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Sunway Sitges Online 2020 (Games and Results)

Sunway Sitges Online 2020

The Sunway Sitges Online Open tournament finally got underway on 19th April 2020 after a few teething problems, the event ran until the 28th April on the server. What made this tournament interesting to me is that it's an attempt to play a fully fledged open online, with standard time controls. I don't believe it will be possible to organise large international opens for a long time because of the conornavirus crisis. Inessential international travel and rooms with large numbers of people sat in close proximity to each other don't sound like things we will want to be doing for quite some time. This will leave a huge hole to be filled. Playing such events online, with all the well known problems they have, seems like the only alternative. Leading players: Vitaliy Bernadskiy, Ahmed Adly, Axel Bachmann, Kirill Shevchenko, Jesper Sondergaard Thybo, Alexandr Fier etc. Ahmed Adly won the tournament after winning the 16 player blitz tie-break beating Liam Vrolijk. Rodrigo Vasquez Schroeder finished 3rd.

Sunway Sitges International Online 2020 ( INT)
Sun 19th Apr 2020 - Mon 27th Apr 2020 - Official Site - Results - Live

Sunway Sitges Online Open (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

Sunway Sitges Online KO (16 players 4 Rds KO Indiv TC:5m+3spm) - Games in PGN: Games Final KO

Sunway Sitges Online Open (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


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Sunway Sitges Online Open INT Fri 17th Apr 2020 - Mon 27th Apr 2020
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
14Shevchenko KirillGMUKR25927.050.555.542.25
23Bachmann AxelGMPAR25997.049.553.539.75
337Mehar Chinna Reddy C.H.IMIND24227.049.052.539.00
42Adly AhmedGMEGY26157.048.552.539.50
522Sattarov BobirUZB24597.045.549.537.00
633Das SayantanIMIND24317.045.549.035.75
728Vasquez Schroeder RodrigoGMCHI24417.044.548.536.50
823Yoo Christopher WoojinIMUSA24557.044.047.537.25
943Kopylov MichaelIMUKR24077.
107Nasuta GrzegorzGMPOL25586.549.053.537.25
1113Vrolijk LiamIMNED25026.546.550.534.00
1247Espinoza Palomino WillyamIMPER24006.546.550.033.25
135Thybo Jesper SondergaardGMDEN25906.546.051.036.00
1456Kopylov DanielGER23486.545.547.031.75
1511Anisimov PavelGMRUS25276.544.048.533.50
1639Reimanis RitvarsFMLAT24216.543.548.032.50
1766Navalgund NiranjanFMIND22896.542.046.031.50
1841Srihari L RFMIND24146.540.043.529.75
1934Vlasenko MiroslavIMRUS24316.539.543.029.25
20100Rudovskii FilippRUS21586.046.050.532.50
21157Nguyen Thanh Thuy TienWIMVIE19716.
2248Baskin RobertIMGER23906.043.546.527.75
2368Carrasco Miranda AndresCHI22856.043.046.528.75
24104Samunenkov IhorUKR21426.042.545.526.50
25118Ansh M ShahIND20956.
2632Molina Roberto Junio BritoIMBRA24346.041.545.029.00
2749Dudin GlebFMRUS23876.040.043.527.25
2858Talukdar RohanFMCAN23416.039.542.526.00
2965Ohanyan EminFMARM22916.039.040.524.25
3031Bharath Subramaniyam HIMIND24376.038.542.027.25
3176Matthiesen MartinFMDEN22606.038.040.523.50
3225Polivanov AnatoliyIMUKR24526.034.538.025.50
339Sindarov JavokhirGMUZB25575.551.055.532.00
348Tsydypov ZhamsaranGMRUS25585.547.050.528.00
3535Borsuk KonstantinFMUKR24315.546.549.527.50
3614Caspi IsraelIMISR24895.546.050.028.75
3780Mahitosh DeyFMIND22545.543.546.524.75
3873Gluhovsky MarkRUS22715.543.046.523.75
39116Badillo Ramos SteveESP21025.542.043.023.25
4070Gavilan Diaz MarioFMESP22785.541.543.022.50
4174Papadiamandis ElliotFRA22695.541.044.025.00
4264Randazzo AdrianFMITA22935.541.043.525.50
43102Albu GeorgeROU21425.540.544.026.00
4467Kakabayev MergenFMTKM22855.540.541.020.50
4589Tsaknakis ZisisGRE22175.540.042.521.50
46148Lopez Idarraga Daniel EduardoFMCOL20095.538.541.522.25
4761Miciano John MarvinIMPHI23325.538.540.520.25
4877Sterck ArnoFMBEL22595.537.040.524.00
49120Namitbir Singh WaliaIND20935.536.539.520.00
5063Haring ViktorFMSVK22985.536.538.022.00
224 players

Sunway Sitges Online KO (16 players 4 Rds KO Indiv TC: 5m+3spm) - Games in PGN: Games Final KO


ChessTempo viewer

Sunway Sitges Online KO INT Sun 19th Apr 2020 - Mon 27th Apr 2020
Leading Final Round 4 Standings:
1Adly, Ahmed2.0
2Vrolijk, Liam0.0
3Vasquez Schroeder, Rodrigo2.0
4Yoo, Christopher Woojin0.0
5Shevchenko, Kirill2.0
6Bachmann, Axel0.0
7Mehar, Chinna Reddy C.H.2.0
8Sattarov, Bobir0.0
1Adly, Ahmed2.0
2Yoo, Christopher Woojin1.0
1Vrolijk, Liam1.5
2Vasquez Schroeder, Rodrigo0.5
1Shevchenko, Kirill2.0
2Sattarov, Bobir0.0
1Bachmann, Axel2.0
2Mehar, Chinna Reddy C.H.0.0
1Yoo, Christopher Woojin2.0
2Shevchenko, Kirill1.0
1Adly, Ahmed2.0
2Sattarov, Bobir0.0
1`Vrolijk, Liam2.0
2Mehar, Chinna Reddy C.H.1.0
1Vasquez Schroeder, Rodrigo2.0
2Bachmann, Axel0.0
Round 1
1Shevchenko, Kirill2.0
2Reimanis, Ritvars0.0
1Yoo, Christopher Woojin2.0
2Kopylov, Michael1.0
1Adly, Ahmed1.5
2Thybo, Jesper Sondergaard0.5
1Sattarov, Bobir2.0
2Espinoza Palomino, Willyam0.0
1Mehar, Chinna Reddy C.H.1.5
2Kopylov, Daniel0.5
1Vrolijk, Liam2.0
2Das, Sayantan0.0
1Vasquez Schroeder, Rodrigo1.5
2Nasuta, Grzegorz0.5
1Bachmann, Axel2.0
2Anisimov, Pavel20.0
48 players


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