4th London Chess Classic 2012 (Press Release)
4th London Chess Classic is on
IM Malcolm Pein - Thursday 5th April 2012
IM Malcolm Pein looks on as Member of Parliament Yasmin Qureshi makes the opening move in Luke's game against the World Champion. Photo © Ray Morris-Hill. | http://www.londonchessclassic.com
IM Malcolm Pein in a press release below confirms that the 4th London Chess Classic will take place 1st-10th December 2012. Further announcements as to venue and players will follow.
4th London Chess Classic confirmed
London 5th April 2012
I am delighted to announce that the 4th London Chess Classic will be held from December 1st -10th, 2012. The tournament will again be a nine player all play all. I will announce the players, venue and prize fund in due course.
The tournament should be at least as strong as the 3rd London Chess Classic and will run along broadly similar lines to the previous edition. There will be play on two weekends and I anticipate organising weekend and FIDE rated side events.
Chess in Schools and Communities will organise free classes and tournaments for schools as well as courses for potential chess teachers. The opening ceremony will take place on November 30th and the fund raising dinner for CSC will be on December 10th.
Malcolm Pein
Chief Executive