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FIDE World Cup Tromso 2013 (2.1)

Favourites mostly win with white and draw with black on World Cup Round 2 Day 1

Dreev arguing about the correct way to claim a draw procedures with the arbiters and Wang Hao. Who knew that professionals don't do it correctly automatically? Photo ©

Dreev arguing about the correct way to claim a draw procedures with the arbiters and Wang Hao. Who knew that professionals don't do it correctly automatically? Photo © |

There were few out and out shocks on the first day of Round 2 of the FIDE World Cup in Tromso. At the top of the draw there were wins for the top seeds when they had white. This is a long and tough event and we could really see this today we saw good preparation, hard grind but also not a few errors as well.

Fabiano Caruana (long pressure followed by nice queen sacrifice to get a lethal passed pawn against Yu, Yangyi), Alexander Grischuk (in time pressure he set a nasty trap forcing mate against Dariusz Swiercz), Hikaru Nakamura (nice positional win), Gata Kamsky (targetted Aleksandr Shimanov's French, both sides were deeply prepared but Kamsky won the subsequent ending), Leinier Dominguez Perez beat Alexander Onischuk in nice game. Levon Aronian, Vladimir Kramnik (pressing then things nearly went wrong), Sergey Karjakin, Boris Gelfand and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (who missed a win).

Elsewhere in the draw the surprise of the round was veteran Julio Granda Zuniga's win against Peter Leko who gradually got outplayed in a positional game, Alexander Morozevich won a fluctuating game where he was better for most of the game against Rafael Leitao but for one move (35...Ng3+!) was lost against Rafael Leitao. Anish Giri beat Li Chao, Vassily Ivanchuk completely surprised Ray Robson with his choice of Petroff Variation with black and got the young American into terrible trouble on the clock and the board. Anton Korobov, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave and Evgeny Tomashevsky won the other games.

The final game to finish saw Wang Hao not use the correct procedure to claim a draw by three-fold repetition against Aleksey Dreev but the arbiters allowed him to write down the move and reclaim after a time penalty which didn't please Dreev who missed a number of winning chances.

Full results below.

164Lysyj, IgorgRUS26481/21Aronian, LevongARM2813
22Caruana, FabianogITA27961-063Yu, YangyigCHN2662
367Kobalia, MikhailgRUS26511/23Kramnik, VladimirgRUS2784
44Grischuk, AlexandergRUS27851-068Swiercz, DariuszgPOL2654
560Sasikiran, KrishnangIND26601/25Karjakin, SergeygRUS2772
66Nakamura, HikarugUSA27721-059Safarli, EltajgAZE2660
771Filippov, AntongUZB26301/27Gelfand, BorisgISR2764
88Kamsky, GatagUSA27411-057Shimanov, AleksandrgRUS2655
956Matlakov, MaximgRUS26761/29Mamedyarov, ShakhriyargAZE2775
1010Dominguez Perez, LeiniergCUB27571-055Onischuk, AlexandergUSA2667
1175Dubov, DaniilgRUS26241/211Ponomariov, RuslangUKR2756
1212Wang, HaogCHN27471/253Dreev, AlekseygRUS2668
1352Bologan, ViktorgMDA26721/213Svidler, PetergRUS2746
1414Adams, MichaelgENG27401/251Kryvoruchko, YuriygUKR2678
1550Granda Zuniga, Julio EgPER26641-015Leko, PetergHUN2744
1616Morozevich, AlexandergRUS27391-080Leitao, RafaelgBRA2632
1748Ragger, MarkusgAUT26801/217Vitiugov, NikitagRUS2719
1818Giri, AnishgNED27371-047Li, Chao bgCHN2693
1983Robson, RaygUSA26230-119Ivanchuk, VassilygUKR2731
2020Radjabov, TeimourgAZE27331/245Bruzon Batista, LazarogCUB2698
2185Nguyen, Ngoc Truong SongVIE26251/221Andreikin, DmitrygRUS2716
2222Korobov, AntongUKR27201-043Jobava, BaadurgGEO2696
2387Ortiz Suarez, Isan ReynaldogCUB26090-123Vachier-Lagrave, MaximegFRA2719
2441Shirov, AlexeigLAT26961/2105Wei, YigCHN2551
2589Hammer, Jon LudviggNOR26051/225Navara, DavidgCZE2715
2626Bacrot, EtiennegFRA27141/239Moiseenko, AlexandergUKR2699
27102Adhiban, B.gIND25671/291Fier, AlexandrgBRA2595
2828Jakovenko, DmitrygRUS27241/237Eljanov, PavelgUKR2702
2936Vallejo Pons, FranciscogESP27061/229Le, Quang LiemgVIE2702
3030Areshchenko, AlexandergUKR27091/294Felgaer, RubengARG2586
3134Fressinet, LaurentgFRA27081/231Malakhov, VladimirgRUS2707
3232Tomashevsky, EvgenygRUS27061-033So, WesleygPHI2710

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