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HSG Open 2010 (9)

HSG Open 2010

The HSG Open took place in Hilversum 26th June - 4th July 2010. Leading players: Konstantin Landa, Friso Nijboer and Hedinn Steingrimsson. Friso Nijboer took clear first place with 7/9.

HSG Open 2010 (Hilversum NED)
Sat 26th Jun 2010 - Sun 4th Jul 2010 - Official Site - Results - Live

HSG Open A (44 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:120m:60m) - Games in PGN: Open A

HSG Open A (44 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 120m:60m) - Games in PGN: Open A

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HSG Open Hilversum (NED), 26 vi-4 vii 2010
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
Rank Name TiFed. Rating Score BH SB TPR
1Nijboer, Friso GMNED 256775139.252585
2Steingrimsson, Hedinn GMISL 25506.553.537.252566
3Landa, Konstantin GMRUS 26036.553372544
4Nyzhnyk, Illya IMUKR 25446.549.533.752519
5Lalith, Babu M.R. IMIND 2493651.5322469
6Goudriaan, Etienne NED 2249646.528.752271
7Afek, Yochanan IMISR 2282645.528.52333
8Hendrikx, Niels NED 2063 * 64325.752376
9Piasetski, Leon IMCAN 23015.546.525.52362
10De Rover, Yong Hoon NED 22455.545.5252296
11Galje, Hans NED 21335.541.522.752272
12Slingerland, Fred IMNED 239754824.52362
13Nagtegaal, Kees NED 2200545.522.52246
14Vogel, Jaap FMNED 2210544.522.252191
15Van Apeldoorn, Janton CMNED 2156542.522.52223
16Van Engen, Herman NED 2161541.520.752035
17De Wit, Albert NED 195554121.252104
18Wieringa, Helmer NED 2083 * 539.519.752098
19De Jongh, Adriaan NED 22274.544192240
20Spiler, Angelo NED 2115 * 4.541.515.752092
21Henseler, Jorgen NED 20734.540172034
22Kampman, Tijmen NED 20584.53914.752118
23Bonoo, Iwan NED 1949 * 4.537.5172042
24Burton, Graham P ENG 20834.53717.252067
25Schroer, Marcel NED 21054.53714.252008
26Van Den Hoogen, Arie NED 19984.53312.751931
27Koudinov, Dimitri NED 206344219.52106
28Van De Groep, William NED 197044217.252071
29Zimmermann, Luc NED 205744216.752056
30De Visser, Arno NED 188344118.252053
31Veldhuysen, Klaas NED 2010438.514.252006
32Van den Bergh, Ben NED 2008432.510.51950
33Ten Have, Roland NED 16543.541.513.752027
34Van Den Bergh, Jan NED 21243.53810.252003
35Abma, Klaas NED 19813.53711.751995
36Kunnen, Ruurd NED 19863.5348.751992
37Bloem, Mark NED 19053.5329.751923
38Van Brussel, Bert NED 18873.52891857
39Van Der Kooij, Paul NED 20542.538.513.752032
40Tulfer, Paul NED 19012.529.54.51636
41Mostertman, Loek NED 209024115.51951
42Van De Peut, Aart NED 19892336.251774
43De Groot, Rene NED 1814 * 228.52.251654
44Lasschuit, Rene NED 19171.5321.251307


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