Najdorf Memorial 2010 (2)
Calm second round in the Najdorf Memorial 2010
Stanislaw Zawadzki - Wednesday 21st July 2010
Stanislaw Zawadzki reports on the 2nd round of the Najdorf Memorial.
After a bit insane first round in the second day everything went back to normal. We could observe first simple draws, as for example in Staniszewski-Macieja. In a very convincing way the main favourite of this tournament, Siergiey Zhigalko, won a game against Mateusz Bobula. In a usual Queens Gambit he managed to construct a decisive attach- at start he sacrificed a pawn and the, to withhold pressure, he gave his opponent an exchange.. In a result of fierce attack his rival had to give back the material and resign few moves later. Also GM Dziuba won in a convincing matter - after middle-game complication he surfaced with exchange up and easily won.
Besides few unexpected draws there were no surprises - Lower rated players almost didn't win any game. In the next round we will be able to observe first game GM vs GM. I hope they will give us many positive emotions.