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Belt and Road 2020 World Chess Woman's Summit 2020 (Games and Results)

Belt and Road 2020 World Chess Woman's Summit 2020

The Belt and Road 2020 World Chess Woman's Summit was an online event hosted by which took place 4th to 5th December 2020. Hou Yifan took clear first place with 6.5/9 a point clear of Sarasadat Khademalsharieh and Tan Zhongyi.

Belt and Road World Chess Woman's Summit 2020 ( INT)
Fri 4th Dec 2020 - Sat 5th Dec 2020 - Official Site - Results

World Chess Woman Summit (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC:15m+5spm) - Games in PGN: Games

World Chess Woman Summit (10 players 9 Rds SRR Indiv TC: 15m+5spm) - Games in PGN: Games


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World Chess Woman Summit INT (INT), 4-5 xii 2020 cat. XI (2510)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
1. Hou, Yifan g CHN 2658 * ½ 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2659
2. Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat m IRI 2494 ½ * ½ 1 ½ ½ ½ 0 1 1 2591
3. Tan, Zhongyi g CHN 2510 0 ½ * 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 2589
4. Lei, Tingjie g CHN 2505 1 0 0 * 1 ½ 1 1 0 ½ 5 2553
5. Abdumalik, Zhansaya m KAZ 2478 0 ½ 1 0 * 1 0 1 1 0 2513
6. Muzychuk, Mariya g UKR 2544 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 * 1 1 ½ 1 2505
7. Dzagnidze, Nana g GEO 2524 1 ½ 0 0 1 0 * 0 ½ ½ 2427
8. Zhao, Xue g CHN 2486 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 * ½ 0 2432
9. Stefanova, Antoaneta g BUL 2466 0 0 0 1 0 ½ ½ ½ * 1 2434
10. Atalik, Ekaterina m TUR 2430 0 0 0 ½ 1 0 ½ 1 0 * 3 2393
Round 1 (December 4, 2020)
Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat - Tan, Zhongyi ½-½ 25 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Lei, Tingjie - Abdumalik, Zhansaya 1-0 34 E71 King's Indian 5.h3
Muzychuk, Mariya - Dzagnidze, Nana 1-0 40 B31 Sicilian Rossolimo
Stefanova, Antoaneta - Hou, Yifan 0-1 43 A45 Trompowsky
Atalik, Ekaterina - Zhao, Xue 1-0 51 E11 Bogo Indian Defence
Round 2 (December 4, 2020)
Hou, Yifan - Atalik, Ekaterina 1-0 39 B10 Caro Kann
Tan, Zhongyi - Muzychuk, Mariya 1-0 29 A45 Trompowsky
Lei, Tingjie - Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat 0-1 62 C78 Ruy Lopez Moeller Defence
Abdumalik, Zhansaya - Zhao, Xue 1-0 84 C11 French Defence
Dzagnidze, Nana - Stefanova, Antoaneta ½-½ 50 D13 Slav Exchange
Round 3 (December 4, 2020)
Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat - Abdumalik, Zhansaya ½-½ 10 E60 King's Indian without Nc3
Muzychuk, Mariya - Lei, Tingjie ½-½ 69 C51 Evans Gambit
Zhao, Xue - Hou, Yifan 0-1 27 E12 Queens Indian Petrosian
Stefanova, Antoaneta - Tan, Zhongyi 0-1 44 D00 Queen's Pawn Game
Atalik, Ekaterina - Dzagnidze, Nana ½-½ 61 E17 Queens Indian
Round 4 (December 4, 2020)
Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat - Muzychuk, Mariya ½-½ 35 E60 King's Indian without Nc3
Tan, Zhongyi - Atalik, Ekaterina 1-0 46 A45 Trompowsky
Lei, Tingjie - Stefanova, Antoaneta 0-1 52 C02 French Advance
Abdumalik, Zhansaya - Hou, Yifan 0-1 65 B28 Sicilian Early a7-a6
Dzagnidze, Nana - Zhao, Xue 0-1 47 A17 English Opening
Round 5 (December 4, 2020)
Hou, Yifan - Dzagnidze, Nana 0-1 32 B85 Sicilian Scheveningen
Muzychuk, Mariya - Abdumalik, Zhansaya 0-1 48 C55 Two Knights Defence
Zhao, Xue - Tan, Zhongyi 1-0 47 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Stefanova, Antoaneta - Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat 0-1 29 A07 Barcza System
Atalik, Ekaterina - Lei, Tingjie ½-½ 82 D26 QGA
Round 6 (December 5, 2020)
Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat - Atalik, Ekaterina 1-0 105 D71 Gruenfeld 3.g3
Tan, Zhongyi - Hou, Yifan 0-1 30 A31 English Symmetrical
Lei, Tingjie - Zhao, Xue 1-0 27 E05 Catalan
Abdumalik, Zhansaya - Dzagnidze, Nana 0-1 39 B18 Caro Kann
Muzychuk, Mariya - Stefanova, Antoaneta ½-½ 39 B13 Caro Kann Exchange
Round 7 (December 5, 2020)
Hou, Yifan - Lei, Tingjie 0-1 99 C65 Ruy Lopez Berlin
Dzagnidze, Nana - Tan, Zhongyi 0-1 94 A15 English counter King's Fianchetto
Zhao, Xue - Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat 1-0 20 A07 Barcza System
Stefanova, Antoaneta - Abdumalik, Zhansaya 0-1 46 D90 Gruenfeld Flohr
Atalik, Ekaterina - Muzychuk, Mariya 0-1 43 A05 Various
Round 8 (December 5, 2020)
Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat - Hou, Yifan ½-½ 67 E46 Nimzo Indian Rubinstein
Lei, Tingjie - Dzagnidze, Nana 1-0 41 B47 Sicilian Paulsen
Abdumalik, Zhansaya - Tan, Zhongyi 1-0 70 C93 Ruy Lopez Smyslov
Muzychuk, Mariya - Zhao, Xue 1-0 36 C11 French Defence
Stefanova, Antoaneta - Atalik, Ekaterina 1-0 48 A48 King's Indian Defence /c2-c4
Round 9 (December 5, 2020)
Hou, Yifan - Muzychuk, Mariya 1-0 47 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Tan, Zhongyi - Lei, Tingjie 1-0 39 D00 Queen's Pawn Game
Dzagnidze, Nana - Khademalsharieh, Sarasadat ½-½ 21 A13 Reti Opening
Zhao, Xue - Stefanova, Antoaneta ½-½ 70 D10 Slav Defence
Atalik, Ekaterina - Abdumalik, Zhansaya 1-0 56 A05 Various


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