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Max Euwe Matches 2010 (4)

Max Euwe Matches 2010

5 matches between experienced Grandmasters and Youngsters took place at the Max Euwe Centrum in Amsterdam 13th-16th May 2010. The top match was between Nigel Short and Anish Giri.

Nigel Short finally broke through in game three to take the lead 2.5-1.5 with a game to go. Short played a Veresov and a very sharp position emerged. However Giri blundered badly on move 14 and Short made no mistake. Giri leveled in the final game after Short's Chigorin Defence came under pressure almost right from the start although later there seemed to alternatives to break the bind, some of which might have been better than the game.

Other scores: Lubomir Ftacnik 3-1 Robin van Kampen, Yasser Seirawan 2.5-1.5 Benjamin Bok, Sebastian Siebrecht 2.5-1.5 Lisa Schut and Dennis de Vreugt 4-0 Anne Haast.

Lisa Schut wins in Round 2. Giri Survives (2)

Tom Bottema reports on Round 2 of the Max Euwe Matches in Amsterdam. Anish Giri had a close call against Nigel Short in the headline tie. The top Dutch juniors scored their first win when Lise Schut beat Sebastian Siebrecht.

Max Euwe Matches 2010 (2)

Photo Lisa Schut-Sebastian Siebrecht (Photo by Bas Beekhuizen)

Photo Lisa Schut-Sebastian Siebrecht (Photo by Bas Beekhuizen) |

Max Euwe Matches 2010 (Amsterdam NED)
Thu 13th May 2010 - Sun 16th May 2010 - Official Site - Live - ChessBase Report

Max Euwe Matches (10 players 4 Rds Match Indiv TC:120m:30m+30spm(41)) - Games in PGN: Games

Max Euwe Matches (10 players 4 Rds Match Indiv TC: 120m:30m+30spm(41)) - Games in PGN: Games


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Match Amsterdam
Short, Nigel D - Giri, Anish ½-½ 57 C34 Kings Knight Gambit
Giri, Anish - Short, Nigel D ½-½ 42 A63 Benoni
Short, Nigel D - Giri, Anish 1-0 23 D01 Queen's Pawn Richter/Veresov
Giri, Anish - Short, Nigel D 1-0 41 D02 Queen's Pawn Game
Match Amsterdam (NED), 13-16 v 2010
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 Total Perf
Giri, Anish g NED 2642 ½ ½ 0 1 2 2685
Short, Nigel D g ENG 2685 ½ ½ 1 0 2 2642
Match Amsterdam
Ftacnik, Lubomir - Van Kampen, Robin ½-½ 30 D17 Slav Defence
Van Kampen, Robin - Ftacnik, Lubomir 0-1 73 B98 Sicilian Najdorf
Ftacnik, Lubomir - Van Kampen, Robin ½-½ 61 A22 English Opening
Van Kampen, Robin - Ftacnik, Lubomir 0-1 59 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Match Amsterdam (NED), 13-16 v 2010
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 Total Perf
Ftacnik, Lubomir g SVK 2543 ½ 1 ½ 1 3 2674
Van Kampen, Robin m NED 2481 ½ 0 ½ 0 1 2350
Match Amsterdam
Seirawan, Yasser - Bok, Benjamin ½-½ 31 A29 English Four Knights
Bok, Benjamin - Seirawan, Yasser ½-½ 32 B19 Caro Kann
Seirawan, Yasser - Bok, Benjamin 1-0 39 A48 King's Indian Defence /c2-c4
Bok, Benjamin - Seirawan, Yasser ½-½ 61 B17 Caro Kann
Match Amsterdam (NED), 13-16 v 2010
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 Total Perf
Seirawan, Yasser g USA 2644 ½ ½ 1 ½ 2525
Bok, Benjamin f NED 2430 ½ ½ 0 ½ 2557
Match Amsterdam
Siebrecht, Sebastian - Schut, Lisa 1-0 28 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Schut, Lisa - Siebrecht, Sebastian 1-0 35 B41 Sicilian Paulsen
Siebrecht, Sebastian - Schut, Lisa 1-0 35 A34 English Symmetrical
Schut, Lisa - Siebrecht, Sebastian ½-½ 67 B06 Modern Defence
Match Amsterdam (NED), 13-16 v 2010
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 Total Perf
Siebrecht, Sebastian g GER 2419 1 0 1 ½ 2362
Schut, Lisa wm NED 2267 0 1 0 ½ 2332
Match Amsterdam
De Vreugt, Dennis - Haast, Anne 1-0 38 C87 Ruy Lopez
Haast, Anne - De Vreugt, Dennis 0-1 67 C50 Giuoco Piano
De Vreugt, Dennis - Haast, Anne 1-0 72 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Haast, Anne - De Vreugt, Dennis 0-1 31 C50 Giuoco Piano
Match Amsterdam (NED), 13-16 v 2010
Name Ti NAT Rtng 1 2 3 4 Total Perf
De Vreugt, Dennis g NED 2423 1 1 1 1 4
Haast, Anne NED 2220 0 0 0 0 0


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