Chessable First Opening Repertoire

US Championships 2010 (Playoff)

US Championships Saint Louis 2010

Hikaru Nakamura and Gata Kamsy at their post game press conference.  Photo © Betsy Dynako -

Hikaru Nakamura and Gata Kamsy at their post game press conference. Photo © Betsy Dynako - |

The 2010 US Championships took place in Saint Louis 13th-25th May 2010. Defending champion Hikaru Nakamura lost to Yuri Shulman in the Quads to lose the chance of winning again. Gata Kamsky defeated Yuri Shulman in a rapid playoff (Kamsky had black and 25 mins + 5 seconds a move (with draw odds) against Shulman's 1 hour + 5 seconds a move. This came from a bidding process)

An interesting final game saw Kamsky under pressure for some time. Eventually the game came down to a blitz match and Kamsky eventually emerged the winner (he only needed a draw to claim the title).

With seconds remaining, Kamsky defeats Shulman to claim U.S. Championship (Playoff Game)

FM Mike Klein reports on Gata Kamsky's victory in the US Championship. Kamsky won the title for the second time. The first time was way back in 1991 when Kamsky was only 17. Apparently there was controversy when Kamsky won the title then in a knockout and Kamsky apologised to his then opponent. Kamsky also admitted that he regretted bidding only 25 minutes, conceding it wasn't enough. Shulman didn't initially say what he bid but later it was said to be 39m 55 seconds.

US Chess Championships 2010 (Playoff Game)

Kamsky and Shulman from the quads. Photo ©

Kamsky and Shulman from the quads. Photo © |

US Championship 2010 (Saint Louis USA)
Thu 13th May 2010 - Tue 25th May 2010 - Official Site

Playoffs (2 players 1 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Playoffs

Quads (4 players 3 Rds SRR Indiv TC:120m:60m) - Games in PGN: Quads

US Champs (24 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:120m:60m) - Games in PGN: Games

Playoffs (2 players 1 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Playoffs


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ch-USA Playoff Saint Louis
Shulman, Yuri - Kamsky, Gata ½-½ 66 D11 Slav Defence
ch-USA Playoff Saint Louis (USA), 25 v 2010
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 Total Perf
Kamsky, Gata g USA 2702 ½ ½ 2613
Shulman, Yuri g USA 2613 ½ ½ 2702

Quads (4 players 3 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 120m:60m) - Games in PGN: Quads


ChessTempo viewer

ch-USA Quads Saint Louis (USA), 22-24 v 2010 cat. XVIII (2687)
1 2 3 4
1. Kamsky, Gata g USA 2702 * ½ ½ 1 2 2806
2. Shulman, Yuri g USA 2613 ½ * 1 ½ 2 2836
3. Nakamura, Hikaru g USA 2733 ½ 0 * ½ 1 2546
4. Onischuk, Alexander g USA 2699 0 ½ ½ * 1 2557
Round 1 (May 22, 2010)
Nakamura, Hikaru - Kamsky, Gata ½-½ 33 D15 Slav Defence
Onischuk, Alexander - Shulman, Yuri ½-½ 32 A13 Reti Opening
Round 2 (May 23, 2010)
Kamsky, Gata - Onischuk, Alexander 1-0 59 C69 Ruy Lopez Exchange
Nakamura, Hikaru - Shulman, Yuri 0-1 26 C18 French Winawer
Round 3 (May 24, 2010)
Shulman, Yuri - Kamsky, Gata ½-½ 30 D85 Gruenfeld Defence
Onischuk, Alexander - Nakamura, Hikaru ½-½ 30 E17 Queens Indian

US Champs (24 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 120m:60m) - Games in PGN: Games


ChessTempo viewer

ch-USA Saint Louis (USA), 14-23 v 2010
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Shabalov, Alexander g USA 2585 =12 +9 -4 -8 +18 +14 =5 +13 +2 6 2687
2. Stripunsky, Alexander g USA 2570 -3 +24 +21 +16 =10 -4 +12 +8 -1 2642
3. Nakamura, Hikaru g USA 2733 +2 +11 =5 =6 =4 +12 =8 . . 5 2764
4. Shulman, Yuri g USA 2613 =19 =21 +1 +11 =3 +2 =6 . . 5 2754
5. Kamsky, Gata g USA 2702 +17 +18 =3 =7 +8 =6 =1 . . 5 2772
6. Onischuk, Alexander g USA 2699 +15 =8 +23 =3 +7 =5 =4 . . 5 2781
7. Akobian, Varuzhan g USA 2599 =9 +12 +13 =5 -6 =10 -11 =16 +17 5 2616
8. Christiansen, Larry M g USA 2578 +24 =6 =16 +1 -5 +13 =3 -2 =9 5 2638
9. Finegold, Benjamin g USA 2539 =7 -1 =14 =20 +21 +15 =10 =11 =8 5 2606
10. Yermolinsky, Alex g USA 2528 -16 +17 =20 +23 =2 =7 =9 =12 =11 5 2611
11. Hess, Robert L g USA 2590 +22 -3 +18 -4 -13 +21 +7 =9 =10 5 2594
12. Kraai, Jesse g USA 2492 =1 -7 +19 +15 +16 -3 -2 =10 =13 2574
13. Krush, Irina m USA 2455 +14 =16 -7 =17 +11 -8 +20 -1 =12 2575
14. Kaidanov, Gregory S g USA 2577 -13 =15 =9 =18 +23 -1 =17 =19 +16 2551
15. Benjamin, Joel g USA 2565 -6 =14 +22 -12 +20 -9 -18 +21 +23 2552
16. Ehlvest, Jaan g USA 2591 +10 =13 =8 -2 -12 =17 +19 =7 -14 4 2503
17. Robson, Ray g USA 2569 -5 -10 +24 =13 =22 =16 =14 +18 -7 4 2511
18. Khachiyan, Melikset g USA 2539 +20 -5 -11 =14 -1 =24 +15 -17 =22 2495
19. Bhat, Vinay S g USA 2547 =4 -23 -12 =21 =24 +22 -16 =14 =20 2463
20. Lenderman, Aleksandr m USA 2598 -18 =22 =10 =9 -15 +23 -13 =24 =19 2446
21. Altounian, Levon m USA 2454 =23 =4 -2 =19 -9 -11 +22 -15 +24 2474
22. Shankland, Samuel L m USA 2507 -11 =20 -15 =24 =17 -19 -21 =23 =18 2380
23. Kudrin, Sergey g USA 2571 =21 +19 -6 -10 -14 -20 =24 =22 -15 2385
24. Gurevich, Dmitry g USA 2488 -8 -2 -17 =22 =19 =18 =23 =20 -21 2382


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