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4NCL Online League 2020 (Games and Results)

4NCL Online League 2020

The 4NCL Online League takes place Tue 7th Apr to Sat 6th Jun 2020. The league replaces the regular season that has been halted due to the coronavirus. The time control is 45 minutes + 10 seconds a move. Games are played a 7:30pm on a Tuesday on Lichess. There is a 32 team top league - 10 rounds will be played followed by an 8 team knockout final phase to decide the winner. There are 5 divisions of varying strengths - who knows - I may turn up playing in one of the lower sections. Anti-cheating measures are in place.

4NCL Online 2020 ( INT)
Tue 7th Apr 2020 - Sat 6th Jun 2020 - Official Site - Results - Live

4NCL Online Div1 2020 (10 Rds League Club TC:45m+15spm) - Games in PGN: Games Prelim

4NCL Online Div1 Playoffs (8 players 3 Rds KO Club TC:45m+15spm)

4NCL Online Div2 2020 (10 Rds League Club TC:45m+15spm)

4NCL Online Div2 Playoffs (8 players 3 Rds KO Club TC:45m+15spm)

4NCL Online Div1 2020 (10 Rds League Club TC: 45m+15spm) - Games in PGN: Games Prelim


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4NCL Online Div1 2020 INT Tue 7th Apr 2020 - Sat 6th Jun 2020
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
Group A
1Guildford Young Guns10613sxb 3sxma 3alb 2½nor 4soa 2½cpa 1½wat1 2bat 2ark 3blk 21511994
2Watford 110721cpa 1soa 2½sxb 3sxma 3alb 3nor 4gyg 2bona 2½sur1 1½kesa 3½159986
3ChessPlus Alpha10523wat1 3sxb 2sxma 2alb 2nor 4gyg 2½soa 4wgn 1gona 2½wro1 113119105
4Sussex Social Isolators10532gyg 1cpa 2wat1 1soa 3sxma 3alb 2½nor 4gonb 1½atta 2½wib1 2126688
5Alba10361soa 1nor 4gyg 1½cpa 2wat1 1sxb 1½sxma 1kgh 3ang1 1½gri 374596
6Spirit of Atticus10262alb 3wat1 1½nor 4sxb 1gyg 1½sxma 2cpa 0dun ½shr1 1wim1 262283
7Sussex Auguries10262nor 4gyg 1cpa 2wat1 1sxb 1soa 2alb 3bro 1½oxf1 1cel1 1½633100
8Northumbria Vikings100100sxma 0alb 0soa 0gyg 0cpa 0wat1 0sxb 0wuna 0wgm 0bar 000112
Group B
1Surbiton 110712gona 2½shr1 2atta 3oxf1 3½ang1 2½wgm 2ark 2½kesa 3½wat1 2½bona 01614991
2Anglian Avengers 110631shr1 3wgm 2½ark 2gona 3sur1 1½atta 3oxf1 1½gri 1½alb 2½kgh 3139991
3Wood Green Monarchs10631oxf1 3½ang1 1½shr1 3ark 2½gona 2½sur1 2atta 2½bar 1½nor 4wuna 1139493
4Oxford 110640wgm ½ark 1½gona 1sur1 ½atta 3shr1 2½ang1 2½cel1 2½sxma 3bro 3½129695
5Gonzaga10541sur1 1½atta 3oxf1 3ang1 1wgm 1½ark 2½shr1 4wro1 2cpa 1½wgn 411103116
6Arkell's Angels10361atta 3oxf1 2½ang1 2wgm 1½shr1 2½gona 1½sur1 1½blk 1½gyg 1bat 1755117
7Shropshire 110262ang1 1sur1 2wgm 1atta 2ark 1½oxf1 1½gona 0wim1 4soa 3dun ½63590
8Atticus A10181ark 1gona 1sur1 1shr1 2oxf1 1ang1 1wgm 1½wib1 3sxb 1½gonb 1½324113
Group C
1Chessable White Rose 110901kesa 3wib1 3½cel1 2½gri 4bar 4blk 4wim1 4gona 2wgn 2½cpa 31918598
2Celtic Tigers10631bar 2½blk 3½wro1 1½kesa 3wib1 1wim1 3gri 2oxf1 1½bro 3½sxma 2½139291
3Barbican 4NCL10541cel1 1½gri 1½wim1 4blk 2½wro1 0kesa 2½wib1 2wgm 2½wuna 1nor 4116995
4Blackthorne Russia10541wib1 3cel1 ½gri 3bar 1½wim1 4wro1 0kesa 4ark 2½bat ½gyg 21179107
5Grischuk Grizzlies10442wim1 4bar 2½blk 1wro1 0kesa 3wib1 ½cel1 2ang1 2½kgh 2alb 1107995
6West is Best 110343blk 1wro1 ½kesa 2wim1 3½cel1 3gri 3½bar 2atta 1gonb 1½sxb 297799
7Kent KJCA Kestrels A10172wro1 1wim1 1½wib1 2cel1 1gri 1bar 1½blk 0sur1 ½bona 2½wat1 ½425113
8Wimbledon 110082gri 0kesa 1½bar 0wib1 ½blk 0cel1 1wro1 0shr1 -1dun ½soa 221096
Group D
1Battersea Horses10703gonb 2½bro 3½kgh 4wuna 3dun 2wgn 2bona 4gyg 2blk 3½ark 317168102
2Warwick University A10622bro 1½kgh 2dun 3½bat 1wgn 2bona 2½gonb 3½nor 4bar 3wgm 31412496
3Wood Green10622bona 3gonb 3½bro 3kgh 4wuna 2bat 2dun 3cpa 3wro1 1½gona 014139115
4Gonzaga B Sharps10730bat 1½wgn ½bona 3½dun 3bro 3kgh 2½wuna ½sxb 2½wib1 2½atta 2½1410296
5Broadland Kestrels10361wuna 2½bat ½wgn 1bona 2gonb 1dun 2½kgh 1sxma 2½cel1 ½oxf1 ½761110
6Bon Accord A10361wgn 1dun 3gonb ½bro 2kgh 2½wuna 1½bat 0wat1 1½kesa 1½sur1 4765114
7Dundee10361kgh ½bona 1wuna ½gonb 0bat 2bro 1½wgn 1soa 3½wim1 2½shr1 3½74593
8King's Head10262dun 3½wuna 2bat 0wgn 0bona 1½gonb 1½bro 3alb 1gri 2ang1 1652110
36 teams

4NCL Online Div1 Playoffs (8 players 3 Rds KO Club TC: 45m+15spm)

4NCL Online Div1 Playoffs INT Tue 7th Apr 2020 - Sat 6th Jun 2020
Leading Final Round 3 Standings:
1Chessable White Rose 13
2Guildford Young Guns1
1Chessable White Rose 13
2Wood Green Monarchs1
1Guildford Young Guns4
2Anglian Avengers 10d
Quarter Finals
1Chessable White Rose 12
2Celtic Tigers2
1Wood Green Monarchs3
2Battersea Horses1
1Guildford Young Guns3.5
2Warwick University A0.5
1Anglian Avengers 13
2Watford 11
8 players

4NCL Online Div2 2020 (10 Rds League Club TC: 45m+15spm)

4NCL Online Div2 2020 INT Tue 7th Apr 2020 - Sat 6th Jun 2020
Leading Final Round 10 Standings:
Group A
1Liverpool10613ply 3½ang2 3½mkp1 1½bua 2gonc 2½csc1 3sta1 4yun 2har1 2½daf1 21511783
2Bristol University A10415ang2 2mkp1 2½gonc 2liv 2csc1 2sta1 3½ply 2½wesa ½kesb 2sch 2½139993
3Gonzaga C-ing is Believing10523mkp1 2sta1 2½bua 2ply 3½liv 1½ang2 ½csc1 3½oxf2 3asha 2tit 3136873
4MK Phoenix 110451gonc 2bua 1½liv 2½csc1 1½sta1 2½ply 4ang2 2½exe ½saba 1½wgy ½973100
5Anglian Avengers 210343bua 2liv ½csc1 2sta1 2ply 4gonc 3½mkp1 1½sxmb 2½wro2 1½rfe ½96895
6CSC 110253sta1 1½ply 2½ang2 2mkp1 2½bua 2liv 1gonc ½wig1 2sba 1cat1 1758109
7St Albans 110172csc1 2½gonc 1½ply 1ang2 2mkp1 1½bua ½liv 0mara 1hig 1cpb 2439102
8Plymouth10190liv ½csc1 1½sta1 3gonc ½ang2 0mkp1 0bua 1½csc2 1½braa 1½mus1 12897
Group B
1Chessable White Rose 210901kesb 3har1 2½sba 2hig 3braa 2½asha 4saba 2½rfe 2½ang2 2½sxmb 31915183
2St Benildus A10721hig 1braa 4wro2 2saba 2½kesb 2½har1 2½asha 3cat1 2½csc1 3wig1 1½15139101
3Kent KJCA Kestrels B10343wro2 1saba 2asha 3har1 3sba 1½hig 2braa 3sch 1½bua 2wesa 1½973109
4Harrow 110352braa 3½wro2 1½saba 2kesb 1asha 2½sba 1½hig 2daf1 1½liv 1½yun 3½856105
5Ashfield Anonymous A10352saba 3hig 2½kesb 1braa 1½har1 1½wro2 0sba 1tit 3gonc 2oxf2 284791
6Higgie's Heroes10352sba 2asha 1½braa 1½wro2 1saba 2½kesb 2har1 2cpb 1½sta1 3mara ½867102
7Bradford DCA Knights A10361har1 ½sba 0hig 2½asha 2½wro2 1½saba 1kesb 1mus1 1ply 2½csc2 274895
8Streatham A10262asha 1kesb 2har1 2sba 1½hig 1½braa 3wro2 1½wgy 1mkp1 2½exe 1½649114
Group C
1Wood Green Youth10901tit 3sch 3daf1 3½cat1 3½cpb 2mus1 4rfe 2½saba 3exe 3mkp1 3½1916892
2ChessPlus Beta10712cat1 1tit 2½mus1 3½rfe 2½wgy 2sch 3½daf1 3hig 2½mara 3sta1 21612790
3Catford Cosmonauts 110721cpb 3mus1 3½rfe 3wgy ½sch 3daf1 2tit 3½sba 1½wig1 4csc1 315130105
4Downend 110532mus1 1½rfe 2½wgy ½sch 3½tit 4cat1 2cpb 1har1 2½yun 3liv 21286101
5Schach Attack10460rfe 2½wgy 1tit 3daf1 ½cat1 1cpb ½mus1 3kesb 2½wesa 1½bua 1½846115
6Mushrooms 110460daf1 2½cat1 ½cpb ½tit 3rfe 1½wgy 0sch 1braa 3csc2 1½ply 384297
7Rhyfelwyr Essyllwg10370sch 1½daf1 1½cat1 0cpb 1½mus1 2½tit 3wgy 1½wro2 ½sxmb 1ang2 3½634113
8Throw in the Tal100100wgy 1cpb 1½sch 1mus1 1daf1 0rfe 1cat1 ½asha 1oxf2 1gonc 100111
Group D
1Wessex Some Stars A10811sxmb 3½exe 2½oxf2 3yun 3½wig1 1½mara 2½csc2 2bua 3½sch 2½kesb 2½1715497
2Wigston 110514mara 2½csc2 4sxmb 2exe 2wesa 2½yun 2oxf2 3csc1 2cat1 0sba 2½14152107
3Exeter Honey Badgers10532oxf2 3wesa 1½yun 1wig1 2mara 3csc2 2sxmb 2½mkp1 3½wgy 1saba 2½12102106
4CSC 210424yun 3wig1 0mara 2oxf2 2½sxmb 1½exe 2wesa 2ply 2½mus1 2½braa 2129089
5Maryport Assassins A10442wig1 1½oxf2 2csc2 2sxmb 3exe 1wesa 1½yun 3sta1 2cpb 1hig 3½1068102
6Sussex Starlings10361wesa ½yun 3½wig1 2mara 1csc2 2½oxf2 1exe 1½ang2 1½rfe 3wro2 1762111
7Yorkshire Universities10262csc2 1sxmb ½exe 3wesa ½oxf2 2½wig1 2mara 1liv 2daf1 1har1 ½665113
8Oxford 210262exe 1mara 2wesa 1csc2 1½yun 1½sxmb 3wig1 1gonc 1tit 3asha 263299
36 teams

4NCL Online Div2 Playoffs (8 players 3 Rds KO Club TC: 45m+15spm)

4NCL Online Div2 Playoffs INT Tue 7th Apr 2020 - Sat 6th Jun 2020
Leading Final Round 3 Standings:
1ChessPlus Beta2*
2Wood Green Youth2
1Wood Green Youth2.5
2St Benildus A1.5
1ChessPlus Beta3
2Chessable White Rose 21
Quarter Finals
1Wood Green Youth3
2Exeter Honey Badgers1
1Chessable White Rose 23
2Bristol University A1
1St Benildus A2
2Wessex Some Stars A2
1ChessPlus Beta2.5
8 players


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