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80th Tata Steel Masters 2018 (5)

Giri, Anand and Mameyarov lead the Tata Steel Master after five rounds

Carlsen vs Bert of Sesame Street. Photo ©

Carlsen vs Bert of Sesame Street. Photo © |

The 80th Tata Steel Masters visited the "Beeld en Geluid" in Hilversum for the fifth round. This is the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision and the players were greeted by members of the Sesame Street cast of which there is a Dutch version.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov joined the leaders by beating Fabiano Caruana. Caruana needed to find a series of accurate moves (28...h6 29.Rd4 f5=) instead after 28...Qc6 he lost a pawn and this was decisive. Peter Svidler needed two bites at the cherry to defeat a struggling Hou Yifan. Hou blundered badly with 20...Bd7? but Svidler allowed her right back into the game after not playing 22.Nc8 Ne6 23.Ng5 winning. 38.d3? was a decisive blunder in mutual time trouble. Wesley So ground down Baskaran Adhiban but was perhaps somewhat lucky as the decisive blunder almost within sight of the draw was 71.Kd8? (71.Kd6=).

Magnus Carlsen achieved nothing with white against Vladimir Kramnik who looked the better prepared, eventually Carlsen slipped to being worse and bailed out into a drawn endgaame where he had to suffer a little bit. Gawain Jones played the Panov attack against Anish Giri's Caro-Kann but this merely led to simplification and a draw he probably wanted. Viswanathan Anand found a hole in his preparation against Wei Yi's Petroff on the way to the venue. He decided to play the line anyway as a bluff and Wei Yi played all the way down the problem line to a comfortable draw. Maxim Matlakov and Sergey Karjakin played an uneventful draw.

Round 5 standings: 1st= Giri, Anand, Mamedyarov 3.5pts 4th= Kramnik, Carlsen, Wesley So 3pts 7th= Karjakin, Wei Yi, Matlakov, Jones, Svidler 2.5pts 12th Caruana 1.5pts 13th Adhiban 1pt 14th Hou Yifan 0.5pts

Rest day Thursday 18th Jan.

Round 6 pairings Friday 19th Jan 2018 12:30pm Hou Yifan-Karjakin, Caruana-Matlakov, Adhiban-Mamedyarov, Wei Yi-Wesley So, Giri-Anand, Kramnik-Jones, Svidler-Carlsen.

80th Tata Steel GpA Wijk aan Zee (NED), 12-28 i 2018 cat. XX (2750)
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4  
1. Giri, Anish g NED 2752 * . . 1 ½ . . . . ½ ½ . . 1 2890
2. Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2767 . * . . . . ½ ½ 1 . . 1 ½ . 2885
3. Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar g AZE 2804 . . * . . ½ ½ . ½ . . 1 . 1 2899
4. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2787 0 . . * ½ . . 1 . . 1 . . ½ 3 2827
5. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2834 ½ . . ½ * . . ½ . . . ½ 1 . 3 2821
6. So, Wesley g USA 2792 . . ½ . . * ½ . ½ . . ½ 1 . 3 2820
7. Karjakin, Sergey g RUS 2753 . ½ ½ . . ½ * . ½ ½ . . . . 2744
8. Wei, Yi g CHN 2743 . ½ . 0 ½ . . * . 1 ½ . . . 2759
9. Matlakov, Maxim g RUS 2718 . 0 ½ . . ½ ½ . * . . . . 1 2759
10. Jones, Gawain C B g ENG 2640 ½ . . . . . ½ 0 . * . ½ 1 . 2742
11. Svidler, Peter g RUS 2768 ½ . . 0 . . . ½ . . * . ½ 1 2723
12. Caruana, Fabiano g USA 2811 . 0 0 . ½ ½ . . . ½ . * . . 2618
13. Adhiban, Baskaran g IND 2655 . ½ . . 0 0 . . . 0 ½ . * . 1 2520
14. Hou, Yifan g CHN 2680 0 . 0 ½ . . . . 0 . 0 . . * ½ 2399
Round 5 (January 17, 2018)
Anand, Viswanathan - Wei, Yi ½-½ 29 C42 Petroff's Defence
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar - Caruana, Fabiano 1-0 43 D30 Queen's Gambit (without Nc3)
Carlsen, Magnus - Kramnik, Vladimir ½-½ 63 C50 Giuoco Piano
So, Wesley - Adhiban, Baskaran 1-0 80 A10 Dutch, QI and KID Systems
Matlakov, Maxim - Karjakin, Sergey ½-½ 16 A07 Barcza System
Jones, Gawain C B - Giri, Anish ½-½ 25 B14 Caro Kann Panov
Svidler, Peter - Hou, Yifan 1-0 41 D38 QGD Ragozin
80th Tata Steel GpB Wijk aan Zee (NED), 12-28 i 2018 cat. XV (2612)
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4  
1. Korobov, Anton g UKR 2652 * . . . . . ½ 1 . . . 1 1 1 2965
2. Vidit, Santosh Gujrathi g IND 2718 . * . ½ ½ . . . 1 1 1 . . . 4 2858
3. Van Foreest, Lucas m NED 2481 . . * 1 . . . 0 ½ 1 ½ . . . 3 2689
4. Tari, Aryan g NOR 2599 . ½ 0 * . ½ 1 . . . . ½ . . 2619
5. L'Ami, Erwin g NED 2634 . ½ . . * . . . ½ ½ ½ . ½ . 2637
6. Gordievsky, Dmitry g RUS 2622 . . . ½ . * . ½ ½ 0 . . . 1 2616
7. Xiong, Jeffery g USA 2634 ½ . . 0 . . * ½ . . . . ½ ½ 2 2523
8. Van Foreest, Jorden g NED 2629 0 . 1 . . ½ ½ * . . . 0 . . 2 2533
9. Krasenkow, Michal g POL 2671 . 0 ½ . ½ ½ . . * . . ½ . . 2 2547
10. Amin, Bassem g EGY 2693 . 0 0 . ½ 1 . . . * ½ . . . 2 2518
11. Harika, Dronavalli g IND 2497 . 0 ½ . ½ . . . . ½ * . ½ . 2 2554
12. Bluebaum, Matthias g GER 2640 0 . . ½ . . . 1 ½ . . * . 0 2 2536
13. Bok, Benjamin g NED 2607 0 . . . ½ . ½ . . . ½ . * ½ 2 2509
14. Girya, Olga wg RUS 2489 0 . . . . 0 ½ . . . . 1 ½ * 2 2559
Round 5 (January 17, 2018)
Tari, Aryan - Xiong, Jeffery 1-0 43 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
L'Ami, Erwin - Vidit, Santosh Gujrathi ½-½ 18 D38 QGD Ragozin
Van Foreest, Jorden - Korobov, Anton 0-1 43 C77 Ruy Lopez Anderssen
Krasenkow, Michal - Bluebaum, Matthias ½-½ 93 D38 QGD Ragozin
Amin, Bassem - Gordievsky, Dmitry 1-0 27 B29 Sicilian Defence
Harika, Dronavalli - Van Foreest, Lucas ½-½ 64 A13 Reti Opening
Girya, Olga - Bok, Benjamin ½-½ 112 B07 Pirc Defence

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