Semi-Final Blitz 2016 (Games and Results) Semi-Final Blitz 2016
Mark Crowther - Thursday 25th August 2016
The Semi-Finals of the Grandmaster Blitz Battle Championship on take place on the 23rd and 24th of August 2016. 3 hours of blitz and bullet chess. 23rd Aug World Champion Magnus Carlsen vs Alexander Grischuk and 24th Aug Hikaru Nakamura vs Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. 6pm UK time. 1pm New York time. Carlsen beat Grischuk 16-8. Hikaru Nakamura beat Maxime Vachier-Lagrave 21.5-10.5. The players missed the call for the end of the match and so played an additional bullet game won by MVL. I give the games in PGN. The three Chess960 games per match have been removed. They cause too many problems. The final between Carlsen and Nakamura will take place in September at a date yet to be decided. Blitz Championship Semifinal 2016 ( INT)
Tue 23rd Aug 2016 - Wed 24th Aug 2016 -
Official Site - Live SF Blitz 2016 (4 players 1 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games SF SF Blitz 2016 (4 players 1 Rds Match Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games SF
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