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Russian Championships Higher League 2011 (Games and Results)

Russian Chess Championships Higher League 2011

The Higher League of the Russian Chess Championships for Men and Women took place in Taganrog 15th-26th June 2011. This acted as a qualifier for the full championships later in the year. After a period where he hasn't played much and when he has he has played poorly Alexander Morozevich returned to top form winning with 8/11. Artyom Timofeev and Alexander Galkin 7.5 also qualify for final.

ch-RUS Higher League 2011 (Taganrog RUS)
Wed 15th Jun 2011 - Sun 26th Jun 2011 - Official Site - Results - Live

64th ch-RUS HL 2011 (62 players 11 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Men

61st ch-RUS HL w (34 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Women

64th ch-RUS HL 2011 (62 players 11 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Men


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64th ch-RUS HL 2011 Taganrog RUS Wed 15th Jun 2011 - Sun 26th Jun 2011
Leading Final Round 11 Standings:
1Morozevich AlexanderGMRUS26948.063.047.55
2Timofeev ArtyomGMRUS26657.566.547.05
3Galkin AlexanderGMRUS25987.566.047.04
4Tomashevsky EvgenyGMRUS27077.065.543.53
5Sjugirov SananGMRUS26297.065.048.05
6Matlakov MaximGMRUS26327.063.543.53
7Inarkiev ErnestoGMRUS26797.063.541.05
8Volkov SergeyGMRUS26157.063.044.53
9Zvjaginsev VadimGMRUS26597.062.044.53
10Grachev BorisGMRUS26697.061.041.03
11Rublevsky SergeiGMRUS26827.060.039.54
12Fedoseev VladimirGMRUS25067.055.035.56
13Vitiugov NikitaGMRUS27336.562.541.52
14Alekseev EvgenyGMRUS26736.561.541.53
15Kornev AlexeiGMRUS25116.559.036.04
16Khairullin IldarGMRUS26496.557.535.03
17Najer EvgeniyGMRUS26436.066.042.53
18Savchenko BorisGMRUS26306.064.041.05
19Lysyj IgorGMRUS26296.063.538.02
20Romanov EvgenyGMRUS26246.061.036.03
21Lintchevski DaniilGMRUS25436.060.535.03
22Potkin VladimirGMRUS26826.059.037.02
23Kobalia MikhailGMRUS26796.058.034.04
24Kryakvin DmitryGMRUS25516.057.036.54
25Shomoev AntonGMRUS25666.057.032.54
26Kurnosov IgorGMRUS26335.562.039.53
27Reshetnikov AlexeyIMRUS24875.561.534.02
28Jakovenko DmitryGMRUS27325.561.038.53
29Landa KonstantinGMRUS26135.560.037.03
30Bukavshin IvanIMRUS25025.559.536.54
31Evdokimov Alexander AGMRUS25615.559.033.03
32Papin VasilyGMRUS25655.557.034.03
33Bocharov DmitryGMRUS25805.557.031.03
34Grigoriants SergeyGMRUS25625.556.032.52
35Danin AlexandreGMRUS25345.554.031.53
36Kosintseva TatianaGMRUS25595.552.029.54
37Khismatullin DenisGMRUS26565.063.036.03
38Ponkratov PavelGMRUS25825.060.534.02
39Chadaev NikolaiGMRUS25775.059.529.02
40Vorobiov Evgeny EGMRUS25705.056.029.02
41Sakaev KonstantinGMRUS26295.055.533.01
42Shimanov AleksandrGMRUS25835.054.530.04
43Goganov AlekseyIMRUS24805.050.025.02
44Bryzgalin KirillGMRUS24735.049.527.02
45Mokshanov AlexeyRUS23935.049.525.02
46Lastin AlexanderGMRUS26175.048.528.01
47Zakhartsov Viacheslav VGMRUS25785.047.026.03
48Airapetian GorIMRUS24605.046.521.54
49Diu ViacheslavIMRUS24754.555.026.53
50Sek KonstantinRUS24324.554.025.53
51Sitnikov DmitrijIMRUS24634.552.526.01
52Mikhailov SergeyFMRUS23994.551.523.53
53Yemelin VasilyGMRUS25844.545.023.02
54Khalifman AlexanderGMRUS26274.061.533.01
55Frolyanov DmitryGMRUS25994.054.527.51
56Musalov RuslanRUS23994.049.524.03
57Polschikov AlexeyFMRUS23954.046.519.04
58Stukopin AndreyIMRUS24713.552.024.52
59Rodin DmitrijRUS24043.547.021.00
60Chuprov DmitryGMRUS25203.540.012.01
61Balashov Yuri SGMRUS24263.047.017.00
62Shukh NikolaiIMRUS24382.546.514.00
62 players

61st ch-RUS HL w (34 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Women


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61st ch-RUS HL w Taganrog RUS Wed 15th Jun 2011 - Sun 26th Jun 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Zaiatz ElenaIMRUS24307.544.040.06
2Kovanova BairaWGMRUS23616.543.029.55
3Gunina ValentinaIMRUS24876.046.536.06
4Charochkina DariaWIMRUS23206.046.033.55
5Shadrina TatianaWGMRUS23976.044.027.05
6Girya OlgaWGMRUS23946.038.525.55
7Ovod EvgenijaIMRUS24045.544.028.55
8Kovalevskaya EkaterinaIMRUS24275.543.029.53
9Bodnaruk AnastasiaIMRUS24195.541.029.55
10Tomilova ElenaWIMRUS23175.041.028.53
11Vasilevich IrinaIMRUS23425.041.026.04
12Romanko MarinaIMRUS23875.040.529.03
13Severiukhina ZojaWIMRUS22915.040.023.54
14Pustovoitova DariaFMRUS23065.038.525.03
15Kostrikina AnnaWFMRUS20725.038.024.54
16Matveeva SvetlanaIMRUS23804.539.525.03
17Bukhteeva ViktoriaRUS21784.539.024.02
18Goryachkina AleksandraWFMRUS21034.538.520.52
19Ivakhinova InnaWIMRUS23264.533.017.53
20Ambartsumova KarinaWIMRUS23034.042.526.53
21Drozdova DinaRUS22394.038.520.52
22Kindinova EkaterinaWFMRUS21594.036.517.53
23Zizlova SofiaRUS21494.035.519.02
24Bezgodova SvetlanaWIMRUS21544.034.518.53
25Savina AnastasiaIMRUS23894.033.016.53
26Ivkina OlgaWIMRUS22944.031.513.53
27Belenkaya DinaWFMRUS21983.536.018.03
28Semenova ElenaWFMRUS21883.534.018.52
29Balaian AlinaRUS21633.529.014.03
30Severina MariaRUS21043.035.016.03
31Travkina AnastasiaWFMRUS21763.034.014.51
32Fominykh MariaWIMRUS22913.032.011.52
33Petrova OlgaRUS22562.031.510.01
34Antipina NataliaRUS01.030.08.01
34 players


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