NRK Carlsen vs Norway TV 2014 (Games and Results)
NRK Carlsen vs Norway TV 2014
Mark Crowther - Sunday 30th November 2014
Carlsen receives a birthday present and a cake on his 24th birthday. Photo © |
Magnus Carlsen played an exhibition event on the NRK TV channel in Norway. There main game was Norway vs Carlsen. There were some technical problems early on which meant later moves were played in turbo mode (about 30 seconds a move) and the Norway position collapsed rapidly. Carlsen started 7 other simultaneous games against teams including the family Carlsen, chess juniors, politicians, journalists, members of the public etc. I believe some of these may have been better games and become available later. November 30th was also Magnus Carlsen's birthday and he was presented with a cake and a present of a framed cartoon of him with Donald Duck.
NRK Carlsen vs Norway TV 2014 (Oslo NOR)
Sun 30th Nov 2014 - Sun 30th Nov 2014 -
Official Site
NRK Carlsen vs Norway TV (2 players 1 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games
NRK Carlsen vs Norway TV (2 players 1 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games
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