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Paul Keres Memorial 2011 (Games and Results)

Paul Keres Memorial 2011

A three day Festival commemorating the 95th year of the chess legend Paul Keres took place in Tallinn. There were various ceremonies and a preliminary and all-play-all rapid tournament. Lajos Portisch gave a lecture. Alexei Shirov, Jaan Ehlvest, Elshan Moradiabadi and Aleksandr Volodin were the invited players for the final. Shirov took clear first place with 6/7.

Paul Keres Mem 2011 (Tallinn EST)
Fri 7th Jan 2011 - Sun 9th Jan 2011 - Official Site

Keres Memorial (8 players 7 Rds SRR Indiv TC:15m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Games

Keres Mem Prelim (7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:15m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Games

Keres Memorial (8 players 7 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 15m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Games


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XX Keres Mem Rapid Tallinn EST Fri 7th Jan 2011 - Sun 9th Jan 2011. Category: 10. Ave: (2480)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pts TPR
1 Shirov, Alexei GM ESP 2722 # = 1 1 1 1 = 1 6 2755
2 Ehlvest, Jaan GM USA 2586 = # = = = 1 1 1 5 2623
3 Miezis, Normunds GM LAT 2546 0 = # = 1 1 1 1 5 2629
4 Lugovoi, Aleksei GM RUS 2531 0 = = # 1 = = 1 4 2523
5 Vovk, Ilja FM EST 2267 0 = 0 0 # 1 1 1 3.5 2511
6 Volodin, Aleksandr IM EST 2487 0 0 0 = 0 # 1 1 2.5 2377
7 Smirnov, Artem IM RUS 2428 = 0 0 = 0 0 # 1 2 2330
8 Kovaljov, Denis EST 2274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 0
Round 1. Sat 8th Jan 2011
Miezis, Normunds 1-0 Kovaljov, Denis 25 A22 English
Shirov, Alexei 1-0 Lugovoi, Aleksei 49 B64 Sicilian
Volodin, Aleksandr 0-1 Vovk, Ilja 28 A80 Dutch, 2.Bg5 variation
Smirnov, Artem 0-1 Ehlvest, Jaan 33 A45 Trompovsky attack (Ruth, Opovcensky opening)
Round 2. Sat 8th Jan 2011
Vovk, Ilja 0-1 Miezis, Normunds 34 B21 Sicilian
Ehlvest, Jaan 1-0 Volodin, Aleksandr 45 A30 English
Lugovoi, Aleksei 1-0 Kovaljov, Denis 28 D37 QGD
Shirov, Alexei 1/2-1/2 Smirnov, Artem 52 C67 Ruy Lopez
Round 3. Sat 8th Jan 2011
Smirnov, Artem 1/2-1/2 Lugovoi, Aleksei 56 D40 QGD
Kovaljov, Denis 0-1 Vovk, Ilja 43 A89 Dutch
Volodin, Aleksandr 0-1 Shirov, Alexei 31 D15 QGD Slav
Miezis, Normunds 1/2-1/2 Ehlvest, Jaan 9 C00 French defence, Steiner variation
Round 4. Sun 9th Jan 2011
Smirnov, Artem 0-1 Volodin, Aleksandr 54 A43 Old Benoni defence
Ehlvest, Jaan 1-0 Kovaljov, Denis 30 A14 English
Lugovoi, Aleksei 1-0 Vovk, Ilja 65 A89 Dutch
Shirov, Alexei 1-0 Miezis, Normunds 25 B43 Sicilian
Round 5. Sun 9th Jan 2011
Volodin, Aleksandr 1/2-1/2 Lugovoi, Aleksei 22 D41 QGD
Vovk, Ilja 1/2-1/2 Ehlvest, Jaan 32 A62 Benoni
Kovaljov, Denis 0-1 Shirov, Alexei 45 D02 Queen's pawn game
Miezis, Normunds 1-0 Smirnov, Artem 43 A21 English, Kramnik-Shirov counterattack
Round 6. Sun 9th Jan 2011
Smirnov, Artem 1-0 Kovaljov, Denis 68 E06 Catalan
Volodin, Aleksandr 0-1 Miezis, Normunds 26 A52 Budapest
Lugovoi, Aleksei 1/2-1/2 Ehlvest, Jaan 20 D37 QGD
Shirov, Alexei 1-0 Vovk, Ilja 41 C96 Ruy Lopez
Round 7. Sun 9th Jan 2011
Miezis, Normunds 1/2-1/2 Lugovoi, Aleksei 40 A16 English
Vovk, Ilja 1-0 Smirnov, Artem 30 A56 Czech Benoni defence
Ehlvest, Jaan 1/2-1/2 Shirov, Alexei 9 A20 English opening
Kovaljov, Denis 0-1 Volodin, Aleksandr 46 A46 Queen's pawn game

Keres Mem Prelim (7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 15m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Games


ChessTempo viewer

XX Keres Mem Rapid Prelim Viru EST Fri 7th Jan 2011 - Sun 9th Jan 2011
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1Smirnov ArtemIMRUS24286.527.00.034.5
2Kovaljov DenisEST22746.527.00.033.5
3Miezis NormundsGMLAT25466.
4Lugovoi AlekseiGMRUS25315.524.00.033.0
5Vovk IljaFMEST22705.522.00.029.5
6Mustaps MatissLAT22565.520.50.028.5
7Burmakin VladimirGMRUS26035.
8Kantans TomsFMLAT23425.
9Pääkkönen TimoFIN23005.
10Shvõrjov IgorGMEST24705.
11Ristoja JanFMFIN22715.
12Lavendelis EgonsFMLAT23215.
13Ladva OttomarEST20625.
14Berzinsh IvarsLAT22244.522.50.028.0
15Bick John DFMUSA22374.520.00.026.0
16Kärner HillarIMEST22734.519.50.025.0
17Vorobjov PavelEST22274.519.50.026.0
18Berzinsh RolandIMLAT24254.519.00.028.5
19Sööt MargusEST21824.519.00.028.0
20Parkkinen JyrkiFIN22094.519.00.026.0
21Shishkov AndreiFMEST23824.519.00.028.5
22Paronen PetteriFIN21544.518.00.028.5
23Sharankov GrigoryRUS21974.517.00.027.0
24Annenkov KirillFMRUS22724.515.50.021.5
25Valner UkuEST22374.
26Tusa TuukkaFIN21944.
27Dubrovin RobertEST21644.
28Kukk SanderEST21414.
29Ozolins ArisFMLAT22394.
30Tarakanov OlegEST21664.
31Valgmäe ToomasEST22314.
32Tsõganova MonikaWIMEST21614.
33Lapidus MarkEST20394.
34Remmel AntoEST22794.
35Holvason JuriEST21554.
36Sarv ArvoEST20954.
37Teemae LeoEST21084.
38Narva TriinWCMEST20024.
39Pärnits RaunoEST21624.
40Abozenko GeorgEST19334.
41Kunitsõn NikolaiEST23004.
42Nikitin PjotrEST19264.
43Fomina TatyanaWIMEST22243.517.50.027.5
44Rauk TonuEST22033.517.00.027.5
45Teelem LauriEST21293.517.00.030.5
46Lelumees BraitEST21423.516.00.028.0
47Melderis UldisLAT20433.515.00.026.0
48Müütnik ValdoEST21133.515.00.021.5
49Dragun ValentinEST17593.515.00.028.5
50Ryzhkov VjacheslavRUS20863.514.00.028.0
51Andriyanov IvanRUS20013.514.00.024.0
52Tedrema ArdiEST20633.513.50.026.5
53Abdullajev AlbertRUS19933.512.50.025.5
54Berzina IlzeWGMLAT23183.512.50.021.0
55Vaher EinoEST21633.
56Garber VjatseslavEST21673.
57Sander JaanEST19263.
58Koskre RaivoEST19313.
59Lehto AnttiFIN20013.
60Johansson JukkaFIN21333.
61Studentsov AndreiEST20523.
62Kuusik JüriEST19163.
63Ristoja SamuFIN20473.
64Veskimäe EnnEST19103.
65Petrov AleksandrEST20193.
66Medar MartiEST18383.
67Poom MatiEST17063.
68Narva MaiEST15983.
69Mierins EriksLAT21512.513.00.025.0
70Staub MadisEST17462.511.50.024.0
71Haavamae HenrikEST15642.511.00.024.0
72Maido ErkiEST13582.510.50.021.5
73Nero GeorgEST14992.
74Gabovits IliaEST18762.
75Lumiste ReneEST14332.
76Vetelainen TomiFIN18762.
77Hanzatjan AnaidEST18392.
78Enkvist JanisEST15352.
79Hanzatjan ElviraEST18132.
80Tammela RanelEST16632.
81Iljitšov VladimirEST18452.
82Mitjushin MikhailRUS18002.
83Laigna MarkoEST18162.
84Moring PeterEST16792.
85Halliste ReinEST16982.
86Sepp MatiEST18252.
87Sagadijeva AnnaWFMEST19531.
88Viikmaa KarmenEST17351.
89Tomson HansEST18661.
90Väin KaljuEST16091.
91Rõtova MerikeEST19371.
92Park ToomasEST15000.
93Rosenvald HelmuthEST17700.
93 players


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