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SportAccord World Mind Games 2014 (Games and Results)

SportAccord World Mind Games 2014

The SportAccord World Mind Games took place in Beijing 11th to 17th December 2014. Rapid, blitz and Basque (two games played simultaneously with black and white) chess events. Grischuk, Aronian, Ivanchuk, Nepomniachtchi, Radjabov, Leko etc in the men's section. Alexander Grischuk won the Rapid and Blitz sections but Ian Nepomniachtchi won the final Basque System rapid where players play two games against each other at the same time. Hou Yifan won the Blitz and Basque women's sections and Valentina Gunina the rapid.

SportAccord World Mind Games 2014 (Beijing CHN)
Thu 11th Dec 2014 - Wed 17th Dec 2014 - Official Site - Live

SportAccord Rapid w 2014 (16 players 7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:20m+10spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Women

SportAccord Rapid 2014 (16 players 7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:20m+10spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

SportAccord Blitz 2014 (16 players 30 Rds DRR Indiv TC:3m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Blitz Men

SportAccord Blitz w 2014 (16 players 30 Rds DRR Indiv TC:3m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Blitz Women

SportAccord Basque 2014 (16 players 5 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:20m+10spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Basque Men

SportAccord Basque w 2014 (16 players 5 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:20m+10spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Basque Women

SportAccord Rapid 2014 (16 players 7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 20m+10spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


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SportAccord Rapid 2014 Beijing CHN Thu 11th Dec 2014 - Wed 17th Dec 2014
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
11Grischuk AlexanderGMRUS282835032762
212Vachier-Lagrave MaximeGMFRA27283032768
314Wang HaoGMCHN27193032766
42Aronian LevonGMARM28133032749
59Mamedyarov ShakhriyarGMAZE27392032778
64Nepomniachtchi IanGMRUS280134042743
73Ivanchuk VassilyGMUKR281134032746
87Wang YueGMCHN27652132726
913Gelfand BorisGMISR27192042742
108Dominguez Perez LeinierGMCUB276323042740
116Leko PeterGMHUN277313042750
1216Wojtaszek RadoslawGMPOL26841042767
1311Bacrot EtienneGMFRA27311042761
1410Ponomariov RuslanGMUKR27381042747
1515Harikrishna P.GMIND27010042771
165Radjabov TeimourGMAZE277602032753
16 players

SportAccord Rapid w 2014 (16 players 7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 20m+10spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Women


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SportAccord Rapid w 2014 Beijing CHN Thu 11th Dec 2014 - Wed 17th Dec 2014
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
16Gunina ValentinaGMRUS25525042502
22Hou YifanGMCHN260045042516
310Ushenina AnnaGMUKR24893½42507
47Dzagnidze NanaGMGEO25473½32507
58Muzychuk AnnaGMUKR254624142476
611Paehtz ElisabethIMGER248534042549
79Kosintseva TatianaGMRUS25053032554
813Muzychuk MariyaIMUKR24453032522
93Stefanova AntoanetaGMBUL25781032521
105Ju WenjunGMCHN25551032468
1112Zhao XueGMCHN248513032562
1215Harika DronavalliGMIND242103042561
1316Khotenashvili BelaGMGEO24072042543
141Koneru HumpyGMIND261112042460
154Kosteniuk AlexandraGMRUS257712032483
1614Cramling PiaGMSWE244302032526
16 players

SportAccord Blitz 2014 (16 players 30 Rds DRR Indiv TC: 3m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Blitz Men


ChessTempo viewer

SportAccord Blitz 2014 Beijing CHN Thu 11th Dec 2014 - Wed 17th Dec 2014
Leading Final Round 30 Standings:
12Grischuk AlexanderGMRUS28191419½278.75
212Vachier-Lagrave MaximeGMFRA27761318½263.75
310Radjabov TeimourGMAZE27151318262.50
415Aronian LevonGMARM28501317½256.00
58Ivanchuk VassilyGMUKR27201317240.50
64Mamedyarov ShakhriyarGMAZE28661417239.75
79Nepomniachtchi IanGMRUS27881517250.50
87Ponomariov RuslanGMUKR27581215213.50
914Leko PeterGMHUN2694714½220.75
101Gelfand BorisGMISR27571014½214.75
113Dominguez Perez LeinierGMCUB2728913180.50
126Wang HaoGMCHN2693813185.00
1311Wang YueGMCHN2680812½181.00
1416Harikrishna P.GMIND2728711½166.50
1513Wojtaszek RadoslawGMPOL2743711½176.50
165Bacrot EtienneGMFRA2739610145.75
16 players

SportAccord Blitz w 2014 (16 players 30 Rds DRR Indiv TC: 3m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Blitz Women


ChessTempo viewer

SportAccord Blitz w 2014 Beijing CHN Thu 11th Dec 2014 - Wed 17th Dec 2014
Leading Final Round 30 Standings:
116Hou YifanGMCHN26622022½319.25
213Gunina ValentinaGMRUS25821719½278.00
310Muzychuk AnnaGMUKR26651719½275.00
412Harika DronavalliGMIND25331117229.50
59Dzagnidze NanaGMGEO25911217229.75
68Zhao XueGMCHN25761416½232.75
74Kosteniuk AlexandraGMRUS24791216½233.75
815Koneru HumpyGMIND25211016215.50
914Ju WenjunGMCHN24691315½208.50
1011Kosintseva TatianaGMRUS25781114193.00
111Stefanova AntoanetaGMBUL2569814201.25
123Ushenina AnnaGMUKR2467813188.00
132Paehtz ElisabethIMGER2522912½169.25
145Khotenashvili BelaGMGEO2457510½148.25
157Muzychuk MariyaIMUKR2439610½144.75
166Cramling PiaGMSWE2433280.00
16 players

SportAccord Basque 2014 (16 players 5 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 20m+10spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Basque Men


ChessTempo viewer

SportAccord Basque 2014 Beijing CHN Thu 11th Dec 2014 - Wed 17th Dec 2014
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
17Nepomniachtchi IanGMRUS28015052747
211Radjabov TeimourGMAZE277646052770
34Vachier-Lagrave MaximeGMFRA272836052761
45Mamedyarov ShakhriyarGMAZE273936052747
514Dominguez Perez LeinierGMCUB27633252767
62Grischuk AlexanderGMRUS28284052760
73Leko PeterGMHUN27732052767
810Wang HaoGMCHN271945152783
912Aronian LevonGMARM281325152720
106Wojtaszek RadoslawGMPOL26841052747
111Ponomariov RuslanGMUKR27381052742
1213Wang YueGMCHN27650052754
139Harikrishna P.GMIND270124052773
148Gelfand BorisGMISR271904052756
1516Ivanchuk VassilyGMUKR28110052740
1615Bacrot EtienneGMFRA273113052751
16 players

SportAccord Basque w 2014 (16 players 5 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 20m+10spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Basque Women


ChessTempo viewer

SportAccord Basque w 2014 Beijing CHN Thu 11th Dec 2014 - Wed 17th Dec 2014
Leading Final Round 5 Standings:
11Hou YifanGMCHN26007052544
216Kosteniuk AlexandraGMRUS257767052491
313Zhao XueGMCHN248556052550
42Stefanova AntoanetaGMBUL257856052526
511Koneru HumpyGMIND26115052539
612Ju WenjunGMCHN25555052490
76Dzagnidze NanaGMGEO25474052525
89Muzychuk AnnaGMUKR25464052522
94Gunina ValentinaGMRUS255245052515
1010Ushenina AnnaGMUKR248945052511
1115Harika DronavalliGMIND24212052524
123Kosintseva TatianaGMRUS25053052562
137Cramling PiaGMSWE24433052498
145Muzychuk MariyaIMUKR244533252499
158Khotenashvili BelaGMGEO240733252499
1614Paehtz ElisabethIMGER248533252464
16 players


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