Karpov vs Miljkovic Rapid and Blitz Match 2010 (Concluded)
Karpov vs Miljkovic Rapid and Blitz Match 2010
Mark Crowther - Sunday 5th December 2010
Anatoly Karpov took part in another one of his rapid/ blitz exhibition events. He played Serbian IM Miroslav Miljkovic in a four game rapid and two game blitz match with two rapid games on Friday 3rd December (Karpov won the first and drew the second before winning both on Saturday to win 3.5-0.5. Karpov also won the Blitz Match 1.5-0.5 for a 5-1 win, the blitz games were not available to me.
Karpov vs Miljkovic Rapid Match 2010 (Nis SRB)
Fri 3rd Dec 2010 - Sat 4th Dec 2010 -
Official Site - Live
Rapid Match (2 players 4 Rds Match Indiv TC:25m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Rapid Games
Blitz Match (2 players 2 Rds Match Indiv TC:5m+2spm)
Rapid Match (2 players 4 Rds Match Indiv TC: 25m+10spm) - Games in PGN: Rapid Games
ChessTempo viewer
Blitz Match (2 players 2 Rds Match Indiv TC: 5m+2spm)