
HSK Hamburg GM tournament 2014 (Games and Results)

HSK Hamburg GM tournament 2014

The HSK GM tournament takes place in Hamburg 6th to 13th March 2014. Lubomir Ftacnik, Karen Movsziszian, Ilja Zaragatzki, Jose Fernandez Cuenca Jimenez, Georgios Souleidis, Lawrence Trent etc. 10 player Round Robin. Games.

HSK GM 2014 (Hamburg GER)
Thu 6th Mar 2014 - Thu 13th Mar 2014 - Official Site - Live

HSK GM 2014 (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games

HSK GM 2014 (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games


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HSK GM 2014 Hamburg GER Thu 6th Mar 2014 - Thu 13th Mar 2014
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Ftacnik, LubomirGMSVK2543#½½1½½11117.0
2Trent, LawrenceIMENG2437½#1½½½1½116.5
3Svane, RasmusIMGER2477½0#½½1½11½5.5
4Cuenca Jimenez, Jose FernandoIMESP24810½½#½½10115.0
5Movsziszian, KarenGMARM2500½½½½#½½½½15.0
6Zaragatski, IljaGMGER2488½½0½½#11½½5.0
7Colpe, MalteGER235100½0½0#11½3.5
8Souleidis, GeorgiosIMGRE24200½01½00#½½3.0
10Bracker, FrankGER238900½00½½½0#2.0
10 players


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