chess Championship 2023 (9)

Nepomniachtchi frustrated by game 9 draw but still leads the World Championship by a point

Nepomniachtchi watching on during game 9. Official Photo © FIDE

Nepomniachtchi watching on during game 9. Official Photo © FIDE |

Ian Nepomniachtchi showed clear disappointment at the conclusion of the drawn game 9 of the World Chess Championship in Astana, Kazakhstan.

The players have changed opening variations every day and today Ding Liren played the Berlin Defence to the Ruy Lopez. This option has been one of the most common choices in high level chance for a long time now, it's solid and black can research deeply.

Nepomniachtchi chose 4.d3 and Ding's preparation seemed to run quite deep. 15....Qc7 was a very interesting idea but Ding did not follow it up correctly, 17...Rb8?! whilst not horrible is the move that started to cause difficulties, the pawn sacrifice 17...Bf8 was best (it's so sound it's even doubtful Nepomniachtchi would have taken it).

Ding's position took on a ragged appearance with his pawn structure being very poor on the queenside. The computers thought Ding was OK after the risky looking 24....Rc2, instead 24...Rb5 was played and two moves later with 26...Be6 Ding was forced to offer the exchange. Nepomniachtchi turned it down and took the Bishop on e6 instead, it's hard to blame him for this but grabbing the exchange might have led to more winning chances. With 32.Qxa4 white liquidated into an endgame. Ding had a choice to make on move 38....Nd2 looked risky but the neat trick 39.g4 Nf4! produces equality. After not finding this (and it's a very strange idea) Ding went into an endgame a pawn down which should be drawn with best play but which also guaranteed a bit of suffering. Nepomniachtchi pressed hard and put Ding under pressure. Ding was equal to the task and after 55.h3! he gradually took the game to a completely drawn position.

Nepomniachtchi immediately after the game showed annoyance with himself that he didn't win, he played the endgame at least pretty well but in the end he just didn't have a winning position. Maybe if he'd grabbed the exchange he might have won but that could have got very messy indeed.

Ding Liren: "Everything is connected - time management, quality of moves, calculation of lines. So, today I spent less time on the calculation, but the quality, as you can see, suffered a lot.".. "I thought it was an easy draw but then I realised it was not so simple. I could easily get a lost position. So, I thought that maybe ...h3 is the only move to save the game." ..."I prepared this line some time ago. But then I totally missed the idea of my opponent, and at some point, I couldn't find the continuation of the game. Maybe I had a chance there; I should spend more time in some positions."

Ian Nepomniachtchi: "I should have created more problems at the endgame, but it was not so easy to move my pawns forward. The endgame looks maybe dangerous for Black, but probably there is a draw."

Score Nepomniachtchi 5-4 Ding, best of 14.

Rest Day Saturday 22nd April 2023.

Game 10 Ding Liren vs Ian Nepomniachtchi on Sunday 23rd April 10am UK time.

World Chess Championship Game 9 Commentary 2023

World Chess Championship Game 9 Summary 2023

WCh Astana KAZ
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Ding, Liren ½-½ 49 C85 Ruy Lopez Steenwijker Defence
Ding, Liren - Nepomniachtchi, Ian 0-1 29 E10 Blumenfeld Counter Gambit
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Ding, Liren ½-½ 30 D35 QGD Exchange
Ding, Liren - Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1-0 47 A28 English Four Knights
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Ding, Liren 1-0 48 C84 Ruy Lopez Centre Attack
Ding, Liren - Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1-0 44 D02 Queen's Pawn Game
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Ding, Liren 1-0 37 C07 French Tarrasch
Ding, Liren - Nepomniachtchi, Ian ½-½ 45 E28 Nimzo Indian Saemisch
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Ding, Liren ½-½ 82 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin

WCh Astana (KAZ), 09-29 i 2023
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Total Perf
Nepomniachtchi, Ian g RUS 2795 ½ 1 ½ 0 1 0 1 ½ ½ . . . . . 5 2831
Ding, Liren g CHN 2788 ½ 0 ½ 1 0 1 0 ½ ½ . . . . . 4 2752

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