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6th Femida Cup 2010 (3)

6th Femida Cup 2010

The 6th Femida Cup 2010 took place over three days 23rd-25th November 2010. It produced a number of tense matches with only one being settled 3-1 the rest being 2-2 draws or 2.5-1.5 wins for one side. A DAN DZO-PGMB Chernigov led by Baadur Jobava won and hosts Law Academy Kharkiv finished last. The hard fought nature of the event was reflected in the final game to finish between Illya Nyzhnyk and Oleg V Ivanov which exploded into life on move 93!? and contained some exciting but not really very accurate chess played at 30 seconds a move and which finished in a draw on move 137.

6th Femida Cup 2010 (Kharkiv UKR)
Tue 23rd Nov 2010 - Fri 26th Nov 2010 - Official Site - Results - Live

6th Femida Cup 2010 (26 players 3 Rds League Team TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games

6th Femida Cup 2010 (26 players 3 Rds League Team TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games


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6th Femida Cup 2010 Kharkiv UKR Tue 23rd Nov 2010 - Thur 25th Nov 2010
Final Standings:
1A DAN DZO-PGMB Chernigov **** 2.5 - 1.53.0 - 1.02.5 - 1.568.0/12
2PVK Kievchess Kiev1.5 - 2.5 **** 2.5 - 1.52.0 - 2.036.0/12
3Rivne FOREST Zubr Rivne1.0 - 3.01.5 - 2.5 **** 2.5 - 1.525.0/12
4Law Academy Kharkiv1.5 - 2.52.0 - 2.01.5 - 2.5 **** 15.0/12
6th Femida Cup 2010 Kharkiv UKR Tue 23rd Nov 2010 - Thur 25th Novs 2010
Player List
Jobava, BaadurGEO2707GM13601520A DAN DZO-PGMB Chernigov1983
Korobov, AntonUKR2684GM14105730A DAN DZO-PGMB Chernigov1985
Volokitin, AndreiUKR2676GM14107090A DAN DZO-PGMB Chernigov1986
Zhigalko, SergeiBLR2665GM13502956A DAN DZO-PGMB Chernigov1989
Azarov, SergeiBLR2601GM13501470A DAN DZO-PGMB Chernigov1983
Nosenko, AlexanderUKR2523IM14100690A DAN DZO-PGMB Chernigov1968
Ponomariov, RuslanUKR2744GM14103320PVK Kievchess Kiev1983
Miroshnichenko, EvgenijUKR2670GM14102595PVK Kievchess Kiev1978
Areshchenko, AlexanderUKR2661GM14109530PVK Kievchess Kiev1986
Kuzubov, YuriyUKR2633GM14112906PVK Kievchess Kiev1990
Baklan, VladimirUKR2613GM14102196PVK Kievchess Kiev1978
Nyzhnyk, IllyaUKR2535IM14118084PVK Kievchess Kiev1996
Kravtsiv, MartynUKR2566GM14113147Rivne FOREST Zubr Rivne1990
Gasanov, EldarUKR2488GM14104466Rivne FOREST Zubr Rivne1982
Iakymov, VolodymyrUKR2494IM14110164Rivne FOREST Zubr Rivne1986
Ivanov, Oleg VUKR2494IM14110709Rivne FOREST Zubr Rivne1982
Eljanov, PavelUKR2742GM14102951Law Academy Kharkiv1983
Moiseenko, AlexanderUKR2670GM14102560Law Academy Kharkiv1980
Zherebukh, YaroslavUKR2573GM14116804Law Academy Kharkiv1993
Kovchan, AlexanderUKR2561GM14103052Law Academy Kharkiv1983
Firman, NazarUKR2551IM14104490Law Academy Kharkiv1983
Brodsky, MichailUKR2549GM14100932Law Academy Kharkiv1969
Aveskulov, ValeriyUKR2538GM14109743Law Academy Kharkiv1986
Ipatov, AlexanderESP2514IM14116731Law Academy Kharkiv1993
Onischuk, VladimirUKR2505IM14114038Law Academy Kharkiv1991


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