
London Chess Classic 2010 (Games and Results)

London Chess Classic 2010

Auditorium during round 1. Photo ©

Auditorium during round 1. Photo © | http://www.chess,

The 2nd London Chess Classic took place 7th - 15th December 2010. Magnus Carlsen was favoured by the scoring system which was three points for a win and one for a draw. He won alone after winning four, losing two and drawing just one game. World Champion Viswanathan Anand and Luke McShane tied for second place.

In this section you can see all the games and related stories.

Shortly after the event finished there was a nice report on chess as a sport by CNN with interviews with World Champion Viswanathan Anand and Garry Kasparov interviewed at the London Chess Classic. See the CNN Report

Free London Chess Classic 2010 Souvenir (Free Souvenir)

"Chess Magazine" produced a lengthy article about the London Chess Classic. You can now download a great Souvenir PDF file and a ChessBase file of the games.

Download the London Chess Classic "Chess Magazine Souvenir PDF file

Download the London Chess Classic "Chess Magazine Souvenir ChessBase CBV file

London Chess Classic 2010 (Free Souvenir)

Chess Magazine London Chess Classic 2010 Souvenir.

Chess Magazine London Chess Classic 2010 Souvenir. |

2nd London Chess Classic (London ENG)
Mon 6th Dec 2010 - Wed 15th Dec 2010 - Official Site

Classic (8 players 7 Rds SRR Indiv TC:120m:60m:15m+30spm(61)) - Games in PGN: Classic Games

FIDE Open (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:120m+30m) - Games in PGN: FIDE Open

Women's Inv (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC:120m+30m) - Games in PGN: Women

FIDE Open Busy (16 players 5 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:75m(30moves)+15m(Rest)) - Games in PGN: Busy FIDE Games

Classic (8 players 7 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 120m:60m:15m+30spm(61)) - Games in PGN: Classic Games


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2nd London Chess Classic London ENG Mon 6th Dec 2010 - Wed 15th Dec 2010. Category: 19. Ave: (2725)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pts GmBl WiBl Wins TPR
1 Carlsen, Magnus GM NOR 2802 # 0 0 1 = 1 1 1 13 4 1 4 2816
2 McShane, Luke J GM ENG 2645 1 # = = = = = 1 11 3 1 2 2838
3 Anand, Viswanathan GM IND 2804 1 = # = = = = 1 11 3 1 2 2815
4 Nakamura, Hikaru GM USA 2741 0 = = # 1 = = 1 10 4 1 2 2772
5 Kramnik, Vladimir GM RUS 2791 = = = 0 # = 1 1 10 4 1 2 2765
6 Adams, Michael GM ENG 2723 0 = = = = # 1 = 8 3 0 1 2725
7 Howell, David W L GM ENG 2611 0 = = = 0 0 # = 4 4 0 0 2583
8 Short, Nigel D GM ENG 2680 0 0 0 0 0 = = # 2 3 0 0 2422
Round 1. Wed 8th Dec 2010
Adams, Michael 1-0 Howell, David W L 28 C67 Ruy Lopez
Short, Nigel D 0-1 Kramnik, Vladimir 38 C24 Bishop's opening
McShane, Luke J 1-0 Carlsen, Magnus 39 A37 English
Anand, Viswanathan 1/2-1/2 Nakamura, Hikaru 74 C67 Ruy Lopez
Round 2. Thu 9th Dec 2010
Short, Nigel D 0-1 McShane, Luke J 52 B76 Sicilian
Carlsen, Magnus 1-0 Adams, Michael 49 A29 English
Howell, David W L 1/2-1/2 Anand, Viswanathan 50 B52 Sicilian
Kramnik, Vladimir 0-1 Nakamura, Hikaru 54 A17 English
Round 3. Fri 10th Dec 2010
Nakamura, Hikaru 1/2-1/2 Howell, David W L 42 D72 Neo-Gruenfeld,, main line
Anand, Viswanathan 1-0 Carlsen, Magnus 77 C95 Ruy Lopez
Adams, Michael 1/2-1/2 Short, Nigel D 50 B17 Caro-Kann
McShane, Luke J 1/2-1/2 Kramnik, Vladimir 139 C67 Ruy Lopez
Round 4. Sat 11th Dec 2010
McShane, Luke J 1/2-1/2 Adams, Michael 44 A07 Reti
Short, Nigel D 0-1 Anand, Viswanathan 43 B23 Sicilian
Carlsen, Magnus 1-0 Nakamura, Hikaru 59 A10 English
Kramnik, Vladimir 1-0 Howell, David W L 42 D85 Gruenfeld
Round 5. Sun 12th Dec 2010
Howell, David W L 0-1 Carlsen, Magnus 55 B90 Sicilian
Nakamura, Hikaru 1-0 Short, Nigel D 34 C89 Ruy Lopez
Anand, Viswanathan 1/2-1/2 McShane, Luke J 41 C67 Ruy Lopez
Adams, Michael 1/2-1/2 Kramnik, Vladimir 45 C65 Ruy Lopez
Round 6. Tue 14th Dec 2010
Adams, Michael 1/2-1/2 Anand, Viswanathan 54 B92 Sicilian
McShane, Luke J 1/2-1/2 Nakamura, Hikaru 50 A00 Benko's opening
Short, Nigel D 1/2-1/2 Howell, David W L 41 C39 KGA
Kramnik, Vladimir 1/2-1/2 Carlsen, Magnus 86 D07 QGD
Round 7. Wed 15th Dec 2010
Nakamura, Hikaru 1/2-1/2 Adams, Michael 63 C89 Ruy Lopez
Carlsen, Magnus 1-0 Short, Nigel D 40 C10 French
Howell, David W L 1/2-1/2 McShane, Luke J 38 B76 Sicilian
Anand, Viswanathan 1/2-1/2 Kramnik, Vladimir 39 C67 Ruy Lopez

FIDE Open (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 120m+30m) - Games in PGN: FIDE Open


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FIDE Open London ENG Mon 6th Dec 2010 - Wed 15th Dec 2010
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Jones, Gawain C BGMENG257511½11½11½7.52699
2Williams, Simon KGMENG249311111101½7.52684
3Avrukh, BorisGMISR26251111011017.02633
4Gormally, Daniel WGMENG24701111½½1017.02594
5McDonald, NeilGMENG244910111½11½7.02550
6Hanley, Craig AIMENG2428½½111½½117.02465
7Thorhallsson, ThrosturGMISL23671½1½½1½117.02538
8Greenfeld, AlonGMISR25641101½1½1½6.52491
9Hebden, Mark LGMENG25601111½½½½½6.52526
10Grover, SahajIMIND2432111011½016.52525
11Ansell, Simon TIMENG2417½1½=1½11½6.52429
12Astaneh Lopez, AlexFMIRL24051101110½16.52461
13Barle, JanezIMSLO240311011½½½16.52466
14Hennigan, Michael TIMENG23881½½11½0116.52406
15Gupta, AbhijeetGMIND260011½101½106.02491
16Llaneza Vega, MarcosIMESP247901111½½106.02414
17Roy Chowdhury, SaptarshiIMIND24481½1½1001+6.02359
18Summerscale, Aaron PGMENG243411011½1½06.02458
19Pena Gomez, ManuelIMESP2429½110½½11½6.02345
20Cox, John JIMENG23981½=11=½106.02423
21Quillan, GaryIMENG238510½111=016.02347
22Andersen, MadsFMDEN238211½1½1½0½6.02479
23Crouch, Colin SIMENG2335110½1=1016.02408
24Wall, GavinIMIRL23251111100016.02284
25Getz, NicolaiFMNOR23171101011½½6.02400
26Dukaczewski, PiotrIMPOL22971½1½011016.02382
27Afek, YochananIMISR22831101100116.02338
28Prosviriakov, VladimirIMUSA22801½101½=½16.02343
29Willmoth, Robert FENG22381010½111½6.02342
30Arkell, Keith CGMENG2431½11½½½10½5.52325
31Slavin, AlexeiIMRUS24251110100½15.52340
32Rendle, Thomas EIMENG240011½½010½15.52313
33Berry, NeilFMSCO23461½101½01½5.52242
34Piper, Matthew SENG2343110101½½½5.52325
35Webb, Laurence EFMENG23221½½½100115.52214
36Eggleston, David JFMENG2307½1½10½1105.52272
37Rodriguez Lopez, RafaelIMESP23051110½01105.52402
38Ledger, Dave JFMENG2261100111½015.52192
39Rudd, JackIMENG22531011011½05.52353
40Coleman, David JCMENG224710110110½5.52289
41Wallace, PaulIRL22311½0½1110½5.52298
42Anderton, Matthew NENG22271010½1½1½5.52202
43Stone, Andrew MENG222310½½1½1015.52259
44Grant, Jonathan I MSCO2201101½010115.52265
45Lasinskas, PovilasFMLTU21621½½½001115.52242
46Grassie, DuncanSCO2096½1=½1½=105.52144
47Gullaksen, EirikIMNOR23641½½101½0½5.02250
48Zhou, Yang-FanFMENG23261101010015.02255
49Roberson, Peter TENG22911½1½0½½½½5.02183
50Chapman, Terry P DENG224910110½1=-5.02254
51Tate, AlanSCO2234½1½0½11½05.02177
52Britton, Richard LFMENG2229½101½½½105.02119
53Haydon, David LENG22181110½½½½05.02385
54Remmler, Hans-PeterGER2209101=½0½1½5.02141
55Hodgson, John HENG22061010½=½½15.02160
56Harari, ZakiENG219710100½½115.02092
57Yeo, Michael JENG218311001½0½15.02222
58Gavriel, Tryfon CCMENG217010100½½115.02079
59Ernst, MichaelAUT21691½0½1=0½15.02140
60Pedersen, CarstenDEN21541010½1½½½5.02218
61Quinn, John MENG21491000111015.02035
62Zymberi, AstritALB21481001101105.02165
63Tozer, Philip A AENG21231½½0101105.02220
64Hebbes, TimENG21081½01½01105.02209
65Bass, John WENG206401½½0½11½5.02196
66Fegan, ChrisENG20030101011105.02091
67Doran, ChrisENG1988100110½1½5.02202
68Malhotra, TarunENG191300½1011½15.02049
69Wadsworth, Matthew JENG1889+0=½10=½15.01897
70Kamis, KamarunsalehinBRU1825011½10==½5.01992
71Jones, Steven AENG1801010½+½½½15.02020
72Stoma, PawelPOL235111100100½4.52247
73Radovanovic, JovicaFMSRB2276111=½½00-4.52291
74White, Michael J RFMENG224710110½1004.52189
75Spivack, Simon S YENG218910101010½4.52129
76Ethelontis, Alexandros NENG21871½½0101½04.52183
77Toubale, TarekFRA21681½½½01½½-4.52316
78Wheldon, PhilipENG2125½1½01001½4.52047
79Valenti, RichardFRA212410100½½1½4.52023
80Mcintyre, PaulSCO21191=010=½½½4.51970
81Schweitzer, WernerAUT21151010½½½014.51954
82Barton, R AlanENG2103010101½104.52041
83Hagen, Anders GjerdrumNOR2084=10½½10104.52141
84Mcgowan, DanielSCO20821½½½½½0½½4.52191
85McKenna, Jason PENG2081010½1½½½½4.51968
86Lang, AlexanderGER2079010½½1½014.52084
87Yurenok, Maria SWFMENG207101½½0½1½½4.52149
88Nelson, OmowaleJAM2063½½0½101014.52100
89Grochowalski, PawelPOL2062½½10½1½½04.52255
90Paez, DavidCOL20350101½01014.52036
91Thomassen, ThomasNOR203301011½0½½4.52122
92Kikoyo, AliENG2016 *11010001½4.52017
93Larsen, Tor KetilNOR19800½01½1½014.51833
94Hayward, AlanENG197901010101½4.51988
95Wood, Peter RENG1946 *01½001=1½4.52032
96McKerracher, DouglasSCO19400011½½10½4.52124
97Mollison, JamieSCO1906½1½0½½01½4.51994
98Andreev, PeterENG186410110½½½04.52067
99Wohl, Aleksandar H.IMAUS242401111000-4.02223
100Merriman, JohnENG2259=½1½10½--4.02197
101Maduekwe, ChieduNGR21851½011000½4.02163
102Cannon, Richard JENG211910½10½0014.01933
103Casaschi, PaoloITA2114 *1½010½1004.02046
104Millward, RichardENG21070½10½½½104.02000
105Sreeves, ClementSCO21040110½½1004.02050
106Gregory, Philip JENG20960½0½1½01½4.01912
107Milnes, Anthony C PENG2080½01=½01½04.02070
108Burke, John SENG20780101010½½4.02033
109Seymour, Timothy PENG2052½001011½04.02011
110Hadi, JustinENG20431001010104.02070
111Heaton, PaulENG20290101½01½04.02021
112Obiamiwe, PaulNGR202101½010½104.02029
113Lenier, Jude AENG200601011½½0-4.02138
114Phillips, Owen SENG19960101011004.01989
115Calvert, D IanENG19810=½½½10½½4.01925
116Crichton, MartinIRL197801001½½½½4.01974
117Wernet, AndreasGER197801001½½104.02027
118Costello, Colin AENG197701001½½014.01968
119Phillips, WilliamENG197701100½=014.02013
120Szalontay, MihalyHUN19770110½0½=½4.02055
121Millward, Kevin PENG19540101001014.01948
122Boger, RaymondNOR1952½010=01014.01957
123Fenwick, Hugh FENG1946 *01½0=00114.01742
124Green, Conrad EliotENG194200011½0½14.01835
125Ponting, AndrewENG18601010½010½4.01983
126Lappas, KonstantinosGRE1858½0101½½0½4.02066
127Caorlin, MarcoSUI18490010011014.01848
128Sargent, JohnHKG1770 *001½½0½1½4.01936
129Othman, MustaphaNGR1699½0001011½4.01760
130Homolka, VincentENG2 *010½½=½½½4.01937
131Owen, DennisENG2045010½½100½3.51985
132Vachtfeidl, PetrCZE2038½001001013.51839
133Haria, RaviENG195201½½0½0103.51955
134De Lagontrie, JeanFRA1948010½1½00½3.51895
135Schmitz, TimGER1934001½½0½½½3.51832
136Marshall, MichaelDEN18780½101½0½03.52058
137Kane, RobertENG18750½00110103.51881
138Roy, SoumenENG1864 *½1½00=0013.51725
139Jones, Chris SENG1848½0½½=½0½½3.51962
140Chidi, Lovinia SylviaGER1814½0-10==103.51854
141Sonnis, SteveENG17700001==1=03.51646
142Burnham, Frank DENG17500½00110013.51909
143Miu, MarinelROU1582½0½00½½1½3.51759
144Chauhan, AshvinkumarIND2 *00001011½3.51694
145Gulati, Divya PratapIND2 *001=½0½013.51949
146Osborne, Marcus EENG222910101----3.02242
147Warman, Simon MENG209901½01=0003.01679
148Segura Del Frago, ImanolESP20420100010013.01740
149Bunn, MatthewENG1930 *0½010=1003.01872
150Cork, David JENG1841001½00½103.01686
151Veznik, MichaelCZE18190001011003.01274
152Staneland, Peter EENG17870001100013.01876
153Chilton, James IENG1762 *0001001103.01794
154Keuneke, HannoGER1745½0=-10=½03.01887
155McKenna, John RENG166900101=0½03.01809
156Lie, TerjeNOR1626000½0½0+13.01662
157Keuneke, TobiasGER1560 *0+01000103.01629
158Rafalski, KrzysztofPOL1498 *001001=½03.01609
159Thomassen, JoachimIMNOR2418110½0----2.52188
160Mortazavi, AliIMENG237201½½½----2.52059
161Van Heirzeele, DanielBEL2114½0110----2.52143
162De Luna Butz, AlbertoESP1846001010½002.51231
163Bishop, Geoffrey LENG180000100=1002.51751
164Kumar, ShankarJCI1795000½010½½2.51603
165Haddock, PaulENG179300½0100012.51599
166Reutimann, Hans PeterSUI1792001001=002.51309
167Devane, EoinIRL1786 *00½01½00½2.51745
168Bratteteig, Tore-IngeNOR1656=010000102.51740
169Curry, WilliamENG1530001000=012.51512
170Siddiqui, Nida MishrazPAK179100100½0½02.01605
171Engelbrecht, Kevin PENG1777==+------2.00
172Pattni, KishanENG1714 *000++0---2.01262
173Banda, GrahamZAM1640 *00+0000102.01501
174Green, Eliot WarrenENG1562 *00½00½1002.01517
175Diliza, YeshuahENG1354 *0000100-12.01579
176Roberts, David LENG20830½+------1.51963
177Andrews, J GarthENG1706 *00000=½=-1.51477
178Eden, TomerISR2182--1------1.02838
179Iyengar, IlyaENG1989-------½-0.51981
180Lim, NanSIN1714 *0000=----0.51295
181Kazmierczak, EwaPOL1422000000½000.51037
182Coombes, FredENG0-0----0-00.01071
182 players

Women's Inv (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 120m+30m) - Games in PGN: Women


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Women's Invitational London ENG Mon 6th Dec 2010 - Wed 15th Dec 2010. Category: None. Ave: (2044)
Rk Name Title FED Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Pts TPR
1 Van Weersel, Arlette WIM NED 2186 # 1 1 = 1 1 1 = 1 1 8 2380
2 Hegarty, Sarah N WFM ENG 2080 0 # = 1 = 1 0 1 1 1 6 2165
3 Ikonomopoulou, Maria WFM GRE 2160 0 = # 0 1 1 1 1 = 1 6 2157
4 Lalic, Susan K IM ENG 2294 = 0 1 # = = 1 0 1 1 5.5 2097
5 Steil-Antoni, Fiona WIM LUX 2147 0 = 0 = # = 1 = 1 1 5 2076
6 Hoare, Amy ENG 1921 0 0 0 = = # = 1 = 1 4 2015
7 Norinkeviciute, Rasa WFM LTU 2028 0 1 0 0 0 = # 1 = = 3.5 1966
8 Oliver, Shannon WFM AUS 1926 = 0 0 1 = 0 0 # = = 3 1933
9 Fairley, Natasha WFM NZL 1785 0 0 = 0 0 = = = # = 2.5 1907
10 Messam-Sparks, Lateefah ENG 1917 0 0 0 0 0 0 = = = # 1.5 1786
Round 1. Wed 8th Dec 2010
Steil-Antoni, Fiona 1-0 Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 29 B51 Sicilian
Ikonomopoulou, Maria 0-1 Van Weersel, Arlette 46 C98 Ruy Lopez
Oliver, Shannon 1-0 Lalic, Susan K 31 B22 Sicilian
Hoare, Amy 1/2-1/2 Norinkeviciute, Rasa 24 B22 Sicilian
Hegarty, Sarah N 1-0 Fairley, Natasha 40 C50 Giuoco Pianissimo
Round 2. Thu 9th Dec 2010
Hegarty, Sarah N 1-0 Hoare, Amy 39 C78 Ruy Lopez
Norinkeviciute, Rasa 1-0 Oliver, Shannon 43 A15 English, 1...Nf6 (Anglo-Indian defense)
Lalic, Susan K 1-0 Ikonomopoulou, Maria 26 C47 Four knights
Van Weersel, Arlette 1-0 Steil-Antoni, Fiona 52 C19 French
Fairley, Natasha 1/2-1/2 Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 40 B20 Sicilian defence
Round 3. Fri 10th Dec 2010
Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 0-1 Van Weersel, Arlette 54 E32 Nimzo-Indian
Steil-Antoni, Fiona 1/2-1/2 Lalic, Susan K 10 B10 Caro-Kann
Ikonomopoulou, Maria 1-0 Norinkeviciute, Rasa 27 B87 Sicilian
Oliver, Shannon 0-1 Hegarty, Sarah N 40 B39 Sicilian
Hoare, Amy 1/2-1/2 Fairley, Natasha 55 C23 Bishop's opening
Round 4. Sat 11th Dec 2010
Hoare, Amy 1-0 Oliver, Shannon 56 B22 Sicilian
Hegarty, Sarah N 1/2-1/2 Ikonomopoulou, Maria 52 B90 Sicilian
Norinkeviciute, Rasa 0-1 Steil-Antoni, Fiona 46 A15 English, 1...Nf6 (Anglo-Indian defense)
Lalic, Susan K 1-0 Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 31 B23 Sicilian
Fairley, Natasha 0-1 Van Weersel, Arlette 50 C77 Ruy Lopez
Round 5. Sun 12th Dec 2010
Van Weersel, Arlette 1/2-1/2 Lalic, Susan K 45 B19 Caro-Kann
Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 1/2-1/2 Norinkeviciute, Rasa 86 B50 Sicilian
Steil-Antoni, Fiona 1/2-1/2 Hegarty, Sarah N 26 B02 Alekhine's defence
Ikonomopoulou, Maria 1-0 Hoare, Amy 23 B01 Scandinavian
Oliver, Shannon 1/2-1/2 Fairley, Natasha 33 C45 Scotch game
Round 6. Mon 13th Dec 2010
Oliver, Shannon 0-1 Ikonomopoulou, Maria 42 B22 Sicilian
Hoare, Amy 1/2-1/2 Steil-Antoni, Fiona 47 C02 French
Hegarty, Sarah N 1-0 Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 28 B83 Sicilian
Norinkeviciute, Rasa 0-1 Van Weersel, Arlette 48 A13 English
Fairley, Natasha 0-1 Lalic, Susan K 37 B12 Caro-Kann defence
Round 7. Mon 13th Dec 2010
Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 0-1 Hoare, Amy 64 D88 Gruenfeld
Ikonomopoulou, Maria 1/2-1/2 Fairley, Natasha 47 C44 Scotch gambit
Steil-Antoni, Fiona 1/2-1/2 Oliver, Shannon 25 B23 Sicilian
Lalic, Susan K 1-0 Norinkeviciute, Rasa 40 B25 Sicilian
Van Weersel, Arlette 1-0 Hegarty, Sarah N 37 B37 Sicilian
Round 8. Tue 14th Dec 2010
Ikonomopoulou, Maria 1-0 Steil-Antoni, Fiona 60 C50 King's pawn game
Oliver, Shannon 1/2-1/2 Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 22 B22 Sicilian
Hoare, Amy 0-1 Van Weersel, Arlette 38 C24 Bishop's opening
Hegarty, Sarah N 1-0 Lalic, Susan K 82 C12 French
Fairley, Natasha 1/2-1/2 Norinkeviciute, Rasa 50 B22 Sicilian
Round 9. Wed 15th Dec 2010
Steil-Antoni, Fiona 1-0 Fairley, Natasha 59 C28 Vienna game
Messam-Sparks, Lateefah 0-1 Ikonomopoulou, Maria 67 E39 Nimzo-Indian
Lalic, Susan K 1/2-1/2 Hoare, Amy 66 C42 Petrov
Van Weersel, Arlette 1/2-1/2 Oliver, Shannon 81 B38 Sicilian
Norinkeviciute, Rasa 1-0 Hegarty, Sarah N 22 A15 English, 1...Nf6 (Anglo-Indian defense)

FIDE Open Busy (16 players 5 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 75m(30moves)+15m(Rest)) - Games in PGN: Busy FIDE Games


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