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FIDE World Cup Tromso 2013 (1.1)

Top seeds, Chinese and Juniors have good day 1 of FIDE World Cup

Mihail Markov did himself justice in pushing Levon Aronian before losing to him on day 1. Photo ©  Susan Polgar.

Mihail Markov did himself justice in pushing Levon Aronian before losing to him on day 1. Photo © Susan Polgar. |

The FIDE World Cup in Tromso started with a fascinating day's play. 12 of the top 15 seeds won. It's very hard to cover 63 games at one time but in general at the top the gap in rating was too large but further down the draw as the players became closer in strength the games became more competitive.

Levon Aronian played the only untitled player in the field Mikhail Markov and was probably somewhat outplayed in the opening, Aronian, who is a hero to Markov simply outclassed him from this moment to win.

So favourites Aronian, Caruana, Kramnik, Grischuk, Karjakin, Nakamura, Gelfand, Mamedyarov, Leinier Dominguez (completely busted against Essam El Gindy before turning round to a win), Ponomariov and Svidler (who admitted to some apprehension ("panic") in playing the women's world champion in the first round and he had to work hard for his win) and Peter Leko all won in the first round.

The biggest shock was Alexander Morozevich's loss to Batur Sambuev whose exchange sacrifice initially didn't seem sufficient but brought a time trouble blunder from Morozevich at first time control after which he won easily.

Chinese players Qi Liu (draw Wang Hao), Yiping Lou (draw Gata Kamsky), Yunguo Wan (draw Michael Adams) all had good results.

Junior Chinese player Yi Wei drew with Ian Nepomniachtchi. Polish junior Jan-Krzysztof Duda drew easily with black against Vassily Ivanchuk and Russian up and coming talent Daniil Dubov beat Sergey Fedorchuk. US hope Ray Robson avoided his usual time trouble and beat Sergey Volokitin.

Local Norwegian players Jon Ludvig Hammer drew against Sergei Movsesian and Simen Agdestein was crushed by Etienne Bacrot. Judit Polgar lost to Isan Reynaldo Ortiz Suarez and Teimour Radjabov was held by Jorge Cori both return games should be interesting to keep an eye out for on day 2.

There was early controversy over the security procedures to prevent electronic cheating with the players being searched thoroughly but being allowed to mix with unsearched spectators. I suspect that's going to be hard to find a completely satisfactory solution to until the player numbers reduce in a week.

I'm assuming that Jakovenko beat Paragua not the reported other way round.

11Aronian, LevongARM28131-0128Markov, MikhailKGZ2304
2127G., AkashmIND23400-12Caruana, FabianogITA2796
33Kramnik, VladimirgRUS27841-0126Bwalya, GillanfZAM2341
4125Bjelobrk, IgormAUS23410-14Grischuk, AlexandergRUS2785
55Karjakin, SergeygRUS27721-0124Ali, SebbarmMAR2371
6123Cori T., DeysiwgPER24340-16Nakamura, HikarugUSA2772
77Gelfand, BorisgISR27641-0122Rahman, ZiaurgBAN2470
8121Lou, YipingmCHN24841/28Kamsky, GatagUSA2741
99Mamedyarov, ShakhriyargAZE27751-0120Shoker, SamymEGY2489
10119El Gindy, EssamgEGY24870-110Dominguez Perez, LeiniergCUB2757
1111Ponomariov, RuslangUKR27561-0118Hansen, Torbjorn RingdalmNOR2492
12117Liu, QingnanmCHN25001/212Wang, HaogCHN2747
1313Svidler, PetergRUS27461-0116Ushenina, AnnagUKR2500
14115Wan, YunguomCHN25121/214Adams, MichaelgENG2740
1515Leko, PetergHUN27441-0114Johannessen, Leif ErlendgNOR2519
16113Sambuev, BatorgCAN25241-016Morozevich, AlexandergRUS2739
1717Vitiugov, NikitagRUS27191-0112Holt, ConradgUSA2539
18111Salem, A.R. SalehgUAE25560-118Giri, AnishgNED2737
1919Ivanchuk, VassilygUKR27311/2110Duda, Jan-KrzysztofmPOL2534
20109Cori, JorgegPER25691/220Radjabov, TeimourgAZE2733
2121Andreikin, DmitrygRUS27161/2108Darini, PouriagIRI2535
22107Durarbayli, VasifgAZE25671/222Korobov, AntongUKR2720
2323Vachier-Lagrave, MaximegFRA27191-0106Shabalov, AlexandergUSA2546
24105Wei, YigCHN25511/224Nepomniachtchi, IangRUS2723
2525Navara, DavidgCZE27151-0104Mareco, SandrogARG2561
26103Agdestein, SimengNOR25670-126Bacrot, EtiennegFRA2714
2727Alekseev, EvgenygRUS27101/2102Adhiban, B.gIND2567
28101Paragua, MarkgPHI25650-128Jakovenko, DmitrygRUS2724
2929Le, Quang LiemgVIE27021-0100Barbosa, OlivergPHI2571
3099Kaidanov, Gregory SgUSA25740-130Areshchenko, AlexandergUKR2709
3131Malakhov, VladimirgRUS27071-098Hansen, EricgCAN2584
3297Ramirez, AlejandrogUSA25881/232Tomashevsky, EvgenygRUS2706
3333So, WesleygPHI27101-096Ipatov, AlexandergTUR2584
3495Christiansen, Larry MgUSA25840-134Fressinet, LaurentgFRA2708
3535Riazantsev, AlexandergRUS27001/294Felgaer, RubengARG2586
3693Flores, DiegogARG25780-136Vallejo Pons, FranciscogESP2706
3737Eljanov, PavelgUKR27021/292Brunello, SabinogITA2607
3891Fier, AlexandrgBRA25951/238Wojtaszek, RadoslawgPOL2701
3939Moiseenko, AlexandergUKR26991-0 w/o90Adly, AhmedgEGY2594
4089Hammer, Jon LudviggNOR26051/240Movsesian, SergeigARM2699
4141Shirov, AlexeigLAT26961/288Hou, YifangCHN2609
4287Ortiz Suarez, Isan ReynaldogCUB26091-042Polgar, JuditgHUN2696
4343Jobava, BaadurgGEO26961-086Kravtsiv, MartyngUKR2607
4485Nguyen, Ngoc Truong SongVIE26251-044Akopian, VladimirgARM2691
4545Bruzon Batista, LazarogCUB26981/284Najer, EvgeniygRUS2626
4683Robson, RaygUSA26231-046Volokitin, AndreigUKR2688
4747Li, Chao bgCHN26931/282Postny, EvgenygISR2628
4881Popov, IvangRUS26441-048Ragger, MarkusgAUT2680
4949Inarkiev, ErnestogRUS26931/280Leitao, RafaelgBRA2632
5079Melkumyan, HrantgARM26321/250Granda Zuniga, Julio EgPER2664
5151Kryvoruchko, YuriygUKR26780-178Negi, ParimarjangIND2643
5277Hracek, ZbynekgCZE26351/252Bologan, ViktorgMDA2672
5353Dreev, AlekseygRUS26681/276Azarov, SergeigBLR2636
5475Dubov, DaniilgRUS26241-054Fedorchuk, Sergey A.gUKR2669
5555Onischuk, AlexandergUSA26671-074Iturrizaga, EduardogVEN2660
5673Smeets, JangNED26231/256Matlakov, MaximgRUS2676
5757Shimanov, AleksandrgRUS26551/272Jones, Gawain C BgENG2645
5871Filippov, AntongUZB26301/258Romanov, EvgenygRUS2651
5959Safarli, EltajgAZE26600-170Amin, BassemgEGY2652
6069Lupulescu, ConstantingROU26341/260Sasikiran, KrishnangIND2660
6161Zvjaginsev, VadimgRUS26591/268Swiercz, DariuszgPOL2654
6267Kobalia, MikhailgRUS26511/262Khismatullin, DenisgRUS2653
6363Yu, YangyigCHN26621/266Beliavsky, Alexander GgSLO2651
6465Istratescu, AndreigFRA26460-164Lysyj, IgorgRUS2648

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