
FIDE Women's Candidates 2024 (2)

Tan Zhongyi leads the Women's Candidates on 2/2

Tan Zhongyi launched a big kingside attack against Rameshbabu Vaishali. Photo ©

Tan Zhongyi launched a big kingside attack against Rameshbabu Vaishali. Photo © |

There were two decisive games in Round 2 of the women's Candidates in Toronto. Tan Zhongyi launched a big kingside attack against Rameshbabu Vaishali who got her knights tangled up on the Queenside after successfully equalising out of the opening (a Jobava Attack that turned into a fairly standard Carlsbad structure). Aleksandra Goryachkina won an up and down struggle against Anna Muzychuk in an Exchange Slav. Muzychuk equalised but as time trouble came she wasn't precise and then 25...Rb7? played after less than a couple of minutes thought was just losing and Goryachkina didn't even have to be that accurate. Salimova-Lei and Lagno-Koneru were both drawn.

Round 2 Standings: 1st Tan Zhongyi 2pts 2nd Goryachkina 1.5pts 3rd-5th Lagno, Koneru, Salimova 1pt, 6th-8th Lei Tingjie, Anna Muzychuk, Vaishali 0.5pts

Round 3 6th April at 19:30BST: Muzychuk-Lagno, Lei-Goryachkina, Vaishali-Salimova, Koneru-Tan.

Round 2 Summary:

Tan Zhongyi moved to 2/2 with a comfortable win against Rameshbabu Vaishali. Tan played the Jobava Attack but a very standard looking Carlsbad structure was arrived at. In what was a very instructive position Vaishali eventually got her knights stuck out of play on the Queenside, 18...a5 (18...Na5) may have been the start of the problems 23...Rfe8 seems the wrong plan (23...g6 or Rce8 maybe) and things went downhill for black at an alarming speed. 27...Nb5?! was an ugly move (27...Qd8 was relatively best) and after 30.g5 f5? (final chance to resist was 30...fxg5) Tan had a couple of ways to win at least but 31.Rg2 Kh2 32.Ndf4 seems to have been the most precise.

Aleksandra Goryachkina beat Anna Muzychuk after the latter blundered in time trouble. Goryachkina got a little something out of the Exchange Slav Opening but she had to find 15.Nb6+, instead 15.Rad1 was equal, 20.0-0 (20.Ba5) allowed 20..Be2 returning the misplaced bishop to play and black was at least level. 21...Bb5 or 22...Bb5 were better than played. 22...b5 was still OK and 25...Bd8 was very equal. Instead 25...Rb7? was almost immediately losing as it allowed Nc8 a penetration to the second rank and the winning of the bishop. 26.Rc7 straight away was best but 26.Nc8 Rd7 (26...Bb4 was the last chance) 27.Rc7 was killing and white soon was a piece up.

Nurgyul Salimova drew against Lei Tingjie in a Queen's Gambit Accepted in 38 moves. A fairly well played but balanced game.

Kateryna Lagno didn't get very much against Humpy Koneru's rather solid Ruy Lopez and the Queen and Pawn endgame was extremely drawish.

FIDE Women's Candidates Toronto CAN (CAN), 3-26 iv 2024 cat. XI (2517)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Tan, Zhongyi g CHN 2521 * * . . . . . . . . 1 . . . 1 . 2
2. Goryachkina, Aleksandra g FID 2553 . . * * ½ . . . . . . . 1 . . . 2724
3. Lagno, Kateryna g RUS 2542 . . ½ . * * ½ . . . . . . . . . 1 2549
4. Koneru, Humpy g IND 2546 . . . . ½ . * * . . . . . . ½ . 1 2508
5. Salimova, Nurgyul m BUL 2432 . . . . . . . . * * ½ . ½ . . . 1 2535
6. Lei, Tingjie g CHN 2550 0 . . . . . . . ½ . * * . . . . ½ 2283
7. Muzychuk, Anna g UKR 2520 . . 0 . . . . . ½ . . . * * . . ½ 2299
8. Vaishali, Rameshbabu m IND 2475 0 . . . . . ½ . . . . . . . * * ½ 2340
Round 2 (April 5, 2024)
Tan, Zhongyi - Vaishali, Rameshbabu 1-0 34 A45 Trompowsky
Goryachkina, Aleksandra - Muzychuk, Anna 1-0 32 D10 Slav Defence
Lagno, Kateryna - Koneru, Humpy ½-½ 38 C88 Ruy Lopez Closed
Salimova, Nurgyul - Lei, Tingjie ½-½ 38 D27 QGA

FIDE World Championship Candidates 2024

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