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52nd Capablanca Memorial 2017 (Games and Results)

52nd Capablanca Memorial 2017

The 52nd Capablanca Memorial took place 26th May to 6th June 2017. Players: Vassily Ivanchuk Emilio Cordova, Krishnan Sasikiran, Sam Shankland, Kacper Piorun and Isan Reynaldo Ortiz Suarez. There was an open alongside. Krishnan Sasikiran won with 6.5/10 a point clear of Vassily Ivanchuk (defeated in the final round) and Sam Shankland.

52nd Capablanca Memorial 2017 (Matanzas CUB)
Fri 26th May 2017 - Tue 6th Jun 2017 - Official Site - Live

52nd Capablanca Mem Elite (6 players 10 Rds DRR Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Elite

52nd Capablanca Mem Open (10 Rds Swiss Indiv TC:90m:30m+30spm(1))

52nd Capablanca Mem Elite (6 players 10 Rds DRR Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1)) - Games in PGN: Games Elite


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52nd Capablanca Mem Elite Matanzas CUB Fri 26th May 2017 - Tue 6th Jun 2017
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
1Sasikiran KrishnanGMIND2669***½ ½½ 11 ½½ ½½ 16.56.530.504.0
2Ivanchuk VassilyGMUKR2738½ ½***1 0½ 01 1½ ½5.55.526.002.5
3Shankland Samuel LGMUSA2676½ 00 1***½ ½1 ½½ 15.55.525.002.5
4Piorun KacperGMPOL26380 ½½ 1½ ½***0 ½½
5Ortiz Suarez Isan ReynaldoGMCUB2570½ ½0 00 ½1 ½***½ ½4.
6Cordova EmilioGMPER2645½ 0½ ½½ 0½ 0½ ½***3.53.518.002.5
6 players

52nd Capablanca Mem Open (10 Rds Swiss Indiv TC: 90m:30m+30spm(1))

52nd Capablanca Mem Open Matanzas CUB Fri 26th May 2017 - Tue 6th Jun 2017
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
12BACALLAO ALONSO YusnelGMCUB25547.565.052.039.5
219GALLEGO ALCARAZ Andres FelipeIMCOL24487.559.047.536.0
45MATSENKO SergeiIMRUS25267.064.051.539.0
535QUESADA PEREZ Luis ErnestoFMCUB24027.063.552.039.0
642LOPEZ GONZALEZ Abel FabianIMCUB23677.063.551.538.5
713VORONTSOV PavloIMUKR24927.061.550.038.5
81BARYSHPOLETS AndreyGMUKR25917.059.547.536.0
1015AGUERO JIMENEZ Luis LazaroIMCUB24577.057.546.535.0
1111OLIVA CASTANEDA KevelIMCUB24987.055.544.032.5
136GOMEZ GARRIDO Camilo ErnestoGMCUB25246.564.551.538.5
144MOROVIC FERNANDEZ IvanGMCHI25356.563.551.539.0
1528VALDERRAMA QUICENO Esteban AFMCOL24286.561.549.537.5
169MARTINEZ DUANY Lelys StanleyGMCUB25136.561.549.037.0
1740DIAZ PEREZ Michel AlejandroFMCUB23866.559.047.035.5
1838MARTINEZ RAMIREZ LennisFMCUB23906.559.046.535.0
1923VERA GONZALEZ-QUEVEDO ReynaldGMCUB24396.558.046.534.5
2014ALBORNOZ CABRERA Carlos DanieFMCUB24756.556.545.533.5
2121DELGADO RAMOS HectorIMCUB24476.554.043.032.0
2217BORGES MATOS JuanGMCUB24526.553.542.532.0
2377VARGAS RODRIGUEZ WilverFMCUB22526.553.042.532.5
2416RUIZ SANCHEZ OrlenIMCUB24556.553.042.031.5
25105CARDOSO CARDOSO Jose GabrielFMCOL21386.549.541.032.0
2610LOBRON EricGMGER25076.
2726MARTINEZ ROMERO MartinIMCOL24356.060.548.036.0
2832BORGES FERIA YaselFMCUB24186.059.548.036.0
298ESPINOSA VELOZ ErmesIMCUB25156.059.047.535.5
3127GOMEZ SANCHEZ Jorge MarcosFMCUB24306.
3233FERNANDEZ DE LA VARA ArnaldoFMCUB24076.056.044.533.5
3358DE LA FE ALMEIDA Enmanuel JesFMCUB23156.055.545.534.5
3475MIRANDA LLANES YerisbelWIMCUB22596.055.544.533.5
3561CU HOR Winston DarwinFMGUA23066.055.544.533.0
3620DIAZ MURGADA RiderFMCUB24486.054.543.032.0
3776LLAUDY PUPO LisandraWIMCUB22556.
3885LARDUET DESPAIGNE CarlosFMCUB22256.053.544.034.0
3936JUAREZ FLORES Carlos A.IMGUA23986.053.543.033.0
4037ORDAZ VALDES Lisandra TeresaWGMCUB23926.053.542.531.5
4164PIEDRA SALABARRIA ErnestoCUB23006.049.038.528.5
4245ELIAS REYES Jorge RobertoFMCUB23625.561.550.038.0
4339HERNANDEZ GONZALEZ WilliamFMCUB23875.559.047.535.5
4468CAMPOS JIMENEZ Augusto CesarIMCUB22835.557.046.035.0
4524OTERO ACOSTA DiasmanyIMCUB24385.557.045.534.0
4673RODRIGUEZ HERNANDEZ Luis DaniFMCUB22645.555.044.032.0
4766MEDINA DIAZ Rafael AlejandroFMCUB22945.554.543.532.5
4846VITIER VAZQUEZ CristianFMCUB23615.554.043.532.5
4912ARENAS DavidGMCOL24925.554.043.532.0
5047TORRES ROSAS Luis CarlosIMMEX23605.553.542.531.5
147 players


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