Aronian against Kramnik Match in Zuerich (Games and Results)
Aronian-Kramnik Match in Zuerich 2012
Mark Crowther - Saturday 21st April 2012
Kramnik against Aronian at the London Chess Classic. Photo © Ray Morris-Hilll. |
Levon Aronian and Vladimir Kramnik drew a 6 game match in Zuerich 21st-28th April 2012 Kramnik organised the event and it was announced by Kramnik during the Wijk aan Zee tournament. This highly anticipated match was organised in part to help fill the gap in the schedule for these players created by the absence of the Linares and Amber tournaments and also as training for the Candidates tournament in London now to be held in 2013.
Aronian and Kramnik draw their match in Zuerich (6)
The final game of the Zuerich Chess Challenge match between Levon Aronian and Vladimir Kramnik finished in an interesting draw in a Berlin Defence, which left the final score at 3-3. Aronian repeated 1.e4 which was one of his clear goals for the match ("I haven't played e4 seriously for such a long time. I think I learned a lot.) and after Kramnik repeated the Berlin Defence Aronian played the quiet 4.d3. Both players admitted to playing more freely than they would have had this not been a friendly match. Aronian thought himself lucky to have drawn the match as "I was in reality playing very adventurous moves where I shouldn't have." Today Aronian sacrificed a pawn with 19.a5 which led to very interesting complications. Kramnik's 28...Kf8 was bad as he overlooked 29.Ra4 but Aronian immediately blundered back with the terrible 30.c4? Kramnik's 33.e3 looked strong and winning but things turned out to be more difficult than that and the game ended in a draw. 33...Ne7 would have been far more difficult to meet. An interesting and enterprising match.
Zuerich Chess Challenge 2012 (6)
Mark Crowther (Sat Apr 28 18:57:00 2012)
Aronian - Kramnik in the post-mortem. Photo © |
Zuerich Chess Challenge 2012 (5)
Aronian holds Kramnik in game 5
Mark Crowther | Fri Apr 27 20:40:00 2012
Zuerich Chess Challenge 2012 (4)
Aronian vs Kramnik Game 4 drawn in dull Berlin
Mark Crowther | Wed Apr 25 20:32:00 2012
Zuerich Chess Challenge 2012 (3)
Kramnik wins razor sharp battle against Aronian in Game 3
Mark Crowther | Tue Apr 24 20:53:00 2012
Zuerich Chess Challenge 2012 (2)
Aronian held by Kramnik's Berlin Defence in Game 2
Mark Crowther | Sun Apr 22 18:42:00 2012
Zuerich Chess Challenge 2012 (1)
Aronian impresses with black win against Kramnik in Game 1
Mark Crowther | Sat Apr 21 18:41:00 2012
Zurich Chess Challenge Kramnik vs Aronian Match (Zurich SUI)
Sat 21st Apr 2012 - Sat 28th Apr 2012 -
Official Site - Live
Aronian-Kramnik m (2 players 6 Rds Match Indiv TC:120m:60m:15m+30spm(61)) - Games in PGN: Games
Aronian-Kramnik m (2 players 6 Rds Match Indiv TC: 120m:60m:15m+30spm(61)) - Games in PGN: Games
ChessTempo viewer
Aronian-Kramnik Match Zuerich | ||||||
Kramnik, Vladimir | - | Aronian, Levon | 0-1 | 41 | D43 | Anti-Meran Gambit |
Aronian, Levon | - | Kramnik, Vladimir | ½-½ | 37 | C67 | Ruy Lopez Berlin |
Kramnik, Vladimir | - | Aronian, Levon | 1-0 | 42 | C47 | Four Knights |
Aronian, Levon | - | Kramnik, Vladimir | ½-½ | 25 | C67 | Ruy Lopez Berlin |
Kramnik, Vladimir | - | Aronian, Levon | ½-½ | 43 | D43 | Anti-Meran Gambit |
Aronian, Levon | - | Kramnik, Vladimir | ½-½ | 43 | C65 | Ruy Lopez Berlin |
Aronian-Kramnik Match Zuerich (SUI), 02-07 viii 2012 | |||||||||||||||||
Name | Ti | NAT | Rtng | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Total | Perf | ||||||
Kramnik, Vladimir | g | RUS | 2801 | 0 | ½ | 1 | ½ | ½ | ½ | 3 | 2820 | ||||||
Aronian, Levon | g | ARM | 2820 | 1 | ½ | 0 | ½ | ½ | ½ | 3 | 2801 |