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82nd German Chess Championships 2011 (Games and Results)

82nd German Chess Championships

The 82nd German Chess Championships took place in Bonn Thursday 26th May - Sat 4th June 2011. Igor Khenkin took first place on tie-break from Jan Gustafsson after both finished on 6.5/9. Sarah Hoolt won the women's title. However it is the disqualification of Christoph Natsidis that will make the most headlines. He has admitted to analysing his final round game on his smartphone. The power that people carry around in their pockets now makes it likely that even carrying such phones will have to be banned at most levels of the game. How effective this would be is another question and there is no doubt it will be highly inconvenient. One would also have to speculate that this has now become extremely widespread.

82nd ch-GER (Bonn GER)
Wed 25th May 2011 - Sat 4th Jun 2011 - Official Site - Live

82nd ch-GER (34 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

ch-GER w (16 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Women Games

82nd ch-GER (34 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

Start positionPrevious MoveNext MoveEnd positionPlay movesStop playing


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82nd ch-GER Bonn GER Wed 25th May 2011 - Sat 4th Jun 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Khenkin, IgorGM24886.548
2Gustafsson, JanGM24806.547.5
3Fridman, DanielGM2471648.5
4Buhmann, RainerGM2462646.5
5Gschnitzer, Oswald, DrIM2437642.5
6Stern, RenéIM24985.550
7Huschenbeth, NiclasIM24505.544
8Siebrecht, SebastianGM24255.544.5
9Seel, ChristianIM23585.541
10Svane, Rasmus2442544.5
11Tischbierek, RajGM2421545
12Jugelt, TobiasIM24074.542.5
13Kummerow, HeikoFM23994.543
14Rietze, Clemens23934.539.5
15Andre, Gordon23924.542.5
16Vatter, Hans-JoachimFM23824.543
17Bastian, HerbertIM23514.536.5
18Lubbe, Nikolas23464.535
19Krassowizkij, Jaroslaw23294.536.5
20Poetsch, HagenFM22974.531.5
21Müller, Oliver CFM2431441.5
22Mertens, Heiko2395439.5
23Krause, UllrichFM2344434
24Dranov, Aleksandr2336437
25Seger, RüdigerIM2300430
26Strache, Michael24133.540.5
27Molinaroli, Martin23793.538.5
28Bracker, Frank23563.537.5
29Zill, ChristophFM23373.533
30Kessler, Andreas2375335
31Lederle, Vitus2337331
32Pitschka, ClausFM23502.534.5
33Bindrich, FalkoGM2426241
34Natsidis, ChristophFM23630
34 players

ch-GER w (16 players 9 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Women Games

Start positionPrevious MoveNext MoveEnd positionPlay movesStop playing


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ch-GER w Bonn GER Wed 25th May 2011 - Sat 4th Jun 2011
Leading Final Round 9 Standings:
1Hoolt, SarahWIM23127.5203146
2Frey, Alisa 20597202642.5
3Vogel, HeikeWFM21226.5203644
4Schmidt, Jade 20756201744
5Klek, Hannah Marie21475198642.5
6Leveikina, Jevgenia21004.5206444
7Schulz, StefanieWFM20824.5203843
8Nestuley, Nadezda17364.5196939.5
9Ries, Jutta 19874.5191735.5
10Freter, Anke 19544194940
11Lopatin, OlgaWFM21254193941.5
12Aden, Dagmar 18174191133
13Mass, Elvira 19703.5200242
14Reiter, Brigitte18633192234.5
15Kohls, Vera 18782190038
16Weinmann, Helene14311.5195238
16 players


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