British Knockout Championship 2015 (Games and Results)
British Knockout Championship 2015
Mark Crowther - Monday 30th November 2015
The British Knockout Championship took place firstly 1st-2nd December for the Quarter and Semi-Finals and then 4th to 9th December for the final alongside the London Chess Classic. This new event has a £20,000 prize fund. Quarter Finals: David Howell v Yang-Fan Zhou, Luke McShane v Daniel Fernandez, Nick Pert (replacing Nigel Short who is unwell) v Jonathan Hawkins and Gawain Jones v Jonathan Rowson. David beat Nick Pert 4-2 in the final.
British Knockout Championships 2015 (London ENG)
Tue 1st Dec 2015 - Thu 10th Dec 2015 -
Official Site
British ch-KO 2015 (8 players 3 Rds KO Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games
British ch-KO 2015 (8 players 3 Rds KO Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Games
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