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54th Capablanca Memorial 2019 (Games and Results)

54th Capablanca Memorial 2019

The 54th Capablanca Memorial took place Fri 3rd May to Mon 13th May 2019. B Adhiban, Vasil Ivanchuk, David Anton, Sam Sevian, Yuri Gonzalez Vidal and Carlos Albornoz Cabrera played in the 6 player 10 round Elite group. Vassily Ivanchuk won the event for the 8th time (including one shared). Ivanchuk was in the joint lead with David Anton going into the final round after being beaten by Sam Sevian in round 9. Ivanchuk beat Baskaran Adhiban where as Anton failed to convert a large advantage against Albornoz Cabrera.

54th Capablanca Memorial 2019 (Havana CUB)
Fri 3rd May 2019 - Mon 13th May 2019 - Official Site - Results - Live

54th Capablanca Mem Elite (6 players 10 Rds DRR Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Elite

54th Capablanca Mem Open (10 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1))

54th Capablanca Mem Elite (6 players 10 Rds DRR Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Elite


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54th Capablanca Mem Elite Havana (CUB), 3-13 v 2019 cat. XVI (2641)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2677 * * ½ 0 ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 1 1 7 2782
2. Sevian, Samuel g USA 2666 ½ 1 * * ½ ½ 1 0 1 ½ ½ 1 2745
3. Anton Guijarro, David g ESP 2667 ½ ½ ½ ½ * * ½ ½ 1 1 ½ 1 2745
4. Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel g CUB 2566 0 0 0 1 ½ ½ * * 0 ½ ½ ½ 2545
5. Adhiban, Baskaran g IND 2701 ½ 0 0 ½ 0 0 1 ½ * * ½ ½ 2518
6. Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri g CUB 2567 0 0 ½ 0 ½ 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ * * 3 2506
Round 1 (May 3, 2019)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Anton Guijarro, David ½-½ 40 C47 Four Knights
Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel - Sevian, Samuel 0-1 45 D38 QGD Ragozin
Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri - Adhiban, Baskaran ½-½ 43 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Round 2 (May 4, 2019)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri 1-0 42 A46 Queen's Pawn Opening
Anton Guijarro, David - Sevian, Samuel ½-½ 64 A28 English Four Knights
Adhiban, Baskaran - Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel 1-0 23 A17 English Opening
Round 3 (May 5, 2019)
Sevian, Samuel - Adhiban, Baskaran 1-0 40 B90 Sicilian Najdorf Variation
Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel - Ivanchuk, Vassily 0-1 38 C42 Petroff's Defence
Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri - Anton Guijarro, David ½-½ 29 C47 Four Knights
Round 4 (May 6, 2019)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Sevian, Samuel ½-½ 24 E48 Nimzo Indian
Anton Guijarro, David - Adhiban, Baskaran 1-0 45 E71 King's Indian 5.h3
Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri - Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel ½-½ 54 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Round 5 (May 7, 2019)
Sevian, Samuel - Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri ½-½ 39 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel - Anton Guijarro, David ½-½ 16 C74 Ruy Lopez Modern Steinitz
Adhiban, Baskaran - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½ 55 A32 English Symmetrical
Round 6 (May 9, 2019)
Sevian, Samuel - Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel 0-1 47 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Anton Guijarro, David - Ivanchuk, Vassily ½-½ 44 E20 Nimzo Indian
Adhiban, Baskaran - Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri ½-½ 57 D37 QGD 5.Bf4
Round 7 (May 10, 2019)
Sevian, Samuel - Anton Guijarro, David ½-½ 37 C80 Ruy Lopez Open
Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel - Adhiban, Baskaran ½-½ 26 C07 French Tarrasch
Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri - Ivanchuk, Vassily 0-1 45 B31 Sicilian Rossolimo
Round 8 (May 11, 2019)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel 1-0 40 B30 Sicilian Rossolimo
Anton Guijarro, David - Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri 1-0 31 A07 Barcza System
Adhiban, Baskaran - Sevian, Samuel ½-½ 51 A07 Barcza System
Round 9 (May 12, 2019)
Sevian, Samuel - Ivanchuk, Vassily 1-0 48 B40 Sicilian Classical
Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel - Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri ½-½ 40 C92 Ruy Lopez Chigorin
Adhiban, Baskaran - Anton Guijarro, David 0-1 58 C83 Ruy Lopez Open
Round 10 (May 13, 2019)
Ivanchuk, Vassily - Adhiban, Baskaran 1-0 37 A42 Modern Defence
Anton Guijarro, David - Albornoz Cabrera, Carlos Daniel ½-½ 79
Gonzalez Vidal, Yuri - Sevian, Samuel 0-1 42 C47 Four Knights

54th Capablanca Mem Open (10 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1))

54th Capablanca Mem Open Havana CUB Fri 3rd May 2019 - Mon 13th May 2019
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
113Fernandez De La Vara ArnaldoIMCUB24788.0240065.552.0
222Diaz Perez Michel AlejandroIMCUB24188.0240059.051.0
37Martinez Duany Lelys StanleyGMCUB25137.5239665.552.5
415Oliva Castaneda KevelGMCUB24527.5239058.550.0
53Almeida Quintana OmarGMCUB25407.5238768.054.0
64Ortiz Suarez Isan ReynaldoGMCUB25237.0244669.055.0
710Sambuev BatorGMCAN24907.0243667.054.5
81Quesada Perez YasserGMCUB25587.0242464.052.0
98Krysa LeandroGMARG25117.0240665.551.5
1023Hernandez Gonzalez WilliamIMCUB24177.0238161.549.0
1117Soto Hernandez HenryIMCUB24517.0231761.049.5
1224Ochoa De La Rosa Manuel DarioFMCUB24177.0231259.047.0
1336Gomez Fontal Felix ManuelIMCUB23647.0229956.044.5
1460Piedra Salabarria ErnestoFMCUB23067.0229755.544.0
1518Acosta Pablo IsmaelIMARG24457.0226452.041.5
1662Batista Suarez Jeorling YahytinFMCUB22987.0223152.041.5
1772Leon Valdes Jony WilsonFMCUB22856.5247664.552.0
1811Miranda Mesa ElierGMCUB24836.5239965.051.5
199Aguero Jimenez Luis LazaroIMCUB25086.5238464.552.0
2014Berdayes Ason Dylan IsidroIMCUB24566.5237863.050.5
2116Gonzalez Acosta BernalGMCRC24516.5235463.050.5
2250Diaz Hernandez HeribertoFMCUB23376.5234460.048.0
2347Mieles Palau DanielIMECU23456.5233758.547.5
2439Mihajlov SebastianIMNOR23606.5232658.047.0
252Cuenca Jimenez Jose FernandoGMESP25486.5231058.047.0
2619Diaz Murgada RiderIMCUB24436.5230657.545.5
275Quesada Perez Luis ErnestoGMCUB25186.5229657.045.5
2825Borges Matos JuanGMCUB24136.5229258.547.0
2943Drazic SinisaGMSRB23556.5228754.043.5
3059Alvarez Fernandez Carlos ReneFMCUB23116.5227155.043.5
3132Aguilera Rodriguez Alfredo R.FMCUB23806.5226855.044.5
3244Perez Leiva Jerzy JesusFMCUB23546.5226157.046.0
3338Quesada Vera LiordisIMCUB23616.5224453.042.5
3445Coto Mederos MichelFMCUB23526.5223451.040.5
3556Lopez Gonzalez Abel FabianIMCUB23296.0236961.550.0
36116Gonzalez Gomez RonierCUB21846.0233658.547.5
3726Fernandez Garcia Jose LuisGMESP24136.0232361.048.0
3837Gomez Sanchez Jorge MarcosIMCUB23616.0231559.047.0
3971Benitez Lozano JavierFMMEX22876.0230854.544.0
4053Cardoso Cardoso Jose GabrielFMCOL23336.0230659.047.0
4140Yanes Canizares AlejandroFMCUB23606.0229556.545.5
4235Vitier Vazquez CristianFMCUB23726.0229457.046.0
4348Elias Reyes Jorge RobertoFMCUB23416.0229155.544.5
4431Hernandez Sanchez Jairo AndresIMCOL23856.0227355.544.0
4555Gutierrez Delgado Yusuan A.FMCUB23316.0226156.545.0
466Espinosa Veloz ErmesGMCUB25166.0225457.547.0
4779Garavito Miguel AngelFMCOL22756.0224145.036.0
4869Arias Santana MauricioIMCRC22886.0223752.542.0
4973Larduet Despaigne CarlosFMCUB22846.0223554.043.0
5033Duran Vega SergioIMCRC23786.0223348.039.5
221 players


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