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Tal Memorial 2009 (Concluded)

Tal Memorial Mini-Site 2009

The Tal Memorial took place 4th-19th November 2009. Kramnik took clear first place with 6/9, half a point clear of Vassily Ivanchuk and Magnus Carlsen. Aronian beat World Champion Viswanathan Anand in the final round and Magnus Carlsen won his second game in a row.

The main event will be followed by the World Blitz Championship. Malcolm Pein interviews Vladimir Kramnik (Interview)

Listen as Malcolm Pein interviews Vladimir Kramnik for on his victory in Moscow.

Tal Memorial (Interview)

Tal Memorial 2009 (Moscow RUS)
Thu 5th Nov 2009 - Sat 14th Nov 2009 - Official Site - Live

Tal Mem (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC:100:50:15+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

Tal Mem (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 100:50:15+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


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Tal Memorial Moscow (RUS), 5-14 xi 2009 cat. XXI (2764)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2772 * ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 6 2888
2. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2739 ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ 1 2846
3. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2801 ½ ½ * ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 2839
4. Aronian, Levon g ARM 2786 ½ ½ ½ * 1 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 5 2804
5. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2788 ½ ½ ½ 0 * ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 5 2804
6. Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2758 ½ 0 ½ 1 ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ 2764
7. Ponomariov, Ruslan g UKR 2739 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ ½ 1 4 2723
8. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2754 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ * ½ ½ 2685
9. Leko, Peter g HUN 2752 ½ ½ 0 0 0 ½ ½ ½ * ½ 3 2640
10. Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2750 0 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ * 3 2640

Round 1 (November 5, 2009)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 44 D94 Gruenfeld Closed
Carlsen, Magnus - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 58 E32 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Aronian, Levon - Svidler, Peter ½-½ 37 D80 Gruenfeld 4.Bg5
Gelfand, Boris - Ponomariov, Ruslan ½-½ 29 E10 Blumenfeld Counter Gambit
Morozevich, Alexander - Leko, Peter ½-½ 39 C45 Scotch Game
Round 2 (November 6, 2009)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 29 D85 Gruenfeld Defence
Carlsen, Magnus - Morozevich, Alexander ½-½ 39 E25 Nimzo Indian Saemisch
Ponomariov, Ruslan - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 32 D87 Gruenfeld Botvinnik
Svidler, Peter - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½ 27 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Leko, Peter - Gelfand, Boris ½-½ 44 C42 Petroff's Defence
Round 3 (November 7, 2009)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Ponomariov, Ruslan ½-½ 69 D38 QGD Ragozin
Aronian, Levon - Leko, Peter 1-0 43 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit
Anand, Viswanathan - Svidler, Peter 1-0 32 D85 Gruenfeld Defence
Gelfand, Boris - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 27 D80 Gruenfeld 4.Bg5
Morozevich, Alexander - Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 45 E32 Nimzo Indian 4.Qc2
Round 4 (November 8, 2009)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Svidler, Peter 1-0 37 D85 Gruenfeld Defence
Carlsen, Magnus - Aronian, Levon ½-½ 32 D47 Queens Gambit Meran
Ponomariov, Ruslan - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 34 D71 Gruenfeld 3.g3
Leko, Peter - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½ 27 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Morozevich, Alexander - Gelfand, Boris ½-½ 41 A28 English Four Knights
Round 5 (November 10, 2009)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 31 A48 King's Indian Defence /c2-c4
Aronian, Levon - Morozevich, Alexander ½-½ 31 D31 Semi-Slav Defence
Anand, Viswanathan - Leko, Peter 1-0 45 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit
Gelfand, Boris - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 81 E04 Catalan
Svidler, Peter - Ponomariov, Ruslan ½-½ 31 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Round 6 (November 11, 2009)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Ponomariov, Ruslan 1-0 81 D38 QGD Ragozin
Carlsen, Magnus - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 36 D39 QGD Ragozin
Gelfand, Boris - Aronian, Levon 1-0 66 D47 Queens Gambit Meran
Leko, Peter - Svidler, Peter ½-½ 41 B42 Sicilian Paulsen
Morozevich, Alexander - Ivanchuk, Vassily 0-1 49 E60 King's Indian without Nc3
Round 7 (November 12, 2009)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Gelfand, Boris 1-0 43 D11 Slav Defence
Aronian, Levon - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 23 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Anand, Viswanathan - Morozevich, Alexander ½-½ 36 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Ponomariov, Ruslan - Leko, Peter ½-½ 31 E06 Catalan
Svidler, Peter - Carlsen, Magnus ½-½ 40 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Round 8 (November 13, 2009)
Kramnik, Vladimir - Leko, Peter ½-½ 36 E15 Queens Indian
Carlsen, Magnus - Ponomariov, Ruslan 1-0 31 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Aronian, Levon - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½ 58 E06 Catalan
Gelfand, Boris - Anand, Viswanathan ½-½ 28 E06 Catalan
Morozevich, Alexander - Svidler, Peter ½-½ 49 B46 Sicilian Paulsen
Round 9 (November 14, 2009)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 29 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Anand, Viswanathan - Aronian, Levon 0-1 25 D15 Slav Defence
Ponomariov, Ruslan - Morozevich, Alexander 1-0 27 E04 Catalan
Svidler, Peter - Gelfand, Boris ½-½ 30 C42 Petroff's Defence
Leko, Peter - Carlsen, Magnus 0-1 59 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation


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