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Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz 2023 (Games and Results)

Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz 2023

The Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz took place 14th to 19th November 2023. "Fabiano Caruana became the 2023 Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz champion after a dramatic final day of blitz, which came down to a winner-take-all last round game against Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. Caruana ended with 21/36 points, Vachier-Lagrave finished second with 20.5, while Ian Nepomniachtchi and Le Quang Liem tied for third place with 20." "Earning 13 GCT points for the tournament victory, Caruana is now extremely close to clinching the overall 2023 Grand Chess Tour."

Ray Robson was the surprise winner of the rapid with 5.5/9. Caruana, Le Quang Liem and Ian Nepomniachtchi scored 11/18 in the blitz.

Saint Louis Rapid & Blitz 2023 (Saint Louis USA)
Tue 14th Nov 2023 - Sun 19th Nov 2023 - Official Site - Results

Saint Louis Rapid 2023 (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC:25m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Rapid Games

Saint Louis Blitz 2023 (10 players 18 Rds DRR Indiv TC:5m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Blitz Games

Saint Louis Rapid 2023 (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 25m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Rapid Games


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Saint Louis Rapid 2023 Saint Louis (USA), 14-19 xi 2023 cat. XX (2739)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Robson, Ray g USA 2696 * ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 ½ 0 ½ 2823
2. Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime g FRA 2734 ½ * ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ 5 2782
3. Caruana, Fabiano g USA 2795 ½ ½ * ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 ½ 1 5 2775
4. Giri, Anish g NED 2752 ½ ½ ½ * 0 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 2737
5. Firouzja, Alireza g FRA 2777 0 ½ 1 1 * 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 2734
6. Sevian, Samuel g USA 2696 0 ½ ½ 0 1 * 1 ½ ½ ½ 2743
7. Nepomniachtchi, Ian g RUS 2771 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 * 1 1 ½ 2734
8. Le, Quang Liem g VIE 2731 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ 0 * 1 1 2739
9. So, Wesley g USA 2752 1 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 0 * ½ 2657
10. Xiong, Jeffery g USA 2681 ½ ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ * 2664
Round 1 (November 14, 2023)
Robson, Ray - Xiong, Jeffery ½-½ 97 C42 Petroff's Defence
Caruana, Fabiano - Firouzja, Alireza 0-1 47 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Giri, Anish - Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime ½-½ 59 D85 Gruenfeld Defence
Sevian, Samuel - Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1-0 30 A22 English Opening
Le, Quang Liem - So, Wesley 1-0 43 D38 QGD Ragozin
Round 2 (November 14, 2023)
Robson, Ray - Le, Quang Liem ½-½ 60 C50 Giuoco Piano
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime - Caruana, Fabiano ½-½ 83 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Giri, Anish ½-½ 76 C50 Giuoco Piano
So, Wesley - Sevian, Samuel ½-½ 62 C77 Ruy Lopez Anderssen
Xiong, Jeffery - Firouzja, Alireza ½-½ 19 D38 QGD Ragozin
Round 3 (November 14, 2023)
Caruana, Fabiano - Nepomniachtchi, Ian ½-½ 56 A28 English Four Knights
Giri, Anish - So, Wesley ½-½ 52 D41 Semi-Tarrasch Defence
Firouzja, Alireza - Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime ½-½ 35 B52 Sicilian Rossolimo
Sevian, Samuel - Robson, Ray 0-1 62 C50 Giuoco Piano
Le, Quang Liem - Xiong, Jeffery 1-0 48 A34 English Symmetrical
Round 4 (November 15, 2023)
Robson, Ray - Giri, Anish ½-½ 40 D12 Slav Defence
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Firouzja, Alireza ½-½ 43 C45 Scotch Game
Le, Quang Liem - Sevian, Samuel ½-½ 42 D38 QGD Ragozin
So, Wesley - Caruana, Fabiano ½-½ 52 C79 Ruy Lopez Russian Defence
Xiong, Jeffery - Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime ½-½ 33 D27 QGA
Round 5 (November 15, 2023)
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime - Nepomniachtchi, Ian ½-½ 65 C70 Ruy Lopez
Caruana, Fabiano - Robson, Ray ½-½ 67 A28 English Four Knights
Giri, Anish - Le, Quang Liem ½-½ 84 B31 Sicilian Rossolimo
Firouzja, Alireza - So, Wesley ½-½ 44 C42 Petroff's Defence
Sevian, Samuel - Xiong, Jeffery ½-½ 32 C43 Petroff's Defence
Round 6 (November 15, 2023)
Robson, Ray - Firouzja, Alireza 1-0 44 E71 King's Indian 5.h3
Sevian, Samuel - Giri, Anish 0-1 89 C67 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Le, Quang Liem - Caruana, Fabiano 0-1 46 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
So, Wesley - Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime 0-1 51 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Xiong, Jeffery - Nepomniachtchi, Ian ½-½ 44 E21 Nimzo Indian 4.Nf3
Round 7 (November 16, 2023)
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime - Robson, Ray ½-½ 33 A29 English Four Knights
Caruana, Fabiano - Sevian, Samuel ½-½ 39 C53 Giuoco Piano
Giri, Anish - Xiong, Jeffery ½-½ 42 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Firouzja, Alireza - Le, Quang Liem ½-½ 67 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - So, Wesley 1-0 62 C85 Ruy Lopez Steenwijker Defence
Round 8 (November 16, 2023)
Robson, Ray - Nepomniachtchi, Ian 1-0 40 D87 Gruenfeld Botvinnik
Giri, Anish - Caruana, Fabiano ½-½ 81 C50 Giuoco Piano
Sevian, Samuel - Firouzja, Alireza 1-0 68 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Le, Quang Liem - Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime ½-½ 47 D90 Gruenfeld Flohr
Xiong, Jeffery - So, Wesley ½-½ 63 D43 Anti-Meran Gambit
Round 9 (November 16, 2023)
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime - Sevian, Samuel ½-½ 63 C80 Ruy Lopez Open
Caruana, Fabiano - Xiong, Jeffery 1-0 49 C50 Giuoco Piano
Firouzja, Alireza - Giri, Anish 1-0 39 D34 Tarrasch Defence, Main Line
Nepomniachtchi, Ian - Le, Quang Liem 1-0 69 B32 Sicilian Labourdonnais
So, Wesley - Robson, Ray 1-0 76 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin

Saint Louis Blitz 2023 (10 players 18 Rds DRR Indiv TC: 5m+2spm) - Games in PGN: Blitz Games


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Saint Louis Blitz 2023 Saint Louis USA Tue 14th Nov 2023 - Sun 19th Nov 2023
Leading Final Round 18 Standings:
12Caruana, FabianoUSA281311
3Le, Quang LiemVIE266511
4Nepomniachtchi, IanFID278511
48Vachier-Lagrave, MaximeFRA272810.5
59So, WesleyUSA276010
65Firouzja, AlirezaFRA28969.5
71Sevian, SamuelUSA26957.5
86Giri, AnishNED27527
910Xiong, JefferyUSA27266.5
107Robson, RayUSA26656
10 players


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