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Nadorf Memorial 2010 (4)

Fourth round for the brave and the Najdorf Memorial

Stanislaw Zawadzki reports on the 4th round of the Najdorf Memorial.

After two rather usual rounds in the forth day we could spot many interesting games. Now the tournament has two sole leader - Aleksaerra Mista and Julian Radulski.

The most important games were played on two highest boards, but other games also brought us interesting results. The biggest surprise of the round was for sure a clear loss of GM Siergiey Zhigalko with white, who was totally destroyed by Radulski. In some sense also a win of Aleksander Mista was unexpected. Grandmaster from Ostroda for the first time in this tournament didn't have a completly lost position. But Vadim Malakhatko could have easily drawn an outcoming endgame. He played few weaker moves and finally had to resign. On few further board we could observe draws. Most interesting of them was in Olszewski-Socko. According to computer the advantage was switching from one side to another. It looks like draw was a fair result.

Two most crazy games were Rej-Jakubowski and Matuszewski-Vysochin. In both cases grandmasters, who were playing with black, gained a serious material advantage and it looked like they will win convincingly. It appears that a bravery of young players was rewarded. Krzysiek Jakubowski blundered a beautiful tactical blow, after which he could resign immediately, then Michal Matuszewski developed a devastating attack on opponent's king left in the center.

Hammer and Macieja both won easily and are chasing the leading group with three points. Victor Erdos also who drew very quickly against Krysztofiak.

In fifth round we will focus on watching Radulski and Mista. It should be an interesting game that can influence the turn of events.

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