Topalov Clock Simul (Dublin)
Topalov Clock Simul in Dublin
Mark Crowther - Tuesday 4th October 2011
Veselin Topalov at the Candidates. Photo © |
Veselin Topalov went to Dublin on October 3rd 2011. He played a clock simul against the Irish Men's Team (GM Alex Baburin, IM Sam Collins, IM Alex Lopez and IM Mark Quinn). Topalov lost to Alex Baburin, drew with Sam Collins and Alex Lopez and beat Mark Quinn. So the match was drawn 2-2. Games now available.
Topalov Clock Simul (Dublin IRL)
Mon 3rd Oct 2011 - Mon 3rd Oct 2011 -
Official Site - Live
Topalov Clock Simul (5 players 1 Rds Simul Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games
Topalov Clock Simul (5 players 1 Rds Simul Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games
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