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Moscow Open 2010 (9)

Moscow Open 2010

Alexander Motylev in action at the Moscow Open. Photo © Official site.

Alexander Motylev in action at the Moscow Open. Photo © Official site. |

The Moscow Open took place 30th January - 7th February 2010 and was again pretty strong, as it immediately precedes the 9th Aeroflot Open, many players compete in both. Konstantin Chernyshov, Evgeny Bareev, Le Quang Liem and Ernesto Inarkiev finished on 7/9 with Chernyshov having the best tie-break (most wins).

Alexei Gubajdullin, the top seed in the B tournament was disqualified. The organisers believed he manipulated his ratiing prior to the event to lose enough points (57) to get under the 2300 limit for this event and the following Aeroflot Open (here the limit is 2400 and he made the draw for round 1).

Moscow Open 2010 (Moscow RUS)
Sat 30th Jan 2010 - Sun 7th Feb 2010 - Official Site - Results - Live

Moscow Open A (187 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:105m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Open A

Moscow Open A (187 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 105m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Open A


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Open A Moscow (RUS), 30 i-7 ii 2010
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
Rk.NameTiFEDRtgPts. TB1 TB2 TB3
1Chernyshov KonstantinGMRUS25567646.533.5
2Bareev EvgenyGMRUS2643755237
3Le Quang LiemGMVIE26477550.537
4Inarkiev ErnestoGMRUS26497549.536
5Sasikiran KrishnanGMIND26536.5550.535.5
6Bologan ViktorGMMDA26926.5550.534.5
7Andreikin DmitryGMRUS26356.554836
8Kurnosov IgorGMRUS26686.5547.534
9Azarov SergeiGMBLR26226.554732.5
10Rublevsky SergeiGMRUS26976.5451.533
11Bu XiangzhiGMCHN26736.5450.534
12Belov VladimirGMRUS25956.5449.534.5
13Vorobiov Evgeny EGMRUS26216.544532
14Savchenko BorisGMRUS26386.5444.530.5
15Rakhmanov AleksandrGMRUS25916638.525
16Motylev AlexanderGMRUS2697655233.5
17Khismatullin DenisGMRUS26516550.532.5
18Zhigalko SergeiGMBLR26686547.531.5
19Volkov SergeyGMRUS26236546.529.5
20Pugachov AlexeyIMRUS2445654227.5
21Kazhgaleyev MurtasGMKAZ2643654126.5
22Matlakov MaximIMRUS25876451.533
23Najer EvgeniyGMRUS2665644831
24Amonatov FarrukhGMTJK2634644732.5
25Nepomniachtchi IanGMRUS2658644328.5
26Vescovi GiovanniGMBRA2660644127.5
27Shinkevich VitalyIMRUS2501643928
28Grachev BorisGMRUS26536351.534
29Khusnutdinov RustamGMKAZ25135.554429
30Krapivin AlexanderGMRUS24955.554427.5
31Kabanov NikolaiGMRUS25105.5543.525.5
32Reshetnikov AlexeyFMRUS24475.5448.531.5
33Miton KamilGMPOL25865.544732
34Bezgodov AlexeiGMRUS24905.5446.528.5
35Krivoborodov EgorIMRUS24715.5444.529
36Iordachescu ViorelGMMDA26295.5443.529.5
37Stukopin AndreyIMRUS24235.544327
38Sjugirov SananGMRUS26105.544326.5
39Dvoirys Semen IGMRUS25395.5442.527.5
40Belous VladimirRUS24195.5442.523
41Shomoev AntonGMRUS25595.5441.527.5
42Ipatov AlexanderIMESP24975.5351.530.5
43Zinchenko YaroslavGMUKR25385.5347.529.5
44Kharitonov AlexandrGMRUS25385.534529.5
45Zhou WeiqiGMCHN26005.534023.5
46Chernobay ArtemIMRUS23985.524425.5
47Zontakh AndreyGMUKR25405.524126
48Ismagambetov AnuarGMKAZ24975546.527
49Gasanov EldarGMUKR25365447.529
50Shimanov AleksandrGMRUS2535544730
51Krylov MikhailIMRUS2511544627.5
52Goganov AlekseyFMRUS24485444.527
53Gochelashvili DavidIMRUS2463544328
54Pridorozhni AlekseiIMRUS25485441.523.5
55Obolenskikh DmitryRUS2435543720.5
56Nozdrachev VladislavFMRUS23465436.518.5
57Kovalenko IgorIMUKR2486534828.5
58Shcherbakov RuslanGMRUS2505534727.5
59Mozharov MikhailIMRUS24515343.528.5
60Iljushin AlexeiGMRUS25515343.527.5
61Shukh NikolaiFMRUS24395343.523.5
62Evdokimov Alexander A.GMRUS25615342.526
63Chadaev NikolaiGMRUS25695341.526.5
64Korobkov PiotrUKR24825341.525.5
65Gabrielian ArturGMRUS25235340.528
66Predke AlexandrRUS24025340.522.5
67Ulko JaroslavIMRUS2445533825
68Papin VasilyIMRUS25485336.522
69Pushkov NikolaiGMRUS24685335.525
70Lintchevski DaniilGMRUS24985245.526.5
71Gorovykh EduardIMRUS2410524525.5
72Lastin AlexanderGMRUS2659524427.5
73Panarin MikhailGMRUS2518524427
74Sokolov AndreiGMFRA2569524226
75Belozerov AndreiGMRUS24885241.526
76Grigoriants SergeyGMRUS2560523924
77Guerrero Juan CarlosIMCOL22414.544323.5
78Hou YifanGMCHN25904.544223.5
79Gagarin VasilijIMRUS24154.544019
80Shabalov AlexanderGMUSA26114.5439.523.5
187 players


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