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Ajedrez UNAM Quadrangular 2010 (Final)

Ajedrez UNAM Quadrangular 2010

The Ajedrez UNAM Quadrangular tournament took place alongside the Ibero-American tournament. This was part of a huge chess festival which had Kasparov and Karpov giving simuls, and there were in addition a number of seminars and exhibitions. Judit Polgar won the whole event. She recovered from a loss in game one to beat Vassily Ivanchuk on Day 1 2.5-1.5.Veselin Topalov made very light work of Manuel Leon-Hoyos in the second semi-final on day 2 winning 3.5-0.5. In the final Polgar scored a crushing victory against Topalov. Game one was drawn and now is available correct thanks to Judit. After that she realed off three wins in a row including a final King's Gambit for a 3.5-0.5 victory. A great result for Polgar who seems to be rediscovering her touch. For Topalov it is a continuation of poor recent form but it seems that he has just married and isn't really working on his chess at the moment but just enjoying his life and for that one can hardly blame him. There is also good news. There will be a second event next year.

Ajedrez Unam Quadrangular 2010 (Mexico City MEX)
Fri 19th Nov 2010 - Sun 21st Nov 2010 - Official Site - Results - Live

Ajedrez UNAM KO (4 players 2 Rds KO Indiv TC:10m+5spm) - Games in PGN: Quads

UNAM Selected Simul (10 players 1 Rds Simul Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Simul Games

1st Open (7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m+30spm(1))

UNAM Selected Simul (10 players 1 Rds Simul Indiv ) - Games in PGN: Simul Games

Start positionPrevious MoveNext MoveEnd positionPlay movesStop playing

Karpov, Anatoly vs Gutierrez Garcia, Vicente

1. Nf3 Nf6 2. g3 g6 3. Bg2 Bg7 4. d4 O-O 5. O-O d5 6. Ne5 c5 7. dxc5 Nc6 8. Nd3 e5 9. Bg5 Bf5 10. Nc3 e4 11. Nf4 Ne7 12. Bxf6 Bxf6 13. Nfxd5 Bg7 14. Ne3 Qa5 15. Nxe4 Bxe4 16. Bxe4 Bxb2 17. Rb1 Rad8 18. Qe1 Bc3 19. Qc1 Qxc5 20. Rd1 b5 21. Rd3 f5 22. Bf3 g5 23. Qd1 Rd4 24. Rb3 b4 25. Rbxc3 Qxc3 26. Rxd4 1-0

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Ajedrez UNAM KO (4 players 2 Rds KO Indiv TC: 10m+5spm) - Games in PGN: Quads

Start positionPrevious MoveNext MoveEnd positionPlay movesStop playing

Polgar, Judit vs Ivanchuk, Vassily

1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4 Bf5 5. Ng3 Bg6 6. h4 h6 7. h5 Bh7 8. Nf3 e6 9. Bd3 Bxd3 10. Qxd3 Nf6 11. Bf4 Bd6 12. Bxd6 Qxd6 13. O-O-O Nbd7 14. Qe2 O-O 15. Ne5 Qc7 16. Rhe1 Rad8 17. f4 c5 18. dxc5 Nxc5 19. Qc4 Rc8 20. Kb1 Qb6 21. Qd4 Rfd8 22. Qf2 Nd5 23. Ne2 Qa5 24. a3 Ne4 25. Qh4 Nd2+ 26. Ka1 Ne3 27. Rc1 Nxc2+ 28. Rxc2 Rxc2 29. Qe7 Qc7 30. Qb4 a5 31. Qa4 b5 32. Ng3 Nf3 33. Nxf3 Ra8 34. Rh1 Qd6 35. Ne5 Qc7 36. Rd1 Rf8 37. Qc4 Qb6 38. Kb1 Rc8 39. Ne2 Rc1+ 40. Rxc1 Rd8 41. Ka1 Qc7 42. Re1 0-1

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1st Open (7 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m+30spm(1))

1st Open Mexico City MEX Fri 19th Nov 2010 - Sun 21st Nov 2010
Leading Final Round 7 Standings:
1Franco Ocampos, ZenonGMPAR2517½1111116.529.528.02727
2Guerra Mojena, LeandroFMCUB231111½1½116.027.522.752540
3Granda Zuniga, Julio EGMPER2627111110½5.533.023.752579
4Cordova, EmilioGMPER253011½1½1½5.532.024.52522
5De La Paz Perdomo, FrankGMCUB24731½1½½115.530.523.52413
6Ibarra Chami, Luis FernandIMMEX243611½1½1½5.530.023.02516
7Martin Del Campo C., RoberIMMEX241411½½1½15.529.022.52429
8Blanco Fernandez, AlvaroIMMEX2319+0111½15.529.020.252307
9Almeida Quintana, OmarGMCUB259311½01115.528.521.52452
10Baules, JorgeIMPAN234911½11½½5.527.521.252522
11Capo Vidal, UrielIMMEX235011101½15.526.519.252420
12Dias, PauloFMPOR24150111½115.525.019.52553
13Carreto Nieto, GeovanniMEX221410½11115.525.019.252269
14Perez Avendano, Paul OmarFMMEX220411½01115.524.517.02306
15Gonzalez Zamora, Juan CarlGMMEX25611111½½05.035.523.52506
16Ruiz Sanchez, OrlenFMCUB24041½1½1015.028.018.252321
17Mazara, AdanDOM227311½0½115.028.017.752380
18Olivera Medrano, JoanFMCUB235711100115.027.018.02359
19Gonzalez, BernalIMCRC243311010115.025.516.52317
20Sanchez Enriquez, Oscar GeFMMEX235310½½1115.023.017.252169
21Rose, FelixMEX2053+1½10½½4.534.519.02372
22Gonzalez Garcia, JoseGMMEX2521111½0104.532.518.752357
23Gongora Montes, BenjaminIMMEX222511110½04.532.018.252402
24Lorenzana, Wilson EstuardoIMGUA2210++½½1½04.531.515.52370
25Santos Flores, AlbertoIMECU2344111½½½04.531.018.752322
26Della Morte, PabloFMARG23051101½104.530.517.752311
27Larrea, ManuelFMURU231110½11104.529.517.52292
28Alvarez Ramirez, Miguel AnMEX226711½0½½14.529.516.252336
29Dominguez Aguilar, GuillerFMMEX235611½11004.529.016.252289
30Vazquez Reyes, RaulPUR22311½1½10½4.528.516.252337
31Moreyra Tinoco, MaximoMEX2068110101½4.528.016.252315
32Gonzalez Arroyo, LeninMEX22681101½104.527.515.252261
33Canales Inocencio, RubenMEX2115=+011104.527.514.02292
34Medina Colindres, JavierHON2226½110½½14.526.015.02265
35Floresvillar Gonzalez, LuiMEX2179½0111014.524.515.52378
36Pina Vega, SulennisWGMCUB23431½100114.524.014.52187
37Mora Fonz, David PerfectoMEX2149-+1½0114.524.014.02107
38Carreras Mendiolea, PaulinWFMMEX19220-111½+4.522.511.752177
39Martin Del Campo C., JorgeFMMEX222901½01114.521.513.752123
40Baltazar Pineda, RafaelIMMEX216710½11014.521.510.752128
41Tapie Amione, Pablo AdibMEX223011½½½½04.033.017.752295
42Navarro Segura, RobertoIMMEX2196+1½½0104.031.014.02234
43Fleites Marti, YuleikysWIMCUB2156+0110104.029.512.252192
44Hernandez Guerrero, YadiraWIMMEX21411½01½½½4.028.513.752264
45San Pedro Morales, Marco AMEX18010+11½0½4.028.513.02145
46Magana Cazares, Jesus CuauMEX2006 *01½1½014.028.014.02260
47Rivera Rodriguez, Jesus CaMEX208510101½½4.028.013.252119
48Tarin Garcia, Luis MiguelMEX2138½01110½4.027.514.252201
49Villalba Velazquez, AnderMEX2172+01½10½4.027.511.252146
50Espinosa Flores, Rafael EmIMMEX238611½½0½½4.027.014.752151
51Davalos Prieto, Abel JustoFMMEX2245===101½4.026.514.52183
52Contreras Medina, Ruben DaMEX21571½1100½4.026.512.752163
53Aguilar, GustavoESA215710111004.026.512.02239
54Fonseca, Jose LuisFMNCA2174+0101014.026.511.252056
55Coronel Barron, Omar FaustMEX217511=010½4.026.012.02155
56Martinez Rodriguez, MiguelMEX2022 *=010½114.026.010.752081
57Zavalza Ramirez, Ivan JMEX2162101½01½4.025.512.52096
58Tey Carrera, JoaquinMEX20440+½0½114.025.510.52118
59Krotschak, JoschaGER214710011104.025.011.02050
60Bolio Zapata, Edwin DavidMEX2087==½1½014.024.512.02178
61Salazar Martinez, SergioMEX18790110½1½4.024.012.52131
62Miranda Talavera, Irving AMEX205510½½1½½4.023.012.02144
63Vega Garcia, Jorge ArturoFMMEX2262110½10½4.022.510.52182
64Diaz Rosas, Julio CesarMEX208110101014.022.09.51971
65Duran Juarez, CitlaliMEX195701010114.022.09.01987
66Caceres Cortes, JulioCAN206610101014.021.09.51914
67Rosas Reyes, RaulMEX20040½0½1114.021.09.252043
68Garcia Garcia, OctavioMEX1958 *1½010103.531.013.752234
69Sanchez Garcia, IosifMEX20881101½003.529.011.252200
70Alvarez Gonzalez, German EMEX2146½10½1½03.528.012.02093
71Altamirano Gonzalez, YehudMEX216710101½-3.527.013.02119
72Tavison Garcia, AlioschaMEX2134=½110½03.526.511.52090
73Campos Rosas, Manuel AsisMEX201601½01103.526.59.252060
74Lazzeri Menendez, Santos GMEX2089+½010013.526.08.752104
75Silva Hernandez, Jose LuisMEX2063½0101013.525.59.51957
76Jimenez Fernandez, AlejandrMEX2011 *010101½3.525.011.01964
77Guiza Vela, GuillermoMEX2001 *01½½01½3.525.010.52052
78Torres Rosas, Luis CarlosMEX2021=10-0113.524.512.02334
79Waldo Zalapa, AlejandroMEX2063+01½0013.524.57.52045
80Martinez Sasso, Alvaro AntMEX214610-110½3.524.011.252183
81Reyes Ayala, MarioMEX1982===01013.524.010.252086
82Soto Gonzalez, FidelFMMEX2066+010½103.524.07.01924
83Jung Kohl, Cristof FriedricMEX0 *0½½½1103.523.511.02019
84Palomino, Simon FabianMEX1476 *-0+10+½3.523.59.751967
85Villanueva Garciacano, ManMEX2033010110½3.523.07.02086
86Hernandez Same, Ramon PastCUB21131000½113.522.58.51905
87Garcia Almaguer, Juan ManuMEX2108=-½½1½½3.521.511.751888
88Bringas Osuna, Ivan JarekMEX212210=0½½13.521.59.252076
89Godinez Ramirez, GuillermoFMMEX2055+01½0013.521.56.251892
90Rodriguez Aleman, EduardoMEX2008½0½10103.028.011.01964
91Arellano Ramirez, Luis RodrMEX1702 *½100½013.027.011.52017
92Corona Monroz, RamiroMEX210510101003.026.58.01982
93Martha Palafox, Jaime LionMEX2112+0100103.026.05.251876
94Aguilar Rodriguez, HectorMEX212010101003.024.57.01878
95Ramirez Olivares, RogelioMEX1625 *0+001103.024.56.251376
96Navarrete Garcia, AlanMEX20160-110-
97Perez Cortes, EmilianoMEX19500101½½03.023.07.751917
98Ortiz Rubio, AlfonsoMEX188801010103.023.06.51976
99Garcia Morales, Ivette AleMEX193901010013.023.06.51445
100Fonseca Farragut, EnriqueMEX1238 *0+0½½103.022.57.01853
101Motte Galicia, AlvaroMEX2038 *00110013.022.06.52084
102Del Castillo Mussot, MarceMEX220111000013.021.56.01374
103Mendoza Rubio, Fernando AnMEX1931010100+
104Cervantes Gonzalez, AlanMEX969 *100010+
105Velazquez Simon, Angelica GMEX1568 *½00½1103.021.06.751930
106Jacob Lopez, SaulMEX18720-110013.020.56.251409
107Tello Patino, Mario RobertMEX166700010113.017.05.01282
108Guerrero Rodriguez, AlejanWIMMEX2117+1½00002.530.08.752026
109Delgado Ayala, Maria AdriaMEX178810+½0002.526.57.751921
110Becerra Ramirez, JuanMEX198101½00102.525.56.751826
111Alcantara Rivera, JessicaMEX1276 *½+000012.524.04.751758
112Rodiles Legaspi, RicardoMEX1262 *01½0½0½2.523.57.51823
113Mercado Garcia, FranciscoMEX21160110½002.523.07.01946
114Alva Sanchez, HectorMEX1855 *0½½01½02.523.06.751900
115Fonseca Manrique, EnriqueMEX19180½0½1½02.523.06.51796
116Pichardo Salazar, Jose AlfrMEX1257 *00101½02.521.56.751885
117Mendoza Salazar, Ramon LevMEX20451-+½0002.521.55.51829
118Healy, JohnIRL1860010½0012.521.04.751368
119De La Parra Hurtado, DanieMEX1891010100½2.521.03.51664
120Martinez Perez, Juan CarloMEX1406-01010½2.520.06.751483
121Torres Rosas, Rita RosaliaMEX1772=½0001½2.519.06.251928
122Zuchovicki Zaritsky, AxelMEX1953 *001½0102.518.53.751452
123Gomez Garcia, Jose SantosMEX1826001½½0-
124Velazquez Simon, Ada AliciaMEX1373 *0½0½0102.024.55.01746
125Garcia Cordero, AntonioMEX20830--11--2.023.512.00
126Ramirez Hernandez, EnriqueMEX0 *0+½000½2.021.53.751775
127Bravo Alfaro, Javier CarlosMEX1500 *010010-
128Gomez Taboada, Octavio ElihMEX1367 *0+000102.021.02.251286
129Gutierrez Navarro, DanielMEX1301 *00010102.020.53.01688
130Saidy Ayala, Daraima DianaMEX16160-0+1002.019.53.51231
131Ortiz Gil, Jahaseel EsauMEX1314 *+0000102.019.51.251297
132Galicia Sanchez, Carlos HumMEX0 *00--1102.019.07.01840
133Mendoza Rodriguez, Erick AlMEX1318 *00001012.019.01.51287
134Romero Guzman, BernardoMEX0 *00010102.018.52.01068
135Arriaga Mendoza, Allan EsteMEX962 *00100012.018.03.01617
136Duran Ortiz, Juan JoseMEX0 *+0000012.016.51.751317
137Trillaud, FredericMEX0 *0½10-001.518.54.251725
138Martinez, JavierMEX18510-0001½1.516.03.251466
139Beltran Cedillo, SalvadorMEX939 *==0000½1.515.52.01132
140Cabrera Sanchez, Miguel AngMEX1379 *00000+½1.514.51.251365
141Lopez Gabino, Francisco JavMEX0 *10-----
142Martinez Pena, HernanMEX0 *000--0+
143Junco De Haas, AntonioMEX0 *0+000001.016.00.251276
144Rosas Matamoros, Roberto IvMEX0 *00100001.015.51.01191
145Galvan Serrano, RazielMEX1000 *00001001.015.51.01171
146Hidalgo Rios, ManuelMEX19550------
147Ochoa Rivera, Luis GonzaloMEX0 *000----
148Segura Salazar, LuisMEX1335 *000----
148 players


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