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53rd Capablanca Memorial 2018 (Games and Results)

53rd Capablanca Memorial 2018

The 53rd Capablanca Memorial took place 9th-20th May 2018. Players: Samuel Shankland, Lazaro Bruzon Batista, Aleksey Dreev, David Anton Guijarro, Aleksandr Rakhmanov and Yusnel Bacallao Alonso. Sam Shankland followed up his US Chess Championship win with a comfortable win in the Capablanca Memorial.

53rd Capablanca Memorial 2018 (Havana CUB)
Tue 8th May 2018 - Sun 20th May 2018 - Official Site - Results - Live

53rd Capablanca Mem Elite (6 players 10 Rds DRR Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Elite

53rd Capablanca Mem Open (10 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1))

53rd Capablanca Mem Elite (6 players 10 Rds DRR Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Elite


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53rd Capablanca Mem Elite Havana CUB Tue 8th May 2018 - Sun 20th May 2018
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
14Shankland Samuel LUSA27017.531.502.0
25Dreev AlekseyRUS26536.028.752.5
31Anton Guijarro DavidESP26465.525.001.5
43Rakhmanov AleksandrRUS26354.019.252.0
52Bacallao Alonso YusnelCUB25943.516.251.5
6Bruzon Batista LazaroCUB26643.516.251.5
6 players

53rd Capablanca Mem Open (10 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1))

53rd Capablanca Mem Open Havana CUB Tue 8th May 2018 - Sun 20th May 2018
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
12Cruz CristhianPER25627.568.562.556.5
210Martinez Duany Lelys StanleyCUB25077.565.060.055.0
316Gomez Garrido Camilo ErnestoCUB24927.560.556.051.0
414Cuenca Jimenez Jose FernandoESP24997.559.054.549.5
58Sambuev BatorCAN25217.552.548.043.5
66Martinez Alcantara Jose EduardoPER25277.065.560.554.5
77Almeida Quintana OmarCUB25217.065.060.554.5
838Berdayes Ason Dylan IsidroCUB24067.062.057.552.0
922Quesada Perez Luis ErnestoCUB24627.061.557.052.0
1012Vera Siguenas DeivyPER25037.061.557.052.0
1111Albornoz Cabrera Carlos DanielCUB25077.
129Oliva Castaneda KevelCUB25117.059.554.549.0
1321Cori Quispe Kevin JoelPER24657.059.054.549.5
1417Fernandez De La Vara ArnaldoCUB24777.
1519Jimenez Fraga Pedro AlejandroCUB24677.057.052.548.0
1652Hernandez Sanchez Jairo AndresCOL23777.
173Quesada Perez YasserCUB25586.564.058.553.0
181Gonzalez Vidal YuriCUB25646.563.057.552.0
1925Diaz Perez Michel AlejandroCUB24476.561.056.050.5
205Espinosa Veloz ErmesCUB25446.558.054.049.0
2136Hernandez Gonzalez WilliamCUB24146.557.552.547.5
2240Martinez Martin DavidESP24036.557.053.048.0
2374Dieguez Alvarez Mario EnriqueCUB23206.555.551.046.5
2437Fernandez Guillen Ernesto J.CUB24106.554.550.545.5
2518Aguero Jimenez Luis LazaroCUB24726.553.549.044.5
2676Lopez Gonzalez Abel FabianCUB23186.553.049.545.5
2753Quesada Vera LiordisCUB23736.553.049.545.0
2833Borges Feria YaselCUB24326.553.048.544.0
2946Cori T. DeysiPER23876.551.047.042.5
3015Garcia Pantoja RobertoCUB24946.065.059.554.0
314Ortiz Suarez Isan ReynaldoCUB25566.062.056.551.0
3232Diaz Murgada RiderCUB24356.061.056.551.5
3320Soto Hernandez HenryCUB24666.060.556.051.0
3494Mendez Fortes Eduardo JesusCUB22816.059.054.549.5
3513Nogueiras Santiago JesusCUB25016.058.554.049.0
3629Borges Matos JuanCUB24366.
3726Rios Cristhian CamiloCOL24456.057.553.048.5
3835Ordaz Valdes Lisandra TeresaCUB24146.056.553.048.5
3955Ruiz Castillo Joshua DanielCOL23716.056.552.548.0
4031Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo ReynaldoCUB24356.055.050.545.5
41128Hernandez Sotelo Jose I.CUB21826.054.551.548.0
4290Fuentes Dominguez FelixCUB22896.054.551.547.0
4367Rodriguez Rodriguez JavierCUB23406.054.550.546.0
4461Duran Vega SergioCRC23606.053.550.046.0
4543Otero Acosta DiasmanyCUB23946.053.549.545.0
4642Gomez Sanchez Jorge MarcosCUB23976.053.549.044.0
4763Garcia Carey OsmelCUB23536.053.049.545.5
4828Ochoa De La Rosa Manuel DarioCUB24376.052.047.542.5
4954Gomez Fontal Felix ManuelCUB23726.051.547.543.5
5070Cardoso Cardoso Jose GabrielCOL23336.051.547.543.5
205 players


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