
Women's World Chess Championship 2011 (1)

Koneru presses for a while against Hou but Women's World Championship starts with a draw

Humpy Koneru hiding her eyes from the cameras, Hou Yifan looks happy.

Humpy Koneru hiding her eyes from the cameras, Hou Yifan looks happy. |

The first game of the Women's World Chess Championship in Tirana, Albania ended in a draw. It looked like Hou Yifan would completely equalise early at one stage but in the end she had to exercise some care and take a rook and pawn ending where Koneru had an extra pawn on the kingside but where the draw was pure technique.

Handshake at the start

Handshake at the start. Photo © Anastasiya Karlovich with kind permission of FIDE.

Anastasiya Karlovich, FIDE Press officer reports: The first game of FIDE World Women's Chess Champ[ionship Match finished with a draw. Although there is no anti-draw rules at the event and the players can agree for a peaceful result anytime, Hou Yifan and Humpy Koneru played until the late endgame. Indian played chose a rare line in Catalan (12. a4) and reached a pleasant position. Although, later White made exchanges in the center that simplified the position. In a time trouble, Hou Yifan confidently went for a pawn less rook ending, where the draw was soon agreed.

Humpy Koneru and Hou Yifan

Humpy Koneru and Hou Yifan. Photo © Anastasiya Karlovich with kind permission of FIDE.

Humpy Koneru - Hou, Yifan

WCh Game 1

14th November 2011

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 d5 4. Bg2 Be7 5. Nf3 O-O 6. O-O dxc4 7. Qc2 a6 8. Qxc4 b5 9. Qc2 Bb7 10. Bd2 Be4 11. Qc1 Bb7 12. a4 b4 13. Bf4 Nd5 14. Bg5 Nd7 15. Bxe7 Qxe7 16. Ne5 Nxe5 17. dxe5 a5 18. Nd2 Ba6 19. Nc4 Qc5 20. Ne3 Qe7 21. Rd1 Rad8 22. Nxd5 exd5 23. Qc6 Bxe2 24. Rxd5 Rxd5 25. Qxd5 c5 26. Re1

Hou Yifan


Humpy Koneru

Position after 26.Re1. I'm not quite clear why Hou rejected 26...Rd8 here but without ever being lost she had to defend for a long time following 26...Bg4.

26... Bg4 27. Rc1 Rc8 28. Qc4 h5 29. Bd5 Qd7 30. Re1 Rd8 31. e6 fxe6 32. Bxe6+ Bxe6 33. Rxe6 Qf7 34. h4 Rf8 35. Qe2 Qf3 36. Qxf3 Rxf3 37. Re5 c4 38. Rxa5 Rb3 39. Rc5 Rxb2 40. Rxc4 Kf7 41. Kg2 b3 42. Rb4 g6 43. Kf3 Ra2 44. Rxb3 Rxa4 45. Re3 Kf6 46. Re4 Ra3+ 47. Kf4 Ra2 48. f3 Ra5 49. Rc4 Rf5+ 50. Ke3 Re5+ 51. Re4 Ra5 52. Rf4+ Kg7 53. Rc4 Ra6 54. Rc5 Kf6 55. Rd5 Ra3+ 56. Ke4 Ra6 57. Rd4 Re6+ 58. Kf4 Ra6 59. Rb4 Rc6 60. g4 hxg4 61. Kxg4 Rc5 62. Rb6+ Kg7 63. Re6 Kf7 64. Re4 Ra5 65. f4 Ra1 66. Re3 Kf6 67. Rb3 Rg1+ 68. Rg3 Ra1 69. Rg2 Rb1 70. Rh2 Rg1+ 71. Kf3 Kf5 72. h5 gxh5 73. Rxh5+ Kf6 74. Ra5 Rf1+ 75. Ke3 Re1+ 76. Kf2 Rb1 77. Kg3 Rg1+ 78. Kf3 Rf1+ 79. Kg4 Rg1+ 80. Kf3 1/2-1/2

Is that a mobile phone in your pocket or are you just please to see me? Sadly security is now necessary in major matches to test for mobile devices

Is that a mobile phone in your pocket or are you just please to see me? Sadly security is now necessary in major matches to test for mobile devices. Photo © Anastasiya Karlovich with kind permission of FIDE.

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