Chessable First Opening Repertoire

Max Euwe Memorial 2011 (2)

Euwe tournament: Conquest arrives, Olafsson ill, Socko wins

Monika Socko demonstrates her win over Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant. Photo ©

Monika Socko demonstrates her win over Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant. Photo © |

Monika Socko took the lead in Group 2 with the first win of the event beating Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant with black. Stuart Conquest drew Robin van Kampen after missing some chances. Fridrik Olafsson had some medical problems and had to see a doctor rather than play.

Stuart Conquest arrived Monday evening in plenty of time for round 2

Stuart Conquest arrived Monday evening in plenty of time for round 2. Photo ©

Stuart Conquest played his first game in the Euwe Tournament today against the player with the highest rating, 17-year old Robin van Kampen. Due to weather problems in London, Conquest could not arrive on time for the first round. "I planned to take the ferry from Harwich to Hoek van Holland in the evening and stayed at the airport to get some work done. Then I suddenly heard a last call announcement for a flight to Amsterdam, so I ran to the gate and fortunately they had a seat for me", Conquest explained.

Still, only three games were played today. Fridrik Olafsson already had some problems with his stomach on Monday and he even had to see a doctor on Tuesday. He could not play his game against Cramling today, so this game will be played on the rest day on Thursday, together with Conquest and Arakhamia who still play their first round game.

Ian Rogers, Robin van Kampen and Stuart Conquest amongst others in the analysis room

Ian Rogers, Robin van Kampen and Stuart Conquest amongst others in the analysis room. Photo ©

Let's take a quick look at the games. Conquest played a typical "English" opening, after 1.d4 d5 he played the move 2.Bg5. A lot of English grandmasters in the eighties and nineties played this highly popular move. If you want to learn something about this opening or 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5, check some older games of Hodgson, Adams, Short, Hebden or Norwood. In this game Conquest played the new move 10.Qa4 and Van Kampen had to solve some small problems. After 24...Nc5?! Conquest missed 25. Rxc5 Bxc5 26.Bxd8 Bxd4 27.Be7 with a better position for white. Both players were in time trouble though, and the young Dutchman could not convert his advantage. He missed the tactical blow 33...Nf4! which would have given him some chances in the endgame. The game ended in a draw after 35 moves.

Stuart Conquest - Robin van Kampen Euwe Memorial Gp2 (2)

1. d4 d5 2. Bg5 Nf6 3. e3 Ne4 4. Bf4 c5 5. Bd3 Nf6 6. Nd2 Nc6 7. c3 Qb6 8. Rb1 Bg4 9. Ngf3 e6 10. Qa4 Nd7 11. O-O cxd4 12. cxd4 Be7 13. b4 O-O 14. Rfc1 Rfc8 15. b5 Qa5 16. Qc2 Nd8 17. Qb3 Qa3 18. Bc7 Bxf3 19. gxf3 Bd6 20. Qxa3 Bxa3 21. Rc3 Bd6 22. Rbc1 Bb4 23. R3c2 Ba3 24. Rd1 Nc5

Robin van Kampen


Stuart Conquest

Position after 24...Nc5? Conquest missed 25. Rxc5 Bxc5 26.Bxd8 Bxd4 27.Be7 with a better position for white.

25. dxc5 Rxc7 26. Nb3 Rac8 27. e4 Bxc5 28. exd5 exd5 29. Bf5 Ne6 30. Rxd5 Bb6 31. Rxc7 Rxc7 32. a4 Rc3 33. Rd3 Rxd3 34. Bxd3 Nc5 35. Nxc5 1/2-1/2

The game Van der Sterren-Peng also ended in a draw. In an English opening, Van der Sterren had a slightly better position, but after 18...a5 black could easily equalize. After 29 moves Van der Sterren offered a draw in a position which was "clearly better for black", according to kiebitzer GM Dimitri Reinderman in the commentary room.

Monika Socko demonstrates her win.

Monika Socko demonstrates her win. Photo ©

Monika Socko won a nice game against Kati Arakhamia-Grant. The Scottish champion mishandled the opening completely but somehow managed to get an acceptable position. However, in severe time trouble she lost an important pawn on e6 and the position went downhill pretty fast. Socko had no problem to score the full point.

Monika Socko


Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant

Position after 38.Rf1. White loses the e6 pawn and her position collapses.

38... Qxe6 39. Ra2 Rxb3 40. Bxc2 Rxf3 41. Rxf3 Bxf3 42. f5 Qd6 43. Qf2 Qf4 44. fxg6 hxg6 45. Bd3 Rc1+ 46. Bf1 Kf7 47. Rd2 Qe4 48. Rb2 Qd3 49. g5 f5 50. Ra2 Be4 0-1

On Wednesday we will see the next games and let's hope that all players are healthy and well. In group 1 we will see Cramling-van der Sterren and Peng-Olafsson. In group 2 Van Kampen-Arakhamia and Socko-Conquest will be played. The games start at 13.00, live games on

On Wednesday afternoon 16 November, 14:00-17:30, on the children's floor of the Public Central library we are organising an afternoon for all children who like chess or would like to know more about it. Jennifer Shahade arrived in Amsterdam today, and she will give a simul tomorrow. The film "Long live the Queen" will be screened and in the evening there is a lecture by Dr. Jos Uiterwijk. Uiterwijk delivers a lecture on digital developments since Euwe's time as part of the "Digital Month" series organized by the Amsterdam public library.

Lots of fascinating chess stuff coming up on Wednesday! (Eric van Reem)

Max Euwe Mem Gp1 Amsterdam (NED), 14-20 xi 2011 cat. IX (2454)
1 2 3 4
1. Van Der Sterren, Paul g NED 2514 * * ½ . . . ½ . 1 2403
2. Peng, Zhaoqin g NED 2379 ½ . * * ½ . . . 1 2504
3. Cramling, Pia g SWE 2495 . . ½ . * * . . ½ 2379
4. Olafsson, Fridrik g ISL 2428 ½ . . . . . * * ½ 2514
Round 1 (November 14, 2011)
Peng, Zhaoqin - Cramling, Pia ½-½ 53 A33 English Symmetrical
Olafsson, Fridrik - Van Der Sterren, Paul ½-½ 20 E54 Nimzo Indian
Round 2 (November 15, 2011)
Van Der Sterren, Paul - Peng, Zhaoqin ½-½ 29 A29 English Four Knights
Max Euwe Mem Gp2 Amsterdam (NED), 14-20 xi 2011 cat. X (2500)
1 2 3 4
1. Socko, Monika g POL 2479 * * ½ . . . 1 . 2693
2. Van Kampen, Robin g NED 2558 ½ . * * ½ . . . 1 2500
3. Conquest, Stuart C g ENG 2521 . . ½ . * * . . ½ 2558
4. Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan g SCO 2443 0 . . . . . * * 0
Round 1 (November 14, 2011)
Socko, Monika - Van Kampen, Robin ½-½ 62 D11 Slav Defence
Round 2 (November 15, 2011)
Conquest, Stuart C - Van Kampen, Robin ½-½ 35 D00 Queen's Pawn Game
Arakhamia-Grant, Ketevan - Socko, Monika 0-1 50 B70 Sicilian Dragon

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