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European Seniors 2011 (Games and Results)

European Seniors Chess Championship 2011

Organiser Agostino Scalfi and Mayor of Courmayeur, Fabrizia Derriard make opening move with Gennady Timoscenko.

Organiser Agostino Scalfi and Mayor of Courmayeur, Fabrizia Derriard make opening move with Gennady Timoscenko. |

The European Seniors Chess Championship took place 6th-15th April 2011. Men and women played in the same section but there were two titles. Nona Gaprindashvili took the women's title on tie-break from Galina Strutinskaya after coming 18th on 5.5 points. Going into the final round Mihai Suba led by half a point from his opponent Gennady Timoscenko. Timoscenko agreed a draw after only 9 moves which at first sight seems a bizarre decision unless he didn't care about winning the title or already didn't like his position as black. This seemed to open the way for Viktor D Kupreichik to win on tie-break if he beat Malkiel Peretz with black. He pressed a long time and then if the game-score is to be believed hallucinated in sight of the win and dropped a piece. So after all Mihai Suba took the title on 7.5/9 ahead of Vladimir Okhotnik and Timoscenko on 7. All in all a bit of an odd finale.

European Seniors 2011 (Courmayeur ITA)
Mon 4th Apr 2011 - Thu 14th Apr 2011 - Official Site - Results

11th European Senior (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

ch-EUR Senior Rapid (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:25m+10spm)

11th European Senior (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


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11th European Senior Courmayeur ITA Mon 4th Apr 2011 - Thu 14th Apr 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Suba MihaiGMROU24657.540.551.56
2Okhotnik VladimirIMFRA24587.042.054.06
3Timoscenko GennadijGMSVK25027.039.051.06
4Peretz MalkielFMISR22557.036.548.06
5Butnorius AlgimantasGMLTU23886.542.553.55
6Kupreichik Viktor DGMBLR24316.542.053.55
7Tseitlin Mark DGMISR24206.537.548.06
8Rosino AntonioFMITA22336.535.545.55
9Plachetka JanGMSVK23556.042.051.54
10Cebalo MisoGMCRO24866.039.551.54
11Vikulov AlexanderFMRUS23166.038.049.56
12Werner ClemensFMGER23536.037.549.05
Rooze JanFMBEL23156.037.549.05
14Chernikov Oleg LGMRUS24386.037.547.54
15Lederman LeonIMISR22666.037.048.06
16Mishuchkov Nikolai MFMRUS24086.037.047.54
17Kierzek Matthias DrGER21356.036.045.54
18Gaprindashvili NonaGMGEO23625.541.053.04
19Strutinskaya Galina NWIMRUS22695.541.051.54
20Gruzmann BorisFMRUS22815.538.049.53
21Norman Kenneth ICMENG21725.537.549.03
22Khmiadashvili TamarWGMGEO21945.537.048.55
23Hohler PeterFMSUI21445.537.046.54
24Kratschmer HeinzAUT21615.536.546.54
25Valenti GiuseppeFMITA21435.536.546.04
26Fatalibekova ElenaWGMRUS22825.535.044.54
27Nickl KlausAUT21405.534.545.04
28Sinelnikov IgorRUS21905.533.543.55
29Iudicello GiovanniITA21805.533.043.03
30Ossipov ViktorRUS21795.532.543.54
31Barlocco CarloFMITA21625.531.040.55
32Zhelesny StanislavFMRUS21725.530.038.52
33Estrada Martinez CesarESP21935.037.048.04
34Miednikova SwietlanaWFMRUS21695.036.546.53
35Laco GiuseppeITA21285.035.544.55
36Jackson Oliver AENG21865.035.043.55
37Van Oosten ArendNED21705.033.544.04
38Bisignano GiuseppeITA19385.033.042.04
39Weisenburger HorstGER21795.032.042.54
40Gousseinov AguifFRA19795.032.041.55
41Capece AdolivioITA20495.030.539.04
42Catalfamo SantoITA19185.028.037.05
43Serra Olives TomasFMESP22084.536.546.54
44Thieme HansGER21014.534.544.53
45Bayer Wolfgang DrGER20734.534.544.04
46Kierzek MiraWFMMKD20444.534.040.03
47Colombo PaoloITA21304.533.543.54
48Theting Helge ENOR20164.533.042.53
49Bondick Karl-HeinzGER21554.532.541.53
Vrhovnik DamirCRO20634.532.541.53
51Levinsky GregoryISR20264.532.041.04
Kayaman MetinTUR19734.532.041.04
53Muratoglu SalihTUR20764.531.539.53
54Gardi GiuseppeITA20614.531.038.54
55Frank AlbertBEL19094.530.540.03
56Quagliarella Sabino RemoITA18894.530.039.54
57Norman Dinah MWCMENG19244.530.038.52
58Guillaumat Jean-PierreFRA18904.529.037.53
59Papa AngeloITA18664.528.535.54
60Elfert Aleksandr VIMRUS20394.527.537.54
61Belokopyt BorisRUS20664.526.034.53
62Renzini LorenzoITA17474.526.034.04
63Antonelli FabrizioITA21004.033.542.04
64Beltrami NerioITA19564.031.541.03
65Pipitone AntonioITA20124.029.539.53
66Sevenyuk AlexeyBLR19324.029.037.52
67D Aulisa FrancescoITA17684.028.536.54
68Diaz Begonte ManuelESP17784.027.536.04
69Ortega Morales PedroESP18484.026.532.03
70Carboni GiancarloITA18274.025.533.52
71Acunzo DomenicoITA17694.024.531.53
72Chireykina NataliaRUS18313.533.043.03
73Cavatorta FoscoITA19143.531.540.03
Squarci FrancoITA17773.531.540.03
75Giani FrancoITA19603.530.540.03
76Topaloglu HayatiTUR18813.530.039.02
77Smits OswaldGER18703.528.034.53
78Gonzalo Gonzalez FranciscoESP17403.527.535.53
79Deiana GiacomoITA16893.526.534.51
80Weyand FernandFRA18453.526.034.02
81Schiappacasse MarcelloITA18963.525.533.53
82De Polzer ManfrediITA16973.525.532.53
83Castiglioni NandoITA16513.523.030.53
84Breidenbach HeinzITA15483.522.028.02
85Gulinelli EuroITA16583.028.036.52
86Pintauro ToninoITA16163.027.534.02
87Benito Alba EladioESP17753.027.035.02
88Bardin ChristianFRA17653.026.532.53
89Hlinschi MihaiROU17023.026.033.02
90Jeanrenaud AntoniaITA03.025.533.01
91Bonino SilvanoITA14653.025.532.52
92Schwertel JohannGER20262.531.539.52
93Centofante Maria RosaITA16192.525.032.52
94Maestri RobertoITA17662.524.531.02
95Luebbers Doris DrGER16022.524.030.51
96Ivanov MichailRUS19352.523.530.01
97Bogatto MarioITA14462.523.029.51
98Cesati Cassin GiorgioITA15952.522.027.01
99Lisandri LuigiITA14482.023.528.51
100Brugnolo PaoloITA14982.022.527.51
101Maspero AlfioITA14171.021.027.00
101 players

ch-EUR Senior Rapid (9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 25m+10spm)

ch-EUR Senior Rapid Courmayeur ITA Mon 4th Apr 2011 - Thu 14th Apr 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Kupreichik Viktor DGMBLR24316.541.052.05
2Mishuchkov Nikolai MFMRUS24086.540.051.05
3Cebalo MisoGMCRO24866.539.550.05
4Okhotnik VladimirIMFRA24586.536.546.56
5Timoscenko GennadijGMSVK25026.534.544.06
6Butnorius AlgimantasGMLTU23886.039.550.04
7Strutinskaya Galina NWIMRUS22695.537.547.54
8Gaprindashvili NonaGMGEO23625.536.045.53
9Lederman LeonIMISR22665.535.545.05
10Tseitlin Mark DGMISR24205.534.044.54
11Schultheis HeinzGER20585.533.543.04
12Fatalibekova ElenaWGMRUS22825.037.547.04
13Chernikov Oleg LGMRUS24385.035.045.04
14Gruzmann BorisFMRUS22815.033.042.54
15Vrhovnik DamirCRO20635.029.037.55
16Baum Kurt DrGER20565.028.037.04
17Sinelnikov IgorRUS21904.535.044.54
18Zhelesny StanislavFMRUS21724.535.044.03
19Khmiadashvili TamarWGMGEO21944.533.543.04
20Miednikova SwietlanaWFMRUS21694.034.543.03
21Belokopyt BorisRUS20664.031.039.54
22Bondick Karl-HeinzGER21554.030.539.53
23Bayer Wolfgang DrGER20734.030.039.04
24Sevenyuk AlexeyBLR19324.028.538.02
25Capece AdolivioITA20494.028.536.53
26Schwertel JohannGER20264.028.036.04
27Chireykina NataliaRUS18314.024.032.01
28Barlocco CarloFMITA21623.527.035.52
29Breidenbach HeinzITA15483.524.532.51
30Ivanov MichailRUS19353.524.031.00
31Hlinschi MihaiROU17023.523.531.02
32Maspero AlfioITA14173.027.034.02
33Gulinelli EvroITA16583.026.534.02
34Jeanrenaud AntoniaITA02.522.530.01
35Brugnolo PaoloITA14982.021.028.01
35 players


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